HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-24 ~ . - ~ '(a HISTORIa DISTR'LCT3 COMMISSION . MLNtT'I~S Ob' A' I~S~lR3 HHLD ON FEBRUARY ?.k,,, 3971 The- Ai.atoric biatricts Co~d.ssion held s yeasting ori, Wednesdays Pibs ' ' raary .1971., in the .Bird Ream of the Cary 14emorial ~y I~eo~i,xsgtssta at 7x4,5 ~'.M. Present t"re<m'e ~oma'isaionera Wilbur 14. Jagai3,h~ Chair~ni , P2~il.ip B. Parsons, 3eeretarys George Gravesf Georgia Wllia~ost.'and Assooiats Coamiasione~,3. T.aKrsnce Whipple, It xaa moved,; ascor•~ed,. and unaniawusly YOTffiffi? to iaans a Certificate of Appropriateness to 'Robert I,. Lyosa d/b/a W. H L~?on fox a directory sign on the building at 55 Walthasl Stre?s't. Participating in this decision were Comaisaioners.,Wiibnr M, Jaquith, Phiiip'B. Persona„ George S. Graves, . Georgia H. Wi.17.i~sma, •and Associate Co>emiasionsr 3. ~.axr~ancsu Whipple. Mr. Jaquith stated tlpit Frank Readg xould appear on Maroh 3rd;xith a cost for change in color of the paint for the front of hie store at i7Ei0 i~taasachusetiss Avsm~e and also that same night- the Con~iaaiah xon]:d discuss the landaoapingplan eubaittsd by? Hancock Church. Hs alsa~ stated that the Ns~r England Telephone Gompa~r would. be coming ri xith`a request ` for an additien'to th,nir building on'Waltham Street. He also stated that the Bu~dg®t of $1.,600 snbmttted to the Tarn had beers appror`ed. p discussion xsts held on the application of the Truateos of the"$~ preme Council of Ths Anoietit AoceptAd Scottish Rite of Free ?5aaoisry for a Perdt to Dsmol.ieit or Remave the house :and barn on the premises st 1162 I!~assachusetta Avemxe, ''Consideration xas given to information Y~rnished at the hearing on Dsae?mber 2~ lq'~'0 and the ad~ourr~d hearing on Fsbraary 3. !9'~1 by the applicant and interested parties attending the hearing and ads ~ournad ~sring atyd'also to research saterial on the bniZdings presented.' to the Comndasion by the Ghair~n oY ths.Commiaeion and else by Associate Commissioner 3, La~rrence Whipple., After discussion, upon motion duly made' and seoordedi it u+as unanimosxely YO~D that the application of the Truss tees of the Supreme Counci3. of The Ancisat Accepted 3odttsh Rite of Free Masonry far a Permit to Demolish or.Re~ve the house and barn. at .216.$ A~asaachusstts Avenue is disapproved and theft the reasons for s>xch disap- proval are herebg determined to be those set forth in the formal nptics . of disapproval :.ttaohed to the Alinntea of this meeting. Mr. Jaquith stated that Albert T. Pitt'ef p361 Maseaeshu~setts Avenue had been. appointed by the' Selectsbn to comple#s the tarsi of F'rankTin C. Hudson. The meeting was adjourned at 10,20 P.M. ~ . . ~ ~ , Philip B. Parsons Secretary . TOWN QF LEXIN~'ON 111a.~racl~~retts n 0213 ~ {Rll l~ x,„ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF DISAPPR4YAL OF APPLICATION F!ETR- DEMQLITION OR RET~VAL iCOtice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Historic Districts Commission held on 4Tednesday, February 24, 1971,. the Commission voted to disapprove tha application of the Trustees of the Supreme Council of The .Ancient Accepted Scottish Bits of Free Masonry for a permit to demolish ar xemave the house and barn at 1162 Massachusetts Avenue which is within the rfunrve Tavern District for the following reasons: 1. The house, or at least the main part thereof, and the barn sre trwiieved to have been bui7.t in 1855 or 1856 and there- fore are considered to be representative in architectural design aa9d setting to buildings of the mid-nineteenth century in the I~st 3.~e the preservation of whichcomes within the purposes oY tbs. Historic Districts Act, Chapter 41+7, Acts of 1956, as . amended. 2. The issuance of a permit for the demolition or remmral of th+e ,bu33d3,ngs .~.rivalved, :wisiah :are structurally sound. and of - the same era and compatible with other buildings in the vicinity, sierely to clear the site far the possible erection in the fl~ture a~f another building, tl~e proposed design. of which is yet unknown to Ca:seian, would be inappropriate at this time for the guesses oi' the Alt. Ths Commission, booed an present flats, has determined that there are no aandi:tions especially affecting the buildings involved,. but not affecting the Historic District generailyr, under which a failure to approve the application wilt imrolve a substantial ba.rdship to the: applicant; and that such appLtcation cannot be approved at this time without substantial detriment to the public welfare and substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of the .Act. ate disapproval of the. application is to be without pre3udice to the filing of a nesr application. by the applicant at a later date.. HI3TaRIC DIS~tICTS CONIMC5SI0N r. Byi Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairbsan February 24, 19?i