HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-19 , . 4J~1&~: 'M~ ~ - ~ . . ?~l i' ..P ~t H18TORYC DI3~RICTS COMMISSION MINtTTES OF A MEETING HELD ON MAY 19 ~ :.1971 The Historic Districts Commission ndet on Wednesday, May 19, 19?l, at ?s 30 P.M. at the New England Telephone Company building at 73 Waltham Street, Lexington. Present wars Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith,. Chair- man; George E. Graves=, Donald J.'Shaw; Georgia H. Williams; and Associate Commissioners George W. Emery= Albert T. Pitt; and S. Lawrence Whipple..`. Present for the petitioner were John W. Gossett, Planning Tngineer; Walter J. Aspinwall, Engineer; and Miss Eno, Secretary. Mr. Sheehan, head of maintenance at the Lexington building, took the persons present on a tour of the building, explaining the operations Arid equipment in the building. It was specifically pointed out that it would be impossible to install a stairwell to the penthouse from the second floor because of the oablea, etc. installed Suet below the ceiling. .5r'.2 At 8s30 P.M. an ad3ourned hearing an the application of the New Eng- land Telephone and Telegraph Company for a Certificate with respect to the erection of an addition to the: building at 73 Waltham Street, which is within the Battle Green District, was held in the Bird Room of the Cary Memorial Building, Lexington with the members of the Commission and reprew sentatives of the petitioner mentioned above all present. Mrs Emery was appointed to serve for :Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, who was unab7.e_to be gresent. It wan moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED that Mrs. Williams serve as Secretary Pro Tem. Mr. Gossett submitted three sets of scale drawings of the proposed addition and plot plena to the Commission. He stated that they would like to have a 36 inch railing along the catwalk as now have although this is not on the plans and the members of the Commis- ' sion agreed that this was a feasible request. It was also decided that the grass strip between the building, and fence be extended to the plot line. The hearing was ad3ourned at 9=3? P.M, An informal meeting was-held at 9e38'P.M, with representatives of the Trustees of the Supreme Council.. of The 1lncient Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry regarding their property at lift Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the. Munroe Tavern Aistrict,. Free®nt were George A.?i8wburyy Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Buffalo, New York; Stanley F. Maxwell, Executive Secretary bf the Supreme Council4 and the following representatives of the architectura7.`firm of Shepley, Buli'inch, Richardson, and Abbott -Hugh Shepley, Jean Paul Carlhian, Donald Tellalan, and .John Kanaatab. Mr, Carlhian submitted a plan of the property showing the pro- posed parking. lot and second exit ton Marren 12oad. He stated.'that. auditorium would be the furthest building from Massacshusetts Avenue; one gallery for loan exhibitions and the administrative offices would be ad- 3acsnt to the circular driveway area;,the".library would be nearest to Marrett Road; and the other three galleries-would face Massachusetts Aver nue. A scale model showing the proposed buildings-and locations with the trees and nearby properties was shown as were scale sketches showing rough plans of the proposed buildings to show the series of pitched roof lines and the interior courtyard planned so as to preserve the trees on the land. .y.. `A ' • 2 - ; May 14, 14?1 HISTORIC DISTRICTS CDM~[SSIQN ~ • It will caver~a fairly large :area wth.atorage vaults propoeed for under., ~ the 'building's nearest the driveway and the three galleries facing the Ave-~', , nuer,willbe connected by glass...aorridt~rs. Th® arohitect9 are fairly.aon fident that all trees. now on the, property will be preserved as they do note . plan to ohange any of 'the existing. grades, Narse of the buildings are planned to exceed 1ZQ or 50 feet above grade. Mr, Newbury stated that they told the architects what the Counai,l neaeded and the architects have ao~. up with this preliminary plan which will suit the needs of the Council. Mr. Jaquith asked if~the buildings would be constructed at one time and Mr, Newbury stated, that they planned to raise the money and build the ern-" t3.re pro3eat at one time. They plan to haeve 3{~,000,squara feet for exhia x; . bit halls, 38y'000 square feet of storage beloat ground, and the-total com- plex will consist of 1,000 square feet. Then followed a brief discussion of the involvement of the Board of Appeals and Jaqui,ttt stated, that if the Board of Appeals does not approve. rezoning for the proposgd use of the land,; that the pro3eot can not proceed, Mr.. Jaquith stated that he would like to meet.at the property with the'ar~htects so that they can explain . ..why the present building :cannot be used anti to point out proposed locations of the complex. It was decided to meet Saturday, May 22nd, at 8:45.A.H; at the property. Mr. Jaquith also stated, that he would like to 'hays: an idea of what the exterior of the buildings, particularly these aloseat tD Massachusetts Avenue, will look l.lee, Mr, Newbury aaloed the Commission to view the property add then give the Council an honest opinion as to wheth®r or not they Dan go ahead with their plans. lie added that they "love this property", that i't is ideal for what -they have in mind, that they are de- lighted that it is in an historic Brea, and they want to put~up a building that they can vse and be proud_of. This :meeting Was ad3ourned at iit35 P:M. Mr. Jaquith stated that-the Tors has regsested an opinion frog the Cganndssion, vr].th respect tA,'the acquisition by t~ Trntn cf the. foreebr..:. ~a.theri~e Rs~rington property as this,aaqusition will be in the Warraa`h for the .Tun® Town Meeting. lYTr, Jaquith was instructed to advise the Tom. of the Com?ai.asions' approval, RP,aaqusition provided the':building is moiished axxi grassed Doer,.. Jaquith stated that an application fora. Certificate had 'been rea43ved from Dr William Graham with respect tip` the erection of aluminum siding te..nwtch that already installed and the ins..- . stalLation of aluminum shutters on the buldir~ at 21 Muzzey Street and also an application .has been received ;from Siierei.n Willitens Paint Co. with ' .respect to erection Df signs Yor the property at i? Waltham.Street. The meting was adjourned at 1ik45 P.M. , orgiai H, Williams' ecretary Pro Tern ' , r ,.t~~. ' ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~