HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-03 f: , , r: . , _ ~ .i P~ MtIRT~4 OF A bg.R°~TIi~ H~ ON F$~tEtAR~C 19?1 The Aiator3p `•DistriAts ;''Co~adssion • hl~l~,;a 3~rattts~ +pxl:Widnseslay~. Fir'aw : , ; ` " , rnarg 19'!1, iu the 'Bird Roaat oY the 'CaT t9ixorial ~ "iedei.'Ee?n. Present xere Ccs~s3,saioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Cht~irasn~ pl~l.ip B ~Paxsartas; Seeretaryt tieo?rgs Graues~ Luc H. ~tril~i Georgia. H, Wil],iaaei alai Assa+~; date Cemed.aaioner Qeorge ffisrry. ' • An ad jonrned hsar#.ng ~qts held at 7t45„P.M, exi the applioation et' the Ssprsae Council of The Aneieat ilaeepted-8aettish Mite of Masonry fey a Pormit f®r Dsmaiition or Ramous]: of the property at 1162 1~?ssaohueretts. • Annne, ~thich is xithin the- Monroe Tavern ~istrot. .Present for th,s psti~» tionsr vets {ieerge A. ~rbury~ Grand Cemeand®r aP th,a `'~uprsme Cou~bil of . Baftalo, Dts~? Yorks Rsrald Astiey of South Aadley lht].l:~t, l~sasaohxisetts s La~trenee S'. Paton, Grand 3ee=retary Ger~erYi of the 3nprsms .Counoila of R?ms and Stanley F'. ~nte2].~ E~outiue 3gore~arg of t~ `3npreme Ce~an ei1. Also present m?ra eighteon abettors or reofd~ugtts of Leacingte~s. The $uprea~ Ceur?cil coasts f'if'teen atates,~ has app>~ca~lx~teiy g00y~00D msxbera oY xhiah ~tlisODO are in ilex .England. .The Governing Body .ia cost- posed sf .fifty msu wha .are aieatred for life er until. age 7S. ,Original headgas,rters of the Connell vas in .per York. and-they mewed to Hbston xhsn the Statist Hotel. xaa bxilt. A Yew years aSo they acqui>•ed the former Carter property as they:li~t the hiatoriaal obar~aeter of .the, toxn and xanted s headgasrters in an .area that ~renld not de~erierate, i~Er. lievbnry . stated that there is a tet~l of about trenty~tre sores•in the ttre prop~» ernes. The house at 1162 l+lasaaehtuetts Awnae is in tied shape .and xenad require at least 10,,000 to put in livable corxiition. Thi: propsrtay xas acquired to peotect.the headquarters property .and is net for solo. He stated. that hs 3s not overly cos~oerned shoat raising tl~s necessary futds , for ereotie~g the s!ase~ub and library they propose for this site..` E Mr. Ja nigh salted what xoald ha q ppsn i,P they are not able to raise the neeessary ftiuxte. 1!~r. Nexbary stated that he has acid tkss fifty ®en who comprise the Ceanoii ou establishing their headquartsre in Igton anti he is not omnoerned about raising the necessary fuixis .Prom the mmaa* bershp of ,500000. Thep? plan to develop en liaea preuieasly a~tlined, • Stray ulced 3Y there xaa a»y' oheause mf 3c~eping the. property rem paired and in livable oendttion. Mr..llerbury stated that he feels $2,D,000 is minimum amount necessary to repair and they would tit oonaider• giving alone a five year lease. They xant to hays the auseum and library ready Yor ttss 19~j celebration. Tf they do not tales the money,, they xonid not baii].d on the land. nay trould tlisy sell the land. n Mr. Jaquith asked iP they are ceasdtted to keeping the land. Mr. ~leattrsil stated that there is adequate space in the former Garter property and that they base no interest is disposing oY this property. Tla Supreme Coancil `fishes: to tnxilci a museum and library on this property. ` . ' ~x;. - r°;. e~.:. . _ _ - ' . : c Dzs~CZs` cciTOx Ih?ba~ary; 3~ 197i Mr, klsxbary at,~ted that they ad.gbt the >acaaemi deed rot knohr exactly +rr~ere. T~?y ~roxald il~e the' bask ce~ae bat be- ` ama and libraa~p bnildM ' . ' ' fag in a conspicio~ area as a:~s approaalm~s gtab. ~T liload 'the. hlsp+ , taraai 'ohsraaterr of Ie~ci.r~ton .and xant to pres+trse it. have, a aroma . , s~lantial .iaveat~eet ira their; paroper#~ ix'IwacL~toa, ' I~r; Baton acid that they aou3d btif],d Pitty~'ivs feet Taaok- Prom the present atructnre without having to have t2aair plaas appaored ~y teas H9.s torso Distriots Comasiaai©n ht vuderstoed.. - j I~4r. Jxgnith stated that tho pt~wry purpose of the Caamt.sa3on is to 'preserve an area ot.two handred.tost.swch aide of the Avenaa »?~ioh was primariZy_ the line of ~lrsYl'ot flue: British. The Ceaeaai.aa4len'~s asnusrn is ~1 Xith-wit l7sPpe~ i~' t'oar Diatriats. ' fir. Nwbary stated that t~bey did rut xarrt' a -axtbdivision matt 'to # , . and they Colt that they did the aea~riity a good tarn in puro tha:, ill haai~g property. He attted,tbat ths~ are ,to locate t3~sir'mnasaec.so as to save the bip~ tre#. ~ Mr. Jaquith salsesl if their .plan to select stn arsbltsct nos!. 2lr,' atstsai that hs aatpseted an, arohite®t wenld be' seleotad vithi~a. thrtj? ~ : ` i, and vonaeivab3,y ffight bs se3.eatecl' by thq eed at. Fibrgart. .Ise teels:. al].- , arahiteota, oerai~iared,xll be taaai,liar with this..as'ea. He is d#stirbad ; . tb~t ~ cannot ~aaRure the otbbr tert~n3ne-~ssmberi of the 4#overt~.~.4" of the Coaanail that. tisey MSII be able to doviolish the present. haildl.rega, _ Ida. Williams rs3'M~d tv the x)nite ltianae as gaa?t Le#a,sb Wam repaaasd by a brioyy i~tr~aotnre xhiah sha "t"oela is a~e~r~tni~sl to .tlm~` aerner at' 'Maaaaobaaetts 1?v* and Fvilen Road. 1~Ir. ~nrb~r~r eland that nv brisk • ' -a hr:il~.ng xill be arimt'~l .by tai ,~p~rpMla 14rar Wi1lis,ea said that she ttisl~a the bo~rso coald rt~mala~aaai that laer seaord ohoiae Kanld be toe }aave? :area, ,seed over.. She added than she xonld hate to sa? a hansi„na developarsrit ` ; ` : Mr. Jaquith .aslnd t+bRt csonatrnation tops aaa aort~l;~aplated. !!r. 2is+r~. bgry stated that i,t Weald not be brisk. Tl~ba atraotara voald hasr to be tirspraof bat wise sa~it 6e in, laewpiatg trfth tbs .I~sabesgto~ area« . ~ Canes ail vabta to lac good etiseres' and wlaeme in the aomaasnity, ,l~r. Jagaitb stated drat. the other straotvrea its tl~me area arw ~?ood and that a :trick ~ ~n ba7.ding Mould pat is s different type of vonatraotion in the area,. l~r. ~exbary stated that their da not bars a brisk straetare in:~aiasd. ohs bai~;d+w ing xauld have to be pads to simulate colonial arvbitectvtre but Rl this point thalr have no concept in mird. Fie woa2d expsat the arsbiteat to snb~ - mit aereral deaigas. ' ~ - ~ ~ 'a . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,fin ..r".; , . ~ro x: k:~ . . ~ ~ ' ~ AIS'i~i,IC DISSRIC3J COI+piC58I0N ~ ,Febrnsry 3, 1971 Mr. degnli.tlt then opetsed the dissuasion Par gassatietxs or aoaments' • from the flooi. . Corydon Wysan of 11f>6 l+h<Sarael~Ets A~entto osa~ented that the Caauw cil xou7.d stare to hst~ Hurd ~pprala peradsaion is ;erset a ansrear awl asked if there xeald 1~ an .aaion charge. 1~Rr. M~rsll stated-that' there xonld be sts tdtiaaisR mharge. In answr to a~thsr gxsatian, 1~r. ltaxKell stated that. they .had z stralisd the protxled eP traffic. - Laurenas gpp eP gib Ms`ssaehnsetta~"dvenae stated taut sis,ep xonld . prefer tc ass an 18~$ house raaain rather than ha» it goplaasd ~ a h~ , strnature. ~ ~ , a~9ra. Fraalc aiet~rig of 1099 Masaashuastts Atsnue sated that t3as teNn rsu3d haw to abide ~ tl~e rples eP'~'#~ ~i.stgrie;:a#striata Cosmtiss~en Act, , 1P the Caa~at#aion permits ttese~2ltion,.. s)~ `a~iid that' ahs xondred haa? tt4oh faith the people in the l~aat Yillaga xsulel hate in ib~ture aatiens of the ' I Cessdsslon. l~tr. Strax stated that flats is nothing ~ .tla# Historic Di,strets lot to fetes oxners tm sa~tain propert~~r. The Csam~iason oan deer desislition butt„ if denelit3~on ass denied.,' xhat x111 be the f~attars oP tie strnet~r?t' , i 3 Mr. dagxith statad that the Couneil tide indicated that it xou~t not z~ pnt the atones in rental aendition. 2~s . Gesrdsaion has no ps~rer .3s.. #`orae maintenance of prepsrty and he fee].a fate abuts gt6ealian is inspprote nn3:esa eteryene rsosgnseas tlytt the Csas:isaion has. m. pexer to enferee- , 'the maintenance of prsperta?„ Mr. a7~wbery stated that the' Conned Kill :"net, be a deg in the ~naagar" if desielition is ds»~.ed but they x111 hate to rethink waldag their header gnartera in I.exingten. xoyston Dalsyy~ stt arahiteat,, of 2243 Maaaaoh~aetta ~Atenns read a letr? ter opposing daatslition of the howtss and askipg xagr tats. hence aunt be deg. - atroyrod in order to build s muae~ and library. He stated ttsst :grik Lxndy. Cha3xman of the Planning Board, tenants xith his letter, air also aelaed abut the sa+s contestpl.atsd of the propeasd building .sad xhaf the a2~erw nat3tea ors • if tats 'lsm3ld3.ng plan dogs rot go ahead. ` Jaquith :feted, thatther~ 3s.a anbatant3al amount of prepsrty 1n frostt of tape home and that it xaa passible for the property fo be sab- divided. 2~h~. Nexburq stated that so fang as tape Goittna'il erNnb the proper- ty, St x311 not bs subdivided. Mrs. Wilma h`tsy of 1133 ~lasaachusstts Aver?ne sebuiLted a copr'of their letter and petitions oppeaed to doatolitsn and stated that she doss • not beliefs arty: petitions hays been a3.gned • favorixig' demoltimn. 'rt ; . F . , lIIBT~IC DT9'TR,TCT3 CUI~.'gdI4N ~ ~ ~ ~'ebriui~y 3, 1991 ~ a ~ _ v Pf~li ~ieras of ~?'3 l~assaehasstts Avamis aalcrid , . p ~l+Y' tho ha?aseb ~rast !w tern. darn, 16r. Nexbary at>ted _ t2aat„the Cotor~eil araeats to locrate: a esm' and library them.. The! Geur?eil aan }ri?»rposs'-of '=~r+1'faY at a subR* ' , atantial profit. ° , ~ ~ oanaet tisx3 al'tornatiwa . arhe~ l Mr. Gsraai asked w the Ceanei2 ohasi PY'efl~rt9' in as bistorio . tears.' . lSr. ~Paxars7.1 s#iterd .that they parr+ ahaserd the lam and the 1~1: calve amty. Ths9 did ost. rAtalss tau ho~aae raln~e arcs irnrolwd a~ they are .dists~essed by the eorxlitioa~ of the he~se. The Coanoil pgrelaaserd tie Carter pr©perty first althgnagh -they anrs rs#go~ fisting for both at the saes-time, lam. dagaith stated that aan}r in tenrn parer pmrohased propsr~tg aritheat ; realising. it eras in are histoMo axes. Mr. Daley asked achy this is #aas anty pi~se of land 'the?y aan be~'l ea. llr. Nerrbnig stated that he land arld the other fob aM>rbers of ths_ ' (ioreraing Hsdy oY tLe ~eroaoil on its. ooxarpieraeue 1esRtioA Norerarr; F]:etcl~aer, an arohitaat,; a3' laden i~Lll Road stated that fire Ceunai2 aovld build exayr from t2ar .Louse. $e stated that that seu].d toe the eudaiag house as . an attachment to a ~ stat~etarre » not the rear end of flee Leas. arhi.oh is not rrerth ar~rthi~ag.. The rear egad ooa].d be tern .deem sad an .arahitoat ooatid design a goad structure .te t^ro added to - thr satiating baaild3atg, Els atatsd that the Cosrdss9.errt asSgAt arait. tor, s~issioan of pLma for ? ney .st:aatmre beFere taking aaa~? aatien, Mr. daeiaith asked arlrat an aroMteat from aatai8e T.aad.ngtorr ~dght eerie ap arith is the wef. of a emitabls building,. Mr. R3.4tahsr ste?ted that .t>zis ` problem is faesd by ara~aitetetai aI1 ever t1a .Dtd.ted States,r; both resident aced res~aresident.arahitaets_ Mr. 8letesher stated that he fers2s flee Cmmaris~- sign s~nld 'root aloes this application anti2. an, srohiteot 3s ehoses! ar~d plans are sabw3.tted and then psrLaps tM laaase night be denelished, ; lir. 8trax asked if the Conboil had given an0? oonsideration of a vii. lags ao~rpl.eae aneh as a separate rrnsws aad library.. Mr. llearbetry stater! • tit this ens entirely passible, The i.nstrmestier~a to the arohi++aet.arill be to .sums mp aritL satttable pLas- ar2$.oh grill be aacrptabls to Iwxingten. ~ added tLat lee hollers: it probably. arils bare te? be one btci]:d3.ng azrd he cannot conaeiiro of arrpr use of the prssast house,. . Keisnt Watha of 114 lttgls, 3trset asked if the Cannon eras aorr: sidering a atraatura like the l~aenie Teaeple in A3eacandria, T#rginia. Mr. Nearbary rep~Zied snpLatical],y no. It has to be a fireproeY, usable strnature. • Mr. Xipp stated that as a librarian he feels the base xeuld be a delightfg3. library. p1 ,r;~ K.>~' f HI9T~EIC DT9TR.TC'1~9 CIOIP 5 February 3? 971 . Mr, lalsy stated that hs behoves the interior is ux~ru~.table bust .feels' oeei'b' roAald ~ralaoas the Council*s presorrin~ thh. e~ctar~.er, _ - of the hon~ae. . Itfi. Jaquith rsY®rred to the,lotter xhiah d ahd Wilma.F~rey had ' sent to him wish eopies to tht ether ~sembsrs of the .~sriaxlssiob std the iesington Mimtte4Msn requostir~g that demolition of the 1?euse not be per" sdttsd. He atsted that.he bad reesired sown other simkar letters and ' alga nlnoteen Worn ~gstests. ,Alt the abon s?sationsd letters requested that demolition. not bs akkowed .ar.at least that it not be showed until . p]sus for aaother b~tildiag im. its place hates .been anbmitted.. ge . stated ; . Roland (irss2ey of 1359' I+lassaohuaetts_,Avem~r had nritteA him and stated - that he did not feel that the strrot~nre had amlr real historic aigAfiosnae. . Mr. $trau aslad what degree K hardship irould ba felt if tbp apply cation is deni,ad.. Mr. lie~brtry said that he xa: relnotaAt to as~saer she ' _ question. Tho Cou~i1 tronld not satfer aeq? tlnamo3al.-hardship. as they osuld rill the prapsrfitiq for mare' than tha1?° paid ,far it„' Mr. Jaquith stated that the Comsission needed to deterni#•m tho exact cgs of the house. Theis xas a bnildimg on the property i.h 1856 but it is - not. ksouri rhst~r ar mot it eras ~ that amuse. - The hearing.. vas ad3c+nrned a1s. 9i4~ P.M. FslloKi.ng a brief reoese~r tho Clerk stated that Wasson Chafe of 1109 tisssachusetts Avenne.had told her that he. did xiet speak. during the disk.,' onsaion bsoatise of the feelings of those present bet that he xaa in fever . of demolition.. Mrs.. Willia~.stited that•iKrs. Cyras Fisks of .1155 Massa chusetts Aosnw xhich ffi directly assess the ;A~?snme bad called.her aAd baid that she does not feel the- home has.a~ny,great a~traotion 1~. Parsons stated tbst he favors retaining the home at this time.'.",~' Mrs. Wl3.iams„stated..that she doss not Favor tearing the hones down. Mr, Bmsry stated that hs farrore keeping the. house. Mr. t3ravea stated that hs i'avora` tsarieag the heua~e doRm altbeugh psr-~+ papa it ahoukd mot bs taim dome iem~siiiately: Mr, Gravila ala~o acid t~uu?~ h• feels it eoald.be replaced by a nsr earlg style°bai3.ding~that world kook better than the present bai].ditrg. Mr. Jaquith'strted that lie xas:xorriod that the Fifty mon (tdse ma3ox+- ity of vham are from. outside New-Mngland anci of the eleven men from !b»r &ngland norms are from ~wxingtem°) ~tho aom~?rise ttr tFovsrning Body of tM Co~eil may net have asps concept of preserving ~m his`torieal area. The 6ounail did buy the property as they wanted it for protection of their.., headquarters and also for a museum and .library. Hs stated that, if a be _ ~ - ~ r ~ ~7.k C y!,.: . ~ . HIsc DZ82~cTg ~~a~gtssic~ :~'6 ti : , fir. ~97s - ~ , . . ; , . a ' peredt to dex~.#:ah is iaau~td.~ :fit s the' Council an 4~~,t~c+a,~t~:!i~e :`te go at~oad xith tl~ir plari:a. and t6a~* if . p pgrmi~ is denied,. ,'then t1~9 hays r?o asaurarnse that. the` ~.om~.a~ai~n 'Mai~].d 1~tgP putt, denwl~:#,itop• - ' ~ _ , Mr. 9tr~ix,aatced, ~f it xould 'be poaaiW.e to* approve an a deferred - bash, that is on basis of approved aubed.'Eted plans., and Mr, JaquitJ~i said that this xould be diffioult. . K Kt. JsQ,ui.th stated that a rsclnset far extension to ?prl. !at had been rsosived from the_Hsnrys., ?!r. Jaquith ats#wd that he .x®u7.d prefer Leo have the Cosmis:ion apw ` prove eachbtll received frois the Al~.~ute Man Pnblioation Ina. rather than have them apprt+ved on a blanket vote... The.Coaatl.aaion:VOTED io anthoriae ' the ChoirAp?n to approve, for payms~L on bahstlf of the Caimmi.ssion all. bills , frrom the Mim~te Man Publication, Irw ,for ,adrertisementa of_:~rar.t:ge as regnired_undsr tbs.•A¢t. . , , tom. Jaquith tnbositted a bill for $0.00 fer clerical serviaea.from Barbara Gilaon~ Clerk. it xas sw~ed! se¢ordsd, and VO'1~D to appa~avs PaP- ; a?ent cf this bill. : T~ meeting xaa ad~enrned at 10130 P.M, " P p Pa~atae 3eeretary _ , _ . - '