HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-23 _ _ . i ,y • : ~ HIST~2ZC,'DISTRZCT3 C02,'INFCS3QN . . . ''The Historic Districts Comiaission set on Flednesday., 'Jiuze 23, ~ 1971, in _ the ~i.rd Room of the Cary Memorial Building, Lexington. Present were: ~ _ Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chs;irman; Philip.8,~ Parsons, Seoretary; Ueorge E. Grave.; ` Georgia H. Williams; Associate. Cot~issioners George W. Emery,- Albert, ~T. ``~'i.tt; and S. Lawrence Whipple. ~CamzaS.ssioner Donald J. Shaw arrived at.+~to:7 P:M. " :.,r emery was appointed to sit foz~ Mr. Shaw. A hearing was held at 7s~0,P_,M. on the application of `William G. Graham, D.M.D. for a Certificate with respect to `the installation of additional aluminum si.d3.ng and alum~iun , abutters for the dwelling at 21 Muzzey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr, Jaquith read the legal notice of the hearing and the letter requesting the hewing. A brochure showing the ®ght inch aluminum , siding and shutters proposed for install.ati.on was submitted. In addition's, ~ letter from Dr, Graham was read in which he requested permission to .change the color of the front door of the dwelling from white to black, Present was Miss ~'].orence Britt of 7 ftaymand Street, an. abuttox~, who expre3se$. ;tiffs opinion that the changes proposed would improve the sppearance,af the house. .Following discussion, th®•hearing was.cl.osec3 at 800 P.M, a! Miss .Britt started that she was present to object to the two air oondi- tionir;g~units:installed at this rear .of the building at 19 Muzzey Street. She , siad 'that they are dreadful, an eyesore, and anti of the worst thing$ that has... happened in the area in years. $he.further stated-that, although the building is an,attraetive one, it is much too large for the lot. She said that she and the Rites, also abuttors:on Raymond Street,.had requested a• .stockade type fence and'not a chain link fence along th® boundary lines of this .,property. Mr. Jaquith stated that he had told Attorney Dean Nicholson • that the units are illegal and that a public h®aring must bg bald'regarding these twa units, Mias.Britt withdrew at 8107 P,M. _j A hearing t~tas held at $:0~ P.M. on the application of $herwin~312iams' Paint Co, with respe¢t'to the installation of signs for the building at ~7, f,e Waltham Street, xhich is with3.n the Battle Gratin.'District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice of this hearing ar?d the letter requesting the haring. Present.for the petitioner were David G. Lo?ir:, Division Manager, and Alden Rittmann, Marketing Manager, of Sherwin-Williams; and Robert L. Lyon. Mr. ~a Lohr.submitted three copies pf a scale drawing for the proposed front and rear signs and color smaples to be used. The sign proposed for the front of the store is a steal backboard about two inches deep by three feet wide by twenty-nine feet long iwth metal. baked enamel painted. cut out letters about one inch in depth. The..].ettering will be maroon ,with the backboard yeLtow or beige., The symbol or logo proposed would be the same height as the letters and would be painted maroon,. white, and black. The sign for ~ i the rear of the .store would be two feet wade by fifteen feet long and would be the sane as the sign proposed fox the g`ront without the symbol. FaLtow- ,s' ing,discussion, it was decided=that a molding should be added to each sign., ;~i~, that the symbol should: be omitted from the front sign and the letters on that sign centered, and that, if a lighting hood is treaded fvr the front sign, it should be painted maraon~ ,Also subm3.~ted wa~e~,thre~'sca1~ draw- ings of a proposed tedporary sign anti's dolor chart far choosing the color trim of the building. Following discussion, the h®arng was ad3ournsd at ioz3o P.M. ; .:r. r;.T ~,;y , _ . , ~t . , i ,i i ..r n.~: , " HISTORIC DISIRICT~' •COI~ASISSION': ~ ~ . , June "2~, ill ' - , ~ ;li ~ ' ~ wa~some discussion ,regarding ~tkae letters far; ."The ~'t~.con Spores . Sho s" s, nested b Edward Sul, ' ~ y r the bu3.7.di ` at 4]. 1ta~Ythant Street. Mr Jaquith fitated that he had received a eal2,~'rom Anthony"s Ass-. ' g g ~ ide of the , taurant re ardin movi thm word Restaurant that is on the s building facing i7 Waltham Street to the front eaf the steam'®. Mr, Jaquith, statQti that ah.nformai me®tra would"be held on only 34th 'with. the own®xs . ` of. the Central Black property acncerring a new building for tliat:locatian ant! ;that. a hearing would' be scheduled for July 2$th. 'a` Mr. Jaquith stated that samples of the~britsks to-be used in construo-' tion of the bu~.].ding at 17 Waltham Street,have.been submitted and approved Commission after comparing the bricks on` the ac~,joni:ng building, by the,. 'Hearings have been scheduled for July 14th for the addition of a bay..', ` , ` window at; 19 l`3edford street awned by Petrie Realty Trust and for changes in the. store front and erection ~.of a sign by The (3Td Lexington- Restaurant,. Inc. ~ venue. at :i733 Mass'aehnsetts A Then followed discussion concern . t~1e air oorxlitionirig units at ~:9 ' ~ " Muzzey Street. Mr. Jaquith read a letter he had sent to Attorney Nicholson. " "Also tk~sre was soer~ discussion regarding the Scottish Rite Mastuzs prop- F erty.- Mr. Shepley has written Mr. Jaquith requesting a commitment regarding. demolition :of the house. It was stated that, if thiswel'e given,. it wouid be'sub~eet to conditions regarding. the. buildings to be erected, •It wili be`. a modern type museum,- s#,a, and will. be .large aoeording to present pl~rts., ',x ' The,enntral,open epacQ.•will. not be seen from tdxa street,. There is no proof- , . sien in the Toxn By-Lasts covering 'erection of a' museum so the Board of Ap- peals wi11 have to approve first.. If the Board of Appeals turns this down,. _ the ].and probably will be "put-ep-for sale. . _ :n 1rTseuss3.on then followed Qn ttae applic'a'ti.on of Her®1d' and Ella Brehm ` regarding. 'the brick wa]1:betweapn 'the property at 164 Nlassachusetts.Avenue .and One Wallis Court. ~t was .moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to is- sue a Certificate'provided that •a deta~eti plan was received by the Commis- lion to meet the specifications in the Certificate approved. Partic3;pating in this decision ware 'C®mmissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Paraoras George E, Graves, Donald ,J. Shswy and Georgia H Williams. ° It was moved, secondedf and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate , `t - to William G, Graham, D.M.D. with respect to exterior.-architectural changes and.cplor change in the dwelling at 21 Muza®y Street, which is within the Battle Green ~.stxict.- Participating .in't~s s~cision;were Gommissioiners Wilbur M, ',Tagt~i:`th,° Philip B. `Parsons, 'George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, arui° :Georgia H. William's., The meeting°waa ad~ovrn~sd at 12s1D PM.• ' Philip B. Parsons Secretary