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The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting at 7t30 P.M. on Wadnes•
day, September 22, 1971, in the Bird Room of the Cary ?bsmorial Building,
Lexington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Phi7.ip B.
Parsons, Secretary; George E. Graves; Donald J. Shaw; and Associate Commis-
sinners George W. Emery, Albert T. Pitt, and 3. Lawrence Whipple. Mr. Emory
xas appointed to serve for Georgia H. Williams who was unable to be present.
Mr, Jaquith stated that Anthony's Restaurant had submitted new informa~
Lion as Follower the letters for the word "Restaurant" would be no more than
8" high= there would be 4~" between the "s" of Anthor~p's and the word "Res-
taurant"{ and it would be 4~" above the xindow and 18" to edge of building.
A hearing was held at 7e43 P.M. on the application of Vincent Giuliano
fur a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to changes in flee exterior
architectural features of the dwelling at 33 Hancock Street, which is within
the Hancock-Clarke District. Present in addition to Vincent E. and Lillian
C. Giuliano were William T. Spencer of 32 Hancock Street arxi R. Willard &
Marian E. Hunt of 34 Hancock Street, abettors. Mr. Jaquith read the legal
notice and the application requesting a Certificate. Mir. Giuliano submitted
three scale drawings of the proposed changes and showed three color slides
showing the three arches with screens which they wish to replace with win-
dows. It was stated that in the summer the foliage pretty well hides the
windows and that they do not intend to disturb the grape arbor or Ilse other
shrubbery. The wood below the windows would match the existing clapboards
on the dwelling. They propose to install t`ro single pane windows in each
arch without muntins, and the windows would be of wood. Mrs. Giuliano said
that she dislikes muntins intensely. ?fr. Graves stated that he thinks it
would look better with mnntina. Mr. Spencer said that he had no feelings
one way or the other. Neither Dr. nor Mrs. Hunt had any objections to the
single pane windows. Mfrs. Giuliano said that she would be agreeable to
snap+in muntins. The windows will be of thermopane glees painted xhite to
match the other windows in the house and that there world be screens inside
the winders. The hearing was closed at 8s40 P.M.
A hearing was held at 8122 P.M. on the application of Yillage Artisans,
Inc. with respect tv the erection and display of signs on the building at
lq Depot Square, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith
read the legal notice and the application for a Certificate of Appropriate'
ness. Chelly Barron and Midge Spear represented. the six owners and snbmitr
fed three scale drawings of the proposed signs. The backboards of the signs
would be cream color and the letters of the sign would be maroon to match
the other signs on the building. The words "Village Artisans" are to be on
the signboard over the bow window and the words "Gifts & Antique Jewelry"
are to be on the signboard over the door. Follooring discussion on these and
other possible signs. the hearing was closed at 81,58 P.M.
A hearing was held at 9t 05 P.M. on the application of The First Baptist
Church with respect to the erection of a fence on the premises at 180.1598
Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Whipple
was appointed to serve for Mr. Shaw who was unable to serve in this hearing.
HISTORIC DISTRICTS CONAffSSION - Page 2 September 22, 1971
Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and the application fors Certificate.
Present were the Rev. Kenneth E. Peterson= i+tra. Davis, a member of the board
operating the Childrens'~ Day Center; and Burton B, Stuart of 32 Vine Brook
Road, an abettor. Mr. Peterson submitted a scale plot plan of the Church
property and explained that the Board of Health requires a safe fence around
property being used for a Childrens' Day Center. He stated that they would
like to erect a 36" fenae approximately parallel to Massachusetts Avenue and
then south to rear line and. up to stockade fence and then inside the stone»
wall. There would be a gate in the fence as the rear door of the Chapel
would be used and they would like a 2" x 4" welded fence painted green. Mr,
Stuart said that he had no ob~eotion to the proposed fence and that .possibly
they might wish a higher f®nce. The hearing was closed at 927 P.M.
It was maned, seconded, and. unanimously VOTED to .issue a Certificate to
The First Baptist Church with reapeot to the erection of a fenae. Particii
pating in this decision were Cammisaionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B.
Persona, George E. Graves, and Associate Commissioners George W. Emery and
S. Lawrenoe Whipple.
Following a dissuasion regarding permanent mnnLina in the windows of the
dwelling of Vincent Giuliano, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously V01~D
to requite the installation of permanent muntins in the windows. It was then
moved, seconded, snd unanimously YO'1'ED to issue a Certificate to Vincent i
Giuliano with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of
the dwelling at 33 Hancock Street. Participating in this decision were Comte
missioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Persona, George E. Graves, Donald J,
Shaw, and Associate Commissioner George W. Emery.
It xaa moved, seconded, acid unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to
Anthony Bevilaqua d/b/a Anthon~p`a Restaurant with respect to the maintenance
and display of two existing signs and the erection and display of an adds
tion to one of said signs for the Restaurant at 27 Waltham Street, whioh is
within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Com-~
missioners Wilbur K. Jaquith, Philip H. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald J.
Shaw, and Associate Commissioner George W. Emery.
Mr, Jaquith submitted a bill dated September 21, 1971 from Barbara
Gilson, Clerk, for $125.D0 for hear3.ngs and clerical services. It was moved,
seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve payment of this bill.
Mr. Jaquith announced that he had reoeived an extension to November 1,
1971 from the Scottish Rite Masons.
Following a brief discussion in which it was decided that the darker
shade of maroon color submitted xould be specified and that cove lighting
would be approved., it was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a
Certificate to The Old Lexington Restaurants Inc. with respect to the ereow
tion and display of a sign for the store at 1733 Massachusetts Avenue, which
is within the ~tt1e Green Distriot. Participating in this decision were
Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George E. Graves, Donald
J. Shax, aril Associate Commissioner George W. Emery.
I~STCrRIC DISTRICTS COM!lL33ION Page 3 September 22, 197'1
Associate Commissioners George W. Emery and 9. Lawrence Whipple raiitirr
draw at iit55 P.M.
Commissionary Wnbur M. Jaquith, Chairman= Philip B. Persona, 3ecre«
tax9t George Graves= Donald J. Shaw= and Associate Commissioner Albert
T. Pitt remained to disouas the Minute Man Park Realty Trust proposal.
The Chairman opened dissuasion on the application of the Minute Man
Park Realty Trust. In considering the appropriateness of the architectural
features of the proposed building, he said I wish to point out that the
features of the building under eonaiderativn are those appearing in the
drawings presented at the ad3ourned hearing on September 21st. Attorney
Taylor made it clear from his comments that he would oonsider these draw
inga as containing the aroh3teotural features of the proposed building on
which the applicant desires the Commission to base its deoision and that we
should not base our judgment on features appearing on prior drawinga except
as the architect might have incorporated those features in the September
list drawings. The architect during the ad3ourned hearing either in his
original presentation or subsequent cvmmsnta in relation to questions ex~
plained the general exterior architectural features of the building and
many of the detailed exterior architeotural Features and I think that the
Commission from this presentation now has a reasonably complete understand-
ing of the architectural features involved in the drawings upon which the
Commission has to base its d®oision. New, if any of the Commissioners in-
eluding the one Associate Commissioner sitting on the Dees for its deter8
urination desire to make any statements regarding these architectural fear
tares, I suggest that they do so at this time.
Mr. Parsons said that the features are thoroughly inappropriate for a
building in this looation.
Mr. Shaw said that as a Commissioner the plans whioh we have seen are
to me not appropriate for the location in relation to other historioal fee- i
tutee within the Battle Green District.
Mr. Graves said that for the sensitive location so close to the Buckman
Tavern and the Battle Green the drawings as presented seem inappropriate.
Mr. Fitt said that these plans might be appropriate for some areas but
are certainly inappropriate for this location.
Mr. Jaquith saidi I summarise my feelings regarding the exterior archi~
tectural features of the proposed banding by saying that I think my respon
sibnities under the Historic Districts Act as a Commissioner are to make
sure that the exterior architectural features of a building to be erected on
the site involved, both in the general exterior design of the building and
the detailed exterior arohitectural features of the banding, are proper
features for the purposes of the Act and will harmonize with similar features
of other buildings and structures in the immediate vicinity, I feel that so
f •
FLCSTORIC DIS7St'ICTS COMMISSION Page ~h September 22, 1971
far as this building is concerned the most important consideration whioh we
have to give in connection with the purposes of t2}e Act is our responsibil~
ity to protect the historical Battle Green and the buildings surrounding the
Battle Green, including the Buckman Tavern, through the development of spy
propriate settings for the Battle Green and these buildings, and I feel that
the architectural features of the proposed building do not measure up to the
purposes of having Historic Districts as specified in the Act and that there-
fore the architectural Features of the proposed building are inappropriate
for the purposes of the Act.
Mr. Shaw moved that the exterior architeotural Features of the building
proposed to be erected on the sits of the old Central ID.ock bordered by
Massachusetts Avenus, Mariam Street, Depot Square, and Depot Place are here
by determined to be inappropriate for the purposes of the Historic Districts
Act. The motion xas aeaonded by Mr. Graves and unanimously V07~D.
It was then moved by Mr. Shaw that there are no conditions known to the
Commission especially affecting the building imrolved butt not affecting the
Historic District generally andor which failure to approve Ilse Minute Man
Park Realty Tract application will involve a substantial hardship to the app
plicant and that suoh application may not be approved without substantial
detriment to the public welfare and without substantial derogation From the
intent and purposes of the Historic Districts Act. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Graves and unanimously VOTED.
Mr. Parsons than moved that the application of the Minute Man Park Realty
Trust for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the erection of a building at
the site of the old Central Block based on the exterior architectural fear
tares of the drawings presented at the adjourned hearing on September 21, 1971
be disapproved without prejudice to a new application whioh may be filed by
the applioant at a later date For the premises imrolved. The motion was secs
onded by Mr. Graves and unanimously V01~D.
' Mr. Parsons then moved that the Chairman prepare the neaesaary Notice
of Determination of the Commission`s decision as set forth in the preoeeding
vote and present it to the Commission For approval at its meeting on Septem»
bar 23, 1971. The mot3.on was seconded by Mr. Pitt and unanimously YOTED.
Participating in the above four votes were Commissioners Wilbur M.
Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Parsons, Secretary; George E. Graves; Donald J.
Shaw; and Associate Commissioner Albe t.
,i, Imo. ~~GG.s--~,-~«-~!
Philip/B. Parsons