HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-25 . P1Vgu5T, Z 5~ I`1~~ iir~~oRZC i~S~tc~ coi~srss=ox The Ri.atoric Uistr3ets Coamcissivn held a scooting on Wednesday,, Augaat 25, t97i.,. in the Bird Room of the Cary i~es<orial Bsildingt Z.exingten. Present wore Cossdssio~ra W17.bitr M. Jaquith,,. Chairsaa; Philip B. Parsons, Secretary; George ffi. Graves; Donald J. Shawl Georgia H. 'W~.3.].i~usst and Associate Coar®isw sionera George W. Rasry, Albert T. Pitt,. and 3. I.Rwrsnce Whipp3.®. A hearing tra$ held at ?t30 P.M. en the appliesation of Benneth A. Bing for a Certificate of Appropriatetress with respoot to exterior arohitootaral changes in tits building at 8 Wants Court, xhi.ch is within the Battle Green Diatr3ot. i~fir. Jaquith road the legal notice and application regaoating the Certificate. Mr. B3.ng salaitted photographs shetring loostfon of proposed door which is planned.for acooaa to.etpstsirs without going throagh other offioea and also anturittsd piatursa of possible doors. 'There are tiro steps leading onto the porch :and pct year he plena to replace. the porch. Dori,rtg tits dia+ onsaiork, Imo. Bing aaggested that the. itistorio Districts Co~d.ssion 3nrl.te owrt«~ era of property in each district to a te~ting of tote Cceaeiasion and stated that itio ~,a not aware that he waa buying property in a Hi.atoMo District when he pnKShased tta hoses on Vino Brook Road.. F'olleiag ad3oarxarent of the hearing, it was saved,- ssoonded, atrci ananixAOaaly Y07~D to issue a Certif'icats to Bsnneth A. ]Ctng a3.th reapeot to changes in the architectural features in the banding at 8 Walli~.Coact, Part3alpating ix this decision were Cossi.ssioners"Wilber M. Jaquith, Chsirsan; Philip B. Parsons, Secretary; George B. Graves; Donald J. Shaw; and Q~eorgia R. Williass. A hearing was held at SiQLt P.K. en the application of Shell 031 Coapatty for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect tv exterior architeetura7. changes to the Shell Serv3os Station at_ths corner of. Bedford Street and Worthen`~a~d, tritich is within rho Battle Crean District. Mr. Jaquith read the. legal not3.oe and application xequeating the Cert3fYoate. Present for the pet3.v honer were W. R. IKaaon of the 1$nginevring Departsatst of Shell 011 Coacpar0? and Wi11Ls Piper, dealer of the station. Mr. Wagon anbsdtted three scale dratw inga of rho propaaed change and photographs of the station last's sa aeon Eros both Worthen Road std Bedford Street. FolleM3.ng ad~ovrnment, It was coved, seconded, sad unanisoaaly'VOT@CD to issue a Certificate to Shs13. 011 Cospatt~ with reapsot to exterior arnhitectural changes in the Shell. 0i1 3tatien at the corner of Bedford Street.amd Worthen Road. Participating in this decision were Cosadsaiortera Wilbur M. Jaquithy Chairsan; Philip B. Parsons, Secretary; George B. Graves;.Donald d. Shaw; and Georgia 1i. Wiiliass. An ad~curned hearing was held at 8t 18 P.M. with reapeot to changes 1n the dtrolling at 1.970 Waasachusetts Avetlae, whi.oh is within the Battle Green A3.s» txlLat, which 1s owned by 3holden Corporation, Robert Cataldo, President. Present with lair. Catsldo was Gerard Cagini, Architect. Mr. Cataldo aubad.tted eolex sasplea for the house and blinds. Fe7lotring ad~oucnment of the hearing„ 14r. dagaith read a proposed Certificate for tJts Cossiasion to consider. It was coved, seconded, and unanisoualy 1?OTBD to cases a Certifioats to Sheldon Corporations, Robert Cataldo President. Pa~rt3cipating in this decision were Cosodsaionexs Wilber K. Jaquith,..Chair~ean; Philip B. Parsons, Secretary; George E. Graves; Donald J. Shaft; and Georgia H. Wi:L7.iasa. I n FiL3Tt~C DISTI~SCT3 Ct1l~9$IOli ~ Pegs 2 August ~s 1971 Mr. Jaquith stated that on September 9s 1971 a hearing had been sohed«. tiled, with respect to the request of the 3upr~ae Goundil of The Anaisnt and Acoepted Scottish l~,i.te of Free Masonry for a Perwi.t for Bsmolit3.on or Remo+ val oY the buildings at 1162 Msssachusotta Lvenue and. for a Cortifioato of Apprepriateneas with rospect to tho ereotl.on of a tcaseum oomple~x at said. addreaaa xh3.ah is within tt~e Monras Tavorn District. MO stated that on the prstrious dsy a s3eeting of smmbors of various Tvxn Hoards had been held. Mr. Jaquith stated that he had asked Hugh 3heploy of the architectural firs of Shepley, Bnlfiaoh, Richardson and Abbott to attend this saeting and to pre+ sent tro shady pleas for the site.. A7.,ao present xoro Hobert Cataldo, Mr. & Mrs. S~ioiant Wath~ew?Dunn, Bradford Giddings,, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Prescott, Alan Adams,.9~6ephen Politi a reporter for the i.Oxl.ngton Mirmte+Man, and George Mathesonn. Mr. Shepisy sxglained some of the differenosa in the Herr plan versxta tlma oarlior glen. the trees and t~adeM on tats Massachusetts Arenas side wi]1 be preferrred. He presented a sketch :houi.ng the oast elevation. The height of a71 the balldinga is nc trots than 40' Erse grade. The building nearest to the Masaachusetts Avomsm preperti? line is 16fi':from the cornier of the building to the property liter. Mr. Shepley aaid that these drawings plus an elevation of the stoat important batlcLing facade in color and a medsl oP the complex :r1].1 be shorn at time hearing. The acarg7.ex non planned. x111 be 80,0 square Poet xith ~68,A00 square feet on ground ].svel and the balance as storage area beneath the aertplsx. Mrs. Prescott asked if there xas to be a parking area and Mr. Shepley replied that there xottld lea a`parkr? ing area fer iii cars that would not be visible frost Maasachusstts Avenue, Mr. Prescott asked if this vas otnlp for xembers from Massachusetts and the anarer waa no. It xas stated that the headquarters for et~*half the Scottish Rite Masons of the United States is em the adjacent property. Manz hiffiteri~ sal doovmerstaf etc. have been acottmnlated and the Masons xant to be able tc> display timan bore. ?hers x321 be an audi.teri~t fer lectures endth3s audlp toMmt ~ bs used ~ the pub7.ic. The aaaeum aortplex x117. tto open tct the pub7ie xithont charge. Mr. 9heploy xas as}rod abomet the exterior sad stated that it xould be brick xith xhite trim and copper reefs. Mr. dsgvd.th stated that it is iaportsnt to note that t1®oso are study drawings and net finished drawings. Mrs. Watlane+~Daxtn eapressod apprenral in rho renewal of the cocoas read to the present headquarters house. Mr. Jaquith asked for a set of rho sandy drawings. This asntir?g was ad3ouraed at 9tst? P.M. An inforartl disauaaisn conaertting the Central Block xaa held at IOr19 P.M. Present for tttia diacrtssion xere Mr. & .Mrs. >$rx~st Giroax* Mr. de Mrs. George Matheamn, Robert Gata7.da,.Alfred Hasa, Alan wdass, Stephen Po23ti a reporter for the Lexington ?ii.nntte~Isa, Bradford Giddings, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Prescott, and Mr. de Mrs. Weiant Watitrss~Dttnn. Mr. dsquith disauassd xa~or changes in featttrea of the proposed building xith i%ssrs. Girosoc, Mathsacn,. and Hula partioipat3ng. The drawing of the Depot Square side grssently ahmrs the root turn3,~tg tlme corner instead of stopping. It was stated that rho roof would be lead coated copper. Mr. Matheson stated that he was very annoyed anti asked the Gosnisaion xhether they xantsd a slate roof as opposed to lead coated copper. Ths Cdeamissionera present {Messrs. Jaquith, Parsons, ibex, and Mrs.'biilliams) stated that they preferred a elate roof. Then ensued a J ~81C7~C D([STFICTB C~33201f a Page 3 AngMat it$, 19?i disesussien oY a brick v®ra>aa granite lintel. It tree stated twat the build ing xonld bs supported bar atraetaral steel behind the brick sad granite. Yaeinga and that the graai.ts and i®riok xonld ot~ be .faoinga. The brick xall xonld be one brick tiaiek on a csanent trap. It xaa stated that this is a $1,~,ti0E1 building oY 24,1100 agmare f®et. Mr. C~irot®[ saidt "After two xeeln tre are all threstgh o xe cab•t go on much logger," Mr. Mathesog asidt "1'~rnie and T can sell the property tomorrerr and xalk spray. ills haze to start building." Mr. Girstnc aaidt "We are losing our tegants." Mr. Giro~ac said that 500 feet oY copper gntte; would Bost x$.08 per feot_or a fetal of ~254E9. Mr. Mathsaen saidt "I ati about ready to give np." Mr. Girottz acid" Pink gragite is preferable .to brick." i~r. 4tathssoa said tint . he was willing to go along xith soldier course of brick. It xaa decided that a soldier eenrae xegild be need instead of.granite. 1$s. Prescott aaidt "I have Hover aoeR~ anah pressure put on a-group of people as .on this Getod.aaiog. This is not a tcRm memtttent. Yon are threwiag this ttp in the lap of the Minute Meg Montmunt. It is tiu cost inappropriate thing I have ever seen." Mr, E4lsstpt saidt "17tia is private Prepert,T, Madan." Mr. Jaquith ezplaiged.t~at the. ached>L7.e of delay on .preaentstion of this bnildigg xes geaessitatsd the dune Sewn Meeting. Mr. Giddigga aaidt "Ae insppropriate as tbi.s eieai~a ia, hM people oY the Teruo ere outraged that the Coanaiasien is svsg e:sasi+dss-ing this building." Mr. Jaquith salad, "libat is apprepriatet" Mr. aiehiings stated that aetmething that is baaiesally colonial is appropriate and that the Cosaeiaaimn,ahonld reject the egtire thing and ask that a eolenial design be brought ia. It mss stated that the length oY the Maaaackpnaetta Avegne side is 135•. Mr. Qriddinga asked ?!r. Persona to ahex his atue~• rendering Yer the Masaa~shuastta Aiotms aide. At finis flea flu f3irotncs at~d liatheaona departed. Mr. Cataldo stated that the money is not there to band a eieaigr? lice Mr. Paraona• sad that the owners could. not afford. to build or Haintaig it. Mr. Qieidings askeclt "iPl~ does .it natter trhat the oxner xants? Don`'t yon (the. Coasdsaioz<) daeide xhat is appropriatet" Mrs. Proseett asksdt "Is it the Pnnction of this Comsiaaion to consider.eucpenae or apprepriateas:at ile have appropriate bnildigga in flu }htckman worn .sad The '~iaiters Center." 4tr. dagnith said that the Ceusaissioa could sake the building so sxpeasitro that the ounera cenld not aYYord to build it. 8e ststwd that the Coaatisaisn ee?ald say that they do not like it, that it kiss be all eoloafal deaigg and ha~~s~~to have mnitipaas xindews thronghent the bntiildi~ng. Mr. ~iddimga stated outragaaia pr~opos~~~nout and that congtleas people in Town are Mr. dagnith stated that there are pserpls in Toxn vho xould prefer a conteHporaryr building. The Heating xaa ad~onrnod at 12tb5 .14. ,~~~~~~i~~~. /L Philip B. Paraoaa Ssarotary