HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-22 I ? ~ , - a ty . ~ . :a4j ,HISTORIC. DIS9RICT3 'COI~IISSION MINUTES Op' A MEi~TING HELD ON MAY 22, A971 s A'n nformal,a~atirig was held on Saturday, May 22; 19~I,,at $t4~ A.M.~ - at 1162.Massachusetts Avenue. Present were Commissioners Wilbur-N,~.,;: " ' - Jaquith, Chairmani George E Gravesi'Donaid J. Shaw= Georgia H. idilliamns Associate'Commissioners George W, Emeryi Albert T. Pitti 3. Lawrenoe Whipple.i Donald E. Nickerson Chairman of the Board of Appoalsi and Hugh Shepley,` Jean Paul Carlhian,~; and Donald Tel7.a]~ia~ of the architectvral ~ - firm of Shepley 'Bulfi.nc.~s,. Rfaharxlsozr~,:aru~'Ab"bott, ° T,he group touxed the house. Mr. Jaquith stated that he need®d assurance that the house oould not be used and added be feels it would be posel,~le tg use the front part of the house as part o~ 'the 'library. 1Kr.w.:$heple~ said that `they would , have to gut the house and line with concrerte blocks to make fireproof .and that it would, be-very unsatisfactory.., He,added that their olisnts base told them that theY',can~pbt:uao the house and;dq not want ttte house there: anti. that he oannat perswade his client tie-change his mirk.,-Mr; Jaquith .stated that, if oannot use.-the house, then they must oome'up`with ,build-~. ing exterior similar to the. era, of this house. ,Mr..3hepley said that'if ' the client is notable to build xhat is desired,,. they x1..11 sell the entire parcel of land owned, both this property and the ad~aoent"property, the former Carter property. He added that no one would know what would happen` - to the. property :f it were sold. Mr. Nickerson .stated that house lots on that side of Marrett Road. need..have only a 125 foot frontage. and ij,300 - square feet. Following a tour of-the outside of°the property and the areas 'F staked out shoaling location of the proposed buildings, ,the meetir?g was ad- ,~ourned at lO:1S A•M. " An adjourned hearing on the application of the New England Telephone and. Telegraph Company for a Certificate with respect to an addition to the building at 73 Waltham Street,,whch is within the Battle`Green.Dis- trio, was held at 10x25 A.M. °;ln the lobby of the Cary i~n?or3.a7. Building,. Lexington. Preaent were Cvmmi:ssioners Wii:bur M, Jaquith, Chairmen; t3eorge F, Gravest Donald J, Shawl Georgia H. Williams; and As~oc3,s,te Commissioners , George W. Emery and S. Laxrenoe Whipple, Mr,"Emery'xas appeinted to serve for P2~ilp B. Parsons,.. Seoretary who was unab].® to be p~aent. Tt was -•t moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED that Mrs. Williams serve as Secre terry Pro Tem. Following brief discuasion it was moved seconded, and un~ 'z' animously V01~D to issue a Certificate to the New England Telephone and - Telegraph Compar;y, Participating in this decision were Commission®rs Wilbur M. Jaquith,. George E, Graves, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H, Williams, and Assooia.te Commissioner Gorge W. Emery. The meeting was adjourned at iUi4$ A,M. ' " oxgta/.H. Williams ecre cry Pro Tem .,;a