HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-04-21 2 - f• ~Y` .,i xsTORZC DzsTRI:CTS coMa¢ssxoN Md1~fTTES OF A :MEETING HET,D UTd APRIL: 21, 1971 ~ , , ti - The Historic Dis'tricta Commission h9ld a meeting on Wednesday, April"' 21, iq~l, in the TT3:rd Room g~ 't1?s Cary Memorial Building,. Lexington.' Pres«» _ ent were ~omisiasoners Wilbur'~1Jaquith, Cliairn~ni. Philip B; Pat'aona~ Secretary=" George E. Graves; Georgia H. Wi].].iame~ ~1onaT8 J.` thaw= and Aba sociate Commissioners George,~T.'~Emery~ Albert T. .Pitt; and 3. Lawrence ~ Whipple. Mr. Jaqui#.h introduced Mr..Bhaw who was appointed.Commissibner to fill .out the unexpired germ of the late Max Ii. Strax, A hearnng was held at 7137 P.M. on the appl:icetion of 'the New England Telephone .and Telegraph Company for a Certificats with respect `to exterior= architectural changes on the building at 73 Waltham Street,. which 3.s Frith- in the BattZe.Green District. Tor. Jaquith read the legal nmtics of and the letter requesting this hearing. Present t'or ttie petitioner .were J®3tn,- W. Cossart, Planning Engineer; and Walter J. AspinT~rall, Engineer; lair. Cossart submitted one set of p~.ans of the proposed addition. Foll.awing discussion, the ,hearing igae closed at° 9f 12 ~'.M An informal meeting was held at 9e 14 P.M. with representatives of the Trustees of the Supreme Council. of, 'Ihe Ancient Accept+ad- Scottish Rite of Free Tgasonry regarding their. propertsy at- ilt~i2 Afaasaclxueetts Avenue, Mhich is xithin the 'Munroe Tavern District. Present were George A. Ne?rbury, , Grand. Commander of the Supreme Council,oFf Buffalo., ,New York.; Stanley F. Maxxell,,Executive Secretary of the :inpreme,Council~,a#l41 the following , representatives of the architectural firm of Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and.Abbott ~ Hugh Shepley,. Jean Paul Carlhian, Donald Tellalian,..ani3 John - - , Kanastab. The architects submitted a scale model showing models of the - buildng~ on both sides of Massachusetts Avenue and Marren Road in the area concerted and trees on both parcels of land. owned by,the Scottish ° Rite. Slides of buildings an both. aides of Massachusetts Avenue from the. - area of the Munroe Cemetery to beyond'Pleasant Street were shown and also sho~m were large scale maps and topographic maps pf the area, It is plane ned to build a Lecture T=all., Zlbrary, T~zseum, Office Building, and st-stage. with vaults below ground. It is expected that the total area will be (00,008 square Yeet, Including the storage area. The architects intend to be careful in the placement of the ,auditorium which moat be rectangular xhereas the other buildings. can be more flexible in-.shape. 'The arohiteats " plan to preserve as many of the trees on the property as is possible. The galleries will probably be of Different wises and shapes to avoid monotor~ and it is ex}~ected that they will be of br3.ck and/or wood as these galleries .must be fireproof. Mr. Newbury said that the objects in the galleries and vaults would be of tremendous value so have to have fireproof structures .for the museum,. 1lbrary, and storage area, The paricl.ng area x111 be away from the buildings and ~iassachusetta Avenue and probably surrounded by trees. so as to be as inconspicuous as possible. The office building will be for ` the library and museu~i and will not take. th® place of their present office C'`~ 1 - - ~ ~ . } ~ ? L ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ' v ' is BIST~tTC DI9',~CP?. VY~.~u~7IWA ~ ~ ~ April /G~1. 1971 :.we.; , - .:ry. headquarters. The amount of aa~teria3. on diap3~ay will b+~ constant ate' matey rial gat displayed will, be ,in the s'torago saints az:d area to ::be nee~der she - ~ museum buildings, ~a+rbuxy stated that they hope to arrange fs~x specia'1 , borrowsd exhibits which wi.il :be of Interest to a3.1 aitsons and visitors;. ' ' Mr, .Shepley stat+sd that the scale, co~.or,; acid eharact~er wil.]. •te a form .off' , Georgian. style but 3iot Georgian in detail as it~woukd npt do to design pseudo Georgian ,or pseudo Munroe.'Favern buiidit~gs today. Mr. Parsons asked if they were familiar with. the'`~isitors Center and' suggested that' perhaps `the buildings could be similar to that.. Tt was stated that they sere com* muted to pitched roofs for character and that these would be appropriate for the area. No building xll bo hig~t~r than'a°two story house,, Mr., Newbut~ stated that ttsa.house is unusable and that it would not be,poaaibla to make the maseestt like the house. Mr.- Jaquith said that he would' 1:#ke- to . ; know what is going to replaee the hour® arid,Itt', 3hs}ilsy stated that they need a' concept of the entire .plan before. aomw3,tting thez~elwti. Mr. Nerbux~? ' . 'stated that he wants. to inspire oonfidenoe in their pl.a'ns so that they .may receive a permit for demolishing the hones-as soon as possible and added that he is afraid oY a fire atartiiig iri the house. Another as,eti7ng ' ' , scheduled for May.19t3i at.9t00:F.M:. meeting was closed at lOt;50 F.M. Mrs. Williams asked if anyone had noticed: that the sign over Buse°s 3,exington Flower Shop did not fit the a3~ia as expected. . A me®ting was scheduled Y.or April 28tl1 at which time ths',H®ni~yie*. drive- 'way at ii Hanccok Street arx the landscaping for tlte,, Hancock `United Church of Christ ~ri.ll be discussed, It was rived, seoorded; and utaanianausly Yt)'PEA to ,approve payment of . a ' .bill submitted by ths,Clerk, Barbara Gilson, for $41.40 for dlerical. sex'- vices and postage. _ Mr. Jaquith read a letter from Dean Nicholson; ,Attorney for the oeners' of the property at 19 Mus$ey street,. requesting that the Coamai.saion select a ool.or from the samp3:a cards enclosed for 'the,. blinds acid it was decided to specify a green shade called "Jungle Green". _ the meting was adjourned at 1 ~ - Philip B, Parsons, Secretary Y ' i~.il'1 ' 3~~