HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-07-28 f r,a.-,~ ~_n,..r1 ~ Jutr 2~~IR~'{ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMPiLSSION The Historic Districts Commission met on Wednesday, July 28, 1971, in the Bird Room of the Cary Memorial Building, Lexington. Present were Com- missioners. Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; George E. Graves; Donald J. Shaw; Georgia H. Williams; and Associate Commissioners George W. Emery, Albert T. Pitt, and S. Lawrence Whipple. Pr. Emery was appointed to serve for Philip B. Parsons who was unable to be present. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED that Georgia H. Williams serve as Secretary Pro Tem. A hearing was held at 7143 P.M. on the application of PF.inute Plan Park Realty Trust for a Certificate with respect to the erection of a building to be bounded by Massachusetts Avenue, Meriam Street, Depot Square, and De- pot Place and also for a Permit for Demolition or Removal of the building at 21-2g Depot Square. Mr. Jaquith stated that he was a Trustee of the Willard Adams Trust and also Attorney for Alan G. Adams but that he had no financial interest in the property at g Meriam Street. The applicant stated that he did not wish Ptr. Jaquith to withdraw from sitting on this case. Mr. Jaquith read the two legal notices and stated that the two hearings would be held at the same time and he also read the letter requesting the hearing. Present for the petitioner were Ernest A. Giroux and George H. Matheson, owners of the property, and Robert Neiley of the architectural firm of Bastille-Neiley. Also present weres Alan G. Adams, Trustee of the Willard Adams Trusts Robert Cataldo, Frederick Bailey and Natalie Riffin of the Board of Selectman= Eric Clarke, member of the Planning Board; Donald E. Nickerson, Chairman of the Board of Appeals; Ruth Morey, Past Fresident of the Lexington iiistorieal Soeietys Herbert Eisenberg, Royston Daley, and Leonard Notkin, members of the Design Advisory Commission;- Ralph Lux of the. Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Association; Rev. Harold T. Handley, Rector of the Church of Our Redeemer= Philip Cadle of 15 Meriam Street and guest= Roland Gubisch of 627 Massachusetts Avenue; Steghen Politi, reporter of the Minute-Man; Frank Hartin, interested businessman; Elizabeth Flynn, Town P~eeting P4ember; and Mrs. Ernest Giroux. It was stated that the Town of Lexington and the Minute PSan Park Realty Trust had signed the agreement exchanging 15' frontage on :;assachusetts Avenue for the former fire station property in the rear of the parcel of Land. It was stated that a Demolition Permit had been issued on February 21, 1966 which would cover demolition of the buildings on Depot Square although another application had been filed. Mr. Jaquith stated that the Commission had met informally with the architect and Pir. Matheson on July 14th and again on July 21st and that at the first meeting a representative of the Planning Board, three members of the Design Advisory Commission, and the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen had been present. P`x. Giroux presented three sets of scale drawings of the proposed build- ing and site plan. He stated that they had met on Monday evening with the Planning Board and on Tuesday evening with the Board of Appeals and that the building will be very much 3ike the plans being submitted. PSr. Neiley stated that some changes had been made as a result of the earlier discussions. The ramp is now to be 24' wade as against the earlier planned 20'. The building will be approximately 'a7' high and the basement would be at least 20' high, HISTOKIC DISTRICTS COMMLSSION - Page 2 July 28, 1971 The building will be of red water struck brick and the 112 windows on the second and third floors are to be white wood casement single pane windows. It is planned to install granite under the windows and the display windows will be plate glass in white metal painted frames. The lintel trim over the windows • will be granite, probably rough or sand finish. The roof and gutters are to be lead coated copper, standard seam. The signboard is to be a continuous painted wood strip and the signs would be of gilded wood letters in various styles. The piers are 16" wide, There will be no visible douwnspouts. The doors of the stores would match the wirxlow frames of the first floor. There will be a granite capping on chimneys and copper flashing under the chimneys. Mr. Jaquith asked if it would be possible to see a difference between the metal windows on the first floor and the wood windows on the second and third floors, and it was thought not. There are is openings of 8' for doors and windows on the Massachu- setts Avenue side of the first floor. It was stated that slate, if used, has horizontal lines so would lower the effect of the roof. A sketch study of dor- mer windows with the wall tipped back so as to insert the dormer windows was sub- mitted. It was stated that this would lower the roof line by 9' but would give the third floor apartments less living space and it would be necessary to find some way to hide the roof units. Mr. Giroux stated that he is strongly opposed to this as the third floor apartments would become attic apartments. Mr. Jaquith then opened the meeting to questions and/or comments from the floor. Mr. Daley stated that he was pleased to see that a number of changes had been made to strengthen the building and specifically mentioned the bay window on the Depot Square side of the front portion of the building. He commented that he felt the general proportions of first story, middle story, and mansard roofed third story were good. The granite lintels, brick, casement windows, and roof are well proportioned and no one thing seems to be dominant. He added that the changed proportions on Depot Square work out well. He stated that he felt perhaps there were some things that could be done to strengthen the building. He feels that it is handsome on the Depot Square side with the bearing walls. He is pleased to see on the Mariam Street side that there is only one much stronger set back. The bay window on Mariam Street helps to relieve the brick wall, and perhaps it could be made wider. He stated that a belt course in granite at the roof as well as at the top of the second floor wiruiows was possible. Mr. Neiley stated that the granite was used structurally. Mr. Daley suggested that they might simplify the granite at the base and roof. He feels that the general pro- portions plus the mansard roof are appropriate. Mr. Jaquith commented that the use of granite put in bands of white and Mr. Neiley stated that they were think- ing of using a greyish or pink granite rather than white. Mr. Adams, abuttor on the Depot Place side, stated that he is not an archi- tect but he feels that in general the building is satisfactory and he is in fa- vor of it. Mr. Eisenberg stated that he agrees with Mr. Daley. He feels that the man- sard roof is appropriate. He emphasized that the corners on Mariam Street and Depot Square deserve more study and that these two corners are the most serious defect of the building plans. • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - Page 3 July 28, 1971 Mr. Neiley stated that they cannot recess the bay window and that on the Mariam Street side it pro3ects out over the sidewalk. Mr. Cadle stated that he endorsed the Aleriam Street side comments. He asked the height of this building {1~.2') as against the Adams Building (36Z'). Mr. Gubisch said that he had not envisioned a mass of this size being as pleasant as it is and he feels that the materials and break ups lessen the mass- iveness. The corners facing Mariam Street and Depot Square bother him also. He said that he feels the building is dramatic but the corners are like unnecessary tail fins on a beautiful car. He stated that he thought it was wise to divide in three separately appearing structures. He suggested extending the ~erizca;~tz.Q line from the corners across the open area in the roof. Mr. Neiley stated that he feels this is out of keeping. They want the build- ing to look as if it was built in 1971 and not pseudocolonial. They intend it to shock people. He is not satisfied with geometry of either end wall. Mr. Whipple asked about thickening this edge. A1r. Neiley said that he had not thought of that but would not like that idea. Mr. Neiley said that he agrees and feels that the two corners are unfinished and not quite complete. Mr. Cataldo said that the Selectmen had discussed this and would like to ex- plore extending the bay windows if this would help. They also do not like the two corner ends. Mr. Jaquith stated that he would like comment from a member of the Design Advisory Commission as to what they think the roof will look like in the present plan with the gutters flush anst then granite lintel, NIr. Eisenberg said that there is articulation in the brick piers and no reason for fancy cornices. etc. Gutters were built inside walls in the early SS00's in England, AYr. Jaquith asked Mr. Eisenberg if this would be monotonous and Air. Eisenberg stated it would not be and added that there is a problem in large structures in seams breaking down. A:r. Jaquith stated that this is a difficult lot to plan a building for and asked if the size of the lot can take a building of this height. Mr. Eisenberg answered yes. He feels that the width of Massachusetts Avenue will take the height and that the one story building should not have been allowed on the op- posite corner of Depot Sguare. Air. Jaquith stated that hs is still bothered by the single pane windows ver- sus multipane. He stated that they could have normal permanent muntins or the interior removable muntins but that he favors the permanent muntin windows. • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMHLISSION - Page w July 28, 1971 Mr. Neiley said that he would feel very sorry to see small pane windows on the building and feels they would. detract considerably and that they are not proper. He is convinced that they can erect a building without aping old buildings. This is a modern, contemporary building. The building does have to fit into the area but it does not have to be a carbon copy of existing buildings. He feels that the single pane casement windows are suitable in the apartments. Mr. Notkin stated that he agrees and that this is consistent with the style of the building. Nlr. Neiley and rs. Matheson feel that the building does not need multi- paned windows and that they would cost more to mainatin. They feel that the building does not warrant multipane windows. p1r. Eisenberg said that the cost would be negligible. The proportion of the windows themselves is more impor- tant and that it does not matter whether the windows have muntins or not if the proportions are correct. Mr. Jaquith asked if different heights of roofs would lessen the monotony. Mr. Giroux said that he thinks .from the owners point this would cause problems. Mr. Notkin said that they were long narrow apartments so light is important. Mr. Notkin said that the problem is to see this building without seeing in con- text of the other buildings. He would not suggest jogging the roofs. Mr. Neiley said that he felt jogging the roofs would enrich the skyline and thinks there are enough jogs planned. Mr. Giroux said that in driving up the Avenue a person will be looking up at the building at an agnle so that it will appear differently than in looking at the model which is at eye level. Mr. Gubisch said that the building is outstanding as combines traditional materials with contemporary building. It is all ready a big building and chang- ing the roofline would give more modern and less dignified appearance. Mr. Jaquith stated that this building is basically two-thirds residential and one-third commercial and asked how it is possible to balance the two. He stated that this design 3s the same on t'tree sides except for the set backs on Mariam Street and Depot Square. ASr. Cadle said that this will become the dominant building on Massachusetts Avenue and he is disturbed that cannot see model in whole setting. He stated that the historic Districts Act does have merit and specifically in asking for a building here to meld in with the other buildings. If have a 1971 building, perhaps the Town should abandon the Historic Districts Act. C®rti. e_u_ Mr. Graves said that on the model they show a strong line out and Mr. Neiley said that pro3ects perhaps one inch. Mx. Graves asked if gutters would have any molding and Mr. Neiley said no. Mr. Gubisch asked if the chimneys would be functional and Mr. Neiley said no. Rev. Handley said that he felt more tourists would see the Mariam Street side and he feels that that corner needs change. He did say that he felt the building would be an asset for the area and that it is a handsome building and that the massiveness is broken up. • ~ ~ HISTfRUC DISTRICTS C~QSSION ~ Page ~ July 28, 1971 Mr. Hisenberg offered h1s aervioea to the Commission and the arohiteot in resolving some of the problems. Mr. Jaquith stated that he sax only one sntranoe to the apartments and that is en the Mariam Street side. Tho entrance. is recessed and a canopy is shorn. The hearing xas adjourned at l0~03 P.M. diter all except tiar Commiaaionera and Aaaooiats Commissioners had left, the Clerk Barbara Gilaen snbmittsd her resignation and stated her »ry strong dislike and disapproval of the building. She added that she feels the Historic Districts Comaisaien should be dissolved as unable to fulfill the regnirsmsnts st the Aot if this bnilding or an,?thimg similar to it is approved b9 the CamsmS.ssion. Shs said that she feels the building proposed is massive,, mnattraoti», and totally inappropriate Ymr the loca~+ tion. Ths resignation xaa not aoceptsd. Mr. Hmsry moved that the Permit for Demelitiom or &smovsl of tips building at 21+29 Depot Square bs iss~ned. The motieu raa seosnded and aa+ animonsly YOTBD. Partioipstdng in this decision xsre Cmrmiaaisnera Wilbur M. Jagnit~, George H. firs»a, Donald a. shax, f3eergta H. Williams, and Asp asciate Commissioner Eiserge w. Sbei-fir. Mr. Jaquith attbadttsd a Certifisats draft for axterisr arohitectnral ohangsa xithout sign for The Old Leacingtsn ~estaarasts Ino. at 17'33 Massa` chusetts A»tme. It xas soved., seoondsd, and unanimously VQTgD to issue this Certiri.mato. Participating in this decision rare Comodaaionera Wilbur M. Jaquith, George Gra»s~ Donald J. 3haxs Georgia H. Williams, anti As+ sooiate Comedaaioner fisorgs W. Paeery. In regards to the building'propoaed for the foritsr Central Block area, it xas stated that dormers xould out doxn the sire of the third floor aparts~enta xhsrsaa mansard type reef tirith large xindssa xonld not ant down tlm, aise of the rooms. It xaa agreed that a-slats roof xas preferable to tl~ lead coated ooppor and it xas stated that the teat xoald probably bs the same or possibly less. The moet3.ng xas ad~ournsd at 11:00 P.M. ^y ~ /U' / owe .r~ obi H. Wi]1iams Secretary Pro Tom i