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The Historic Districts Cossisaion hold a seating on Wednesdays. October
20, 1971, in the ffird Roos of the Cary l~ssoriaZ Bgilding, Le~dngton. Present
xere Cosdaaionera Philip 8. Paraoxia, Seoretaryt Gsorgs Graves; Ronald J.
9hax= and Associate Cossisaionsrs George W. ~r9 and Albert Pitt. 10•.
Parsons called the seating to order at 7f 35 P.M. Mr. Parscna saved that i~lr.
9hax aorre as Chsirsan Pro Trs iu the absence of Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairs„.
The lotion xaa ascended by Mr. Graves and so POT'BD. Mr. Shax appointecl.?h.
16sery to serve. for Mr. Jaquith and ~4r. Pitt to serve for Georgia Williasa
xho xaa unable to be present. Mr. Shax announced that per inatrnctiona of
the Board of Seleetsen the hearings xould be adjourned to Cary Hall.
Also present xaa Rsae Cochin,.Chairsan of the Observer Cosad.ttes of the
Leagae of Wosen Pcters.
A hearing xaa held at 7t43 P.K. on the application of Francis B. licl~asara,
Jr. for a Csrtifioate of Appropriateness xith reapeat to the installation of
alaainwa cosbination xirdoxs and shutters on the dxe311ng at 9 Joseph Road=.
xhioh is xithin ths'&ast Pillage Di.atriot. 1~. 3hax read the legal notice and
the application for the Certificate. Mr. MolYasara aubsitted three color photo
graphs of the house and specified on xhich xindowa anodised alus3.nua cosbina
Lion xindoxa xould bs installed and on xhioh blinds xould be installed. He
alas snbsitted a brochure ahoxing the t„yps of blind to be insta]1ed and stated
that sesbera of his Yasily xsnld like to have the blinds painted black. Fol~
lowing a diaouasion as to xhether the blinds should bs black or xhits, the
hearing xaa closed at 8f01 P.K.
A hearing xas held at 8103 P.M. on the application of Walter M. Cube, Inc.
for a Certificate of
Appropriatsmeas xith respsat to the salntonance arse. diaw
play of end mhangsa is the e~datSng signs for the store at 3749 Maasaohnastta
Awnne, xhioh is xithiu the Battle Green Diatriet. Mr. Shax read the legal no.
tioe and the applioat3.on far t~ Certificate. Robert Lobe aubsittsd throe
draxinga of each sign, photographs of each sign, sad a aasple of the blase color
to be used. The rear sign on the store xonld resain as it currently is xith a
yellox backboard and green letters. The signboard For the front :tore sign
xould be chasgsd to xhits std the letters "Carroll Ferfusera" xould be painted
blue as xould the lower letters. Following discussion, it xaa decided that
the xords "Carroll Perfusers" xould be centered a~ that the xorda "Walter M.
Cobs xould be deleted Yres the sign. The hearing xaa adjourned at 823 P.Pl.
A hearing xaa held at 8130 P.M. on the application of Kenneth A. King for
a Certificate of Appropriate~sa xith respect to eztwrior architectural changes
in the building at 8 Wallis Court. Present xere Mr. King, TiMndell Bargees of
2 Walli: Court and E17.xoed C. Barrett of 5 Wallis Court. IO•. Shax read the
legal notice and the application far a Certificate. It is proposed to replace
the e~d.ati.ng xood porch and stairs and to enclose the porch. T4st xood doer of
nine lights of glass to be used is the sale door approved. in Certificate Bo.
71 Cw2b issued August 2g, 1971. Following discussion, the hearing xas closed
at 8t5E~ P.M.
HISTORIC DI3~CT3 COMi+LC33I0l~ -Page 2 October 20, 1971
Mr. Jaquith arrived at 9105 P.M. He stated that hs xould talk xith Mr.
Frisaore regarding the xindoxs for the Giuliano dsrelling at 33 Hanoook Street.
Mr. Jaquith read a latter from the 3electaen regarding use of the nex 3®leot,~
men`s Meeing Room in xhich no smoking x111 be permitted. Mr. Jaquith said
that he had xritten the Toxn.Manager inquiring as to xhether or not the Town
had ever adopted Roles and Regulations for Tawn Hoards and Commissions. The
Toxn Manager referred the letter to Toxn Counsel and Torn Counsel had replied
that no Rules and Regulations had been adopted. Hs stated that once a set of
Rules and Regulations is adopted it is extremely difficult to ohange them.
Mr. Jaquith said that as of September 30, 1971 the Comaission had approx-
imately $540.00 left out of its 1971 appropriation of $1600.00.
Mr, Emery stated that the Regent Delioateasen had installed broxn shakes
at the bottom of their store front to replace broken glass and it xaa decided
that this conaitnted repairs and did not require a hearing. Mr. Emery stated
that Mr. Tillinghast had removed the shed and had completed the 1MorFamily
Dwelling at 463 Maaaachusetts Avenue. Currently the building is paintedartl~d
on the front and xhite on th® aides.
Mr. Jaquith stated that the owners of the Central Hlock property had gone
to the Building Inspector to scours a building permit based on the Certifioats
of Appropriateness issued by the Commission in February 1966. Mr. Jaquith
stated that he had ohecked the plans and dimensions and that, as far as he
could determine, they agreed xith the 1971 Plot Plan. Mr. Jaquith added that
under the Historic Distriots Act there xaa no cutroff date Duos a Certificate
has been issued.
Mr. Jaquith stated that hs xonld Dell Mr, Shepley regarding the 3cetish
Rite proposal and that basioally the Commission is being asked to approve a
sohemaio plan. Mr. Emery asked if a oondiion could be inserted in a Permit
for Demolition or Removal t1~at the house eonld not be demolished until they
are ready to let out the contract for the entire project. Mr. Jaquith stated
that he did not xiah to discuss specific conditions at this time. Mr. Parsons
asked, if the Commission insisted that the front of the hones be retained, if
the Masons xould xithdrax, and it xaa stated that the Masons have ao indicated
in past meetings. Mr. Jaquith stated that he felt it xaa better to let them
demolish the house and erect s complex that xould be compatible to the area.
Mr. Graves stated that he xas agreeable to allowing demolition of the house.
Mr. Emery asked xhat benefit the project is to the Town. Mr, Jaquith said
that it xould be better to keep the 150' frontage along Maaaachuaetts Avenue
open if they ao~ up xith acoeptable plena for the complex.
Mr. 9hax said that several people had asked him if the Commission x111
be as hard on the Cary Library Traatees•as the Conmdsaion xas on the Trustees
of the Mirmte Man Park Realty Trust. Mr, Jaquith stated that the Library
Trustees x111 have to have a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Commis«
sion for any exterior arohiteetural ohanges.
HISTORIC DISTRICTS COI~H+ItS3I0N « Page 3 October 20, 1971
Mr. Rmery mentioned the blaoktop drivsxay being installed on the Barnes
property ad~ai,cent to the driveiray leading to the rear of the Police Building.
Mr. Jaquith stated that he feels that the Toxn ahoutd have to get a Certifies
Date of Appropriateness free the Cormai.ssion For auoh thus as Dome under the
poirers of the Commission. Folloxing a discussion of this aub~eet~ those prow
sent agreed xith the Chairman.
The meeting lraa adjourned at 10155 P.M.
Philip B. Parsons