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The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, October
27s 1971, in the Ssleatmen`s Nesting Room of the Town Office Building, Lax-
ington. Present vets Commissioners Wilber M. Jaquith, Chairman= Philip B.
Parsons, Searetaryt George l&. Graves= Donald J. Shax= Georgia H. Williams:
atxl Associate Co~issionsra George W. Rmmry and S. I.axrenee Whipple. Mr.
Bmsry vas appointed to sit for Mr. Shan xho xas unable to serve on this ad«+
~aurned hearing. Also present xas Judith Uhrig of 15 Yins Brook Road, a
representative of the league of Women Yoters Observer Corps.
An ad~onrnsd hearing xaa held on the application of the Supreme Council
of The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry for a Permit for Demo-
lition or Removal of the buildings on the premises at 1162 Maaaaahvaetta
Avenue and for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the creation of a museum
and library buildings on said premises, which is xithin the Hanros Tavern
Distriot. Present for the petitioner vats George A. Nexbaty, Grand Command
er of the Supreme Council of Buffalo, New Xork= Stanley F. Maxxell, EXscu-~
five Secretary of the Supreme Coneseil~ and Hugh Shepley and Donald Tellalian
of the architectural firm of Shepley, Bulfinah, Riahardaon and Abbott. A
model shoring cr=ating trees and the proposed mnaews+»library complex xas
displayed and three small wale draxinga of the Massaehusetta Avenue aids of
the complex were submitted. The proposed building to be ersoted where the
house currently stands is not as tali as the satiating home. The buildings
rill be of red briok, glass, copper shields against the xindoxs on the Maasa~
ehusetta Arenne aide., and aopper roofs xhiah rill be oiled to a dark brawn
shade xithout any roof overhangs. There x111 be a one story gallery at the
puncture of Maasaahnsetta Avenue and Marrett Road which rill be 36" in height
to the peak. The xindoxs rill bs ast in frames. It is expected that the
brick rill gave texture and the trees xith their chadors x111 give richness
to the bnild3.nga. The copper to be used as shields by the xindoxs x111 not
turn green and the glass x111 be clear and not tinted. There rill be alere•
story lights on the inside of the upper portion of the galleries xhiah are
expected to give snftieient bighting on normal days. Specific eases x111
probably be lighted and there will be lighting. for nights and dull days. The
baildimg is 35` -to the ridge and 60~' long.. Mr. Persona asked Mr. Shepley if
they know xhat type of brick rill be need. i+lr. Shepley replied that, sines
brick from rood fired kilns is no longer available, they x=11 use a hard
burned nine red brick xith aom® variations although not too much variation.
Mr. Whipple asked iY bonding is standard and Mr. Shepley replied that there
are various types of bonding that can be used and that visual. importance rill
probably decide the type used. A4r, Jaquith asked if there xould be say laxd~
soaping close to the buildings. Mr. ?iaca?ell replied that they x311 bring in
landscape arahiteats and do considerable Lndscaping and planting. Hs added
that, "inapite of what our arahiteets have said, xe do not like a lot of
brink rail exposed".
Mr. Jaquith stated that there xaa a problem of bringing 3n designs of
the various buildings of the complex. Mr. Shepley replied that there xaa a
lot of work to bs dons before the draxinga xers oompleted. He explained that
~ t~l
HISTORIC DISTRICTS CO1~fl2ISSI01~ « Page 2 October 27s 19?i
they present detailed draxings to their clients to xork out changes before
they start the xorking draxings and they are .not at the arid. of their preli«
Binary draxings yet. Mr. Tellalian said that in terse of arahite?cttira7. char
attar they do not expect to sake mayor changes in the I!'as:aahnaetts Avenue
side. 14r. Graves said that hs xas disappointed that the lon~ge xas slisi-
Hated Eros its original location. Mr. Nexbary said that this xas the resotry
est part of the area for a lounge and it xould bs difficult to locate it
.there Eros a aecr~tri.ty angle. Mr. Shepley said that at the end of the design
phase, they then sake fall elevations, Mr. Jaquith said that the problem of
the Comdasion is that basically they have to decide if the arahitecstnral
schese is appropeiate. Ar~Y Certificate issued xonld have to be conditional
upon final. plans.
Mr. Nexbnsry said that they xonld like to sign a contract with the arohi«
teats so that the contract can be let to start aonatruct3.on in the spring of
1973 xith completion and dedication in 1975. It xas asked hex long it x111
' take to get ready for Iett3ng of the contract. Mr. Shepley said that 1t
xonld take three to four months to develop the design draxings that all have
to agree upon and then another five to six months to do the xorking draxings.
I~lr, itewbury said that it xould be a terrible disappointment if they cannot
dedicate the cosplea in 1975. Mr. Maxxell asked Mr. Jaquith hex long it xonld
take the Commission to xorlc out the conditions and Nr. Jaquith said that he
thought a decision could be reached in tvo to three xseks. Mr. Nexbary asked
xhat the conditions xould be. Mr. Jaquith stated that xs have schesatia dw
sign elevations only and the Cossiasion is ooncernsd xith the exterior arahi-
teetotal features of the entire cosplex and that the library and auditorium
need the most xork. Mr. Jaquith aontitmed by saying that the Cosmiaslon can-
xiet give a blank check to go ahead as it has to protect the Toxn. He added
tit the tinilding Inspector checks xarking draxinga against the draxings ap-
proved by the Caa~mi.ssion. bfr. t~nrbnry stated that the cost of erecting the
cosplex is one-half the amount of ssney to be raised as they rant to have at
least an equal amovrit for future maintenance and running of the snasvm and
library in the f~itnre. Basically it will be historical xith strong patriotic
exhibits and that the l+fasonic section of the sussas rill be a sinor part. The
hearing was adjourned at 9145 P.M.
At this point Mr. Jaquith turned the meeting over to 1Kr. Shax ao that
cation sight be tak'sn on the hearings of October 20, 1971. Mr, Emery xas ap-
pointed to asrre for I~lr. Jaquith.
Mr. Shax stated that Iir. MaI(amara had called him to state that theta xas
insufficient apse to instal]. 'blinds on the xindoxs in the txo peaks. Mr.
3hax read the Certificate he had drafted and it xas soved~ seaondsd, and arr*
animously VOTED to issue a Certificate to 1Prancis B. MaNamara~ Jr. xith re+
spect to the installation of alusinum storm windoxs and xooden blinds on the
dxelling at 9 Joseph Road, xhich is within the East Pillage District. Partial
cipating in this decision xere Cossiasionera Donald J. Shax, Chairsan Pro Tam=
Philip B. Paraons~ 3ecretaryi George E. Graves= Georgia H. Williams; and Assoc
date Con~isaioner George W. Emery.
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HLSTOR'CC DISTRICTS COI+NLCSSION w page 2 October 27, 1971
they present detailed drawings to their clients to work out changes before
they start the working drawings and they are not at the end of their prelims
ainary drawings yet. Hr. Tsllalian said that in terns of arohitectnral chary
enter they do not expect to Hake mayor ohangea in the Massaohusetta Avenue
aide. Hr. Graves said that he was disappoittted that the lounge was elimi-
nated from its original location. Hr. Newbury said that this was the remotr
eat part of the area for a lounge and it would be difficult to boats it
there from a security angle. Hr. Shepley said that at the end of the design
phase, they then make full elevations. Mr. Jaquith said that the problem of
the Commission is that basioally they have to dsoide if the architeotural
scheme is appropOriate. Arm Csrtifiaate issued world have to be oonditional
upon final plans.
Hr. Newbury said that they would like to sign a oontraot with the archi~
facts so that the oontraot oar be let to start construction in the spring of
1973 nth eesepi.etion and dedication in 1975• It was asked how long it will
take to get ready for letting of the contract. Hr. Shepley said that it
would take three to four months to develop the design drawings that all have
to agree upon and then another fiw to six months to do the working drawings.
Hr. Newbury said that it would be a terrible disappointment if they cannot
dedicate the complex in 1975. Ha~arell asked Hr. Jaquith her long it world
take the Commission to work out the conditions and Hr. Jaquith said that he
thought a decision could be reached in taro to three weeks. Hr. Newbury asked
what the conditions would be. Hr. Jaquith stated that xe have sohsmatio de-
sign elevations only and the Commission is conoernsd with the exterior archi-
teetotal features of the entire complex and that the library and auditorium
need the most work. Hr. Jaquith oontirra®d by saying that the Coffission eau- '
not give a blank check to go ahead as it has to protect the Town. He added
that the Handing Inspector checks working drawings against the drawings ap-
proved by the Commission. Mr. Newbury stated that the cost of erecting the
complex is one-half the amount of money to be raised as they want to have at
least an equal amount for future maintenance and tanning of the museum and
library in the future. Hasioally it will be histoMcal with strong patriotic
exhibits and that the ?fasonic section of the museum will be a minor part. The
hearing was ad3onrned at 9145 P.H.
At this point Hr. Jaquith turned the meeting over to 19~. Shax so that
action might be taken on the hearings of October 20, 1971. Hr. Emery was app
pointed to serve for Mr. Jaquith.
Mr. Shaw stated that Mr. McNamara had ns77ed. him to state that theta was
insufficient spans to instal]. blinds an the windows in the two peaks. Hr.
Shaw read the Cert3.1'icats he had drafted and it was movedr seconded, and un~
animously YOTED to issue a Certi.fioate to Frannie H. McNamara, Jr, with re`
spent to the installation of aluminum storm windows and wooden blinds on the
dwelling at 9 Joseph Road, which is within the East V311age District. Parties
cipating in this decision xere Commissioners Donald J. Shaw, Chairman Pro Tem;
Philip H. Parsons, Secretary; George E. Graves; Georgia H. Williams; and Asao~
oiate Commissioner George W. Emery.
~ Y
HISTORIC DISTRICTS CGN~33ION Page 3 October 27s 1971
It xaa moved, seconded, and unanimously YOTED to issue a CertifYoate
to Walter M. Lobe, Ina., subject to receipt of aatiafactory draxinga, for
the maint®nance and display mf sad ahangea in the e~dating sigma for tho
store at 1749 Massachusetts Avenue, xhiah is xithin the Battle Green DiaW
triat. Participating in this decision xere Commissioners Donald J. 3hax,
Chairman Pro Tem; Philip B. Parsons, Secretary; George E. Graves; Georgia
H. Williams; and Associate Commissioner George W. Esmsry.
It xas moved, seconded, and unanimously YOTED to issue a Certificate
to Kenneth A. King with respect tc? changes in the exterior arahitectnral
features of the building at 8 Wallis Court, xhiah is xithin the Battle
Green District. Participating in this decision xere Commissioners Donald
J. Shax, Chairman Pro Tem; Philip B. Persona, 9eoretary; George E. Graves;
Georgia H. Williams; and Associate Commissioner timorge W. Es~sry.
Mr. Jaquith resumed the Chair. Following discussion, it xaa moved,
aeoonded, and ananimously YOT&D to isau®a Certificate to I~iaholaa and
Elisabeth biabardy, upon receipt of satisfactory information oonoerning the
sign for the front of the store, with respect to the creation and display
of signs on the store at 43 Waltham Street, xhich is xithin the Battle
Green Diatriat. Participating in this decision xere Commissioners Wilber
M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Persona, Secretary; George E. Graves;
Donald J. Shax; and Georgia H. Williams.
l~r. Jaquith reported that Donald Irwin, Building Inspector, had ohoaked
the i966 draxings subadtted to him by the Minute Man Park Realty Trust for
a building permit against the Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the
Historic Districts Commission in February 1966 and the 1971 Plot Plans subs
mittsd to the Commission at the hearing on September 21, 1971. Mr. Trwin
feels that the plena are in order and that a building permit may be issued.
He has naked all Torn Officials, Boards, etc. if there are any problems as
far as they are oonoerned. The only diYficulty that he noted seems to be
that tho drawing specified a elate roof and the Certificate specified color-
bsatos elate xhiah Mr. Irwin said is an artificial elate and, if good, not
different Prom real slats except in cost. ~i
The meeting xas adjourned at 1
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~/1 ~CLr..
Philip B. Persona