HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-02 ~ - r , Y. " HISTORIC DISTRICTS' COI~fZSSION ' e The Historic]Yistricts Commission met'on~Wednesda~, June 2, 1971, at 7e3F5 P,1~. in Cary Hall of the Cary ~emarial, Building, Lexington. I~. Jaquith announced that the three hearings scheduled far Cary.Hall would be ad3ourned to the guard Room of-tAe Polioe Station because.. Cary Bail k`?';r~; had '.to be made available for an urischedvled meeting df` the Selectmen faith - a group of eiti:zena on matters pertaining to unauthorized.. use of the Barr t1e Green on r~:y 29, 1.971. Present were Cammiasioners"1~ilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Parsons, Secrataryc George E. Qraves= Donald J. Shaw= Georgia H. Williams; and Associgte.Commissoners,.George W. Emery and S. Lasrrer;oe Whipple. A hearing was held at 7150 P.M, on the application of Harold L, ahd Ella Brehm for a Certit'ica.te with respect to the erection of a masonry and brick retaining wall at the property line of 1644 Massaohusetts Avenue and One Wallis Court, which is within the Battle Green District. Present were Harold L. Brehm and ~talph Hall. Mr, Jaquith read the legal_noti.ee and the letter requesting the hearing, ~Dr. Brehm submitted one copy of a_plot plan and atated that:_the same sign"Mould be used in the same location and there `p~'' would be a wooden planter uindar:the sign. fIe stated that the wall could be two bricks-wide and the briclts ttould be the same color a$ the building at One Wallis Court.: Mr.• Hall asked iY it would be pgss.ble tp have tba . bricks nearest the street red brick so as to meld 3.n xith his build ng and stated that he prefers the use of wood as it is a transition Yrom the oon- temporary building at One Wallis Court to the more colonial style of his building. Following discussion, the hearing was ad3ourned at 8x37 P.M.~, j A hearing was held. at $=1+0 P.M. on':the;application of Edvrard M. Sullivan for a Certifioate with respect to the erection aril display of two signs on the premises at 41 Waltham Streets xhich is ~rithin the Battle ' Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and the letter requests ing the hearing, Mr. Sullivan stated that he would be using 450 square feet at the rear of_Grant B. Cole''s office currently and 500 square feet ita the basefeent. He submitted three scale drawings of the signs.. proposed for the front and the rear of the buildings "The Trieon Shop". He proposed a sign of black acrylic plastic letters in an Old English type letter on a white backboard for-the rear of the building and painted black letters on a white backboard for the front of the building or over the canopy covering the walkway between the Manhattan Building and Stevens Markets. Fol2owii discussion, the hearing was ad3ourned at 9:#1 P.M. A hearing<was held at 9:42 P.M. on the application of Philip John and Julie Cadle for a Certificate With respect to the inst4llaton of three skylights in the roof of the dwelling at 1,5 Mariam Stream, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and :letter requeating this hearing. Mr. Cadle submitted photographs of the roof gables of the dwelling and at llnstra'}.ion in a magazine of the type of "skylight they would like to install. These skylights are desired to increase the a lighting in the third fioor.whexa Mr. Ladle:has a study and where they plan; to install a bedroom., One, skylight would~E'ace the parking lot, one xould face N~eriam Street,- and the third would face 0ak~:and Street. The first two s•`s 3 _ , N ' x~r'' ~ ~ s~ • - - „ ~ ~1~ ~~~,s HISTQKCC D1S7RICT3 Cd4NM~S8Id~f - 2 - JuAe 2, i971 _ ,h 5 ~ xs, skylights trould ' b®' four' feet by f~.v~e feet and the "third would be twa feet F- ~ ~ ~"4 by five feet acid the skylights would be centered.~:s nearly as; possible in each roof gable,. Fallowing disaussivn, the hearing was ad3oui?nect,;at 10132 P.M. , `w Mr. Jaquith submitted a bill for $86.84 from Barbexa Gilson, Cier'k z' for 'c],erical services` and postage. for- the' month of May." It was moved, - x,. ascended, and unanimously •'NOT~ tw ,approve 'payment of 'this bill. 1~1r', Jaqu~:th submitted the Certificate of. Appropriateness issued to: F+ Gray G and L4Rue:~Iowell Henxy,fgr the installation of a dri~away at 11 'Hancock $trept, t~thah is ~tithin the .Hancock-Clarke Di'strict'. as VOTED by . the Go~sson an"fifay 19'yl contingent upon. reoeipt of .new drawings, . ' Mr Jaquith read','a `letter from Donald K. Irwin,, Town Buii~i:ng~ Iraspec- tor, in which he akpaproved demolition of the °'fire damaged 'shed" at i . Massachusetts. Averx~ie 'as the structure is unsafe :and dangerous and the;,, , ' : owners, Josep$..and Clara Pawner. do not zrish`to go to the expsnse.of re--. 'y • pairing: it. ' kPr. Jaquith read :,letter from .Ernest Giroux 'requesting extension of', R, his application to Ju~:y i, 1971, , Mr. Jaquith read a letter ftwm Lois Brown, Chairman of the P1anging ' Board, suggesting _ti'rat the Commission use the Design Advsorq Group.. Fol- s • lowing discussion, it was felt that the Commission should not imrolve.outr. .side architects in its decisions. A4etnbars of the Design 1~dvisoly Group ,",1 may attend' ar~p mee'E3.t?g of the Commission they wish snd express their° opirt~ ` ions regarding any case-under discussion, 'ereotin~ fenci~ amt each, end of the Robert L: Lyon reque~sti~~a hearing on g ing alley between his ,bail at 55 'Wal- ' them Street. artd~ the'Ffanhattati",Rw.ildng and cheering- wa's scheduled for .Ju~eie; a^ 30th. .dir...~.T~>iquith; a a,~tter fpo~a.Joseph e.> Nye, dr? regarding alters-. _ bons to the' property .At ~193z ~assaahusetts, Anue. anr~ he submitted plans show~.ng.the proposed move forward of.the barn and adding the .barn to the " house, A hearing on this was scheduled for ,Tung. 3Oth. . - Shopproposed biscusa'ion, it was decided that the letters for "The Triton ' y Edward 3ul7,ivan for the • rear of, the ~snhattti~n Building ' should match .in etylis -~,nci aiee the letters of °'C7ip & Curl" already ins stalled on the rear of the' ~uldi~lg, It bras also decided that. t}ne members of the Commission should look at the property line. between 1644 Massaohus®tts ` _ Avenue and. One Wallis Court to determine'the beat solution for the wall, rv q'he rm§e .was ad journed_ at 1 i M - , Y cr+;y'. wd`. Phi3ip B. Parsons. Secretary s } a „