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HI9TURIC.. ~~y~ VVr~ii'.1iL7411~17 ~ ~ 5
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A MSgTI~G fly JA19UA1tX 7, 197i.
3~I~'[?TES OF
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' - The Historic Districts Comm~.usicn held, a meeting on Thursday,..Jarm~
ary 7s 1971, at:?t55 P.M. in:°the corridor of the main f1®or of the Cary ~
i+temori.al $nildtZig, Iwxingten. Present were Commiaaioners W11;bar N. Jaquith,
Che.irmun; Philip H. ParsDns, '3ecrstaryi E~eorge E. faraves3 Max B. ~trax=
Georgis H. Williasrsi and ksaociate Cemmisaioners George W. &teery and S.
?,awrence iThipple.
tbe?t had been th passed around new photograpks of buildinsa and signs -
taken of areas in the center of Lexington.
Nr. Jaquith. read a ].after from Robert Cataldo, Chairsan of the Board ~
of Seleotmeny stating that Max H~ 3trax had been reappointed for afive - ~
year term as a, Conoeisa0ner. Iri;-the letter Nr :Cata]ato stated tJ~at the _ s:
resignation of Assooiate Coasesaoner P`ranttlin C. Hudson had been ;resssived 5
and"that the Board had regwsted the Lexington Historical 8ociet,~ry, the ~
Lexington Arta and CraPta $ooi9tSY: Ino.,. and t3~ Trustees of the Cary Ne+~•
moral Library to suUmit noeinatioas fox filling this vaoamcy.. -
- _
Nr. Jaquith also stated that a letter-had been r+rceived Erse Robert t:
Cataldo rmg~?rding the. property o1" the la#s ~athsrine Sarrit~gton at. 1884. :/s
t~asaohusstta Avenue... Mr. Straw b~+le~1.y ctasoussed the matter `a a member
o~ ~Fir~t Parithe Tos?n of I.exi to property had been willed.. it sues ,
stated that an article will be in the Nash Warrant .for the pureshase of
p pe ~ by n8 n.
Nr. Jaquith read-a`~Opy of a letter that had barn sent to l~Pr. 8e Mrs. w.
J. Dan~ami.n Pal.n~sr of lsd$ I+Jaasachusetts Avenue regarding the .fire damaged
barn on tbi.s property.. A deadline of April. let has brim set :tor the .°,a,.,fi
' Palmers to present a program of rrstcration of this barn,. ~~s
aq L~agw
~~Js with read a lsttewithdraia?laof thslrna ~ioation of the
ton 3a Bank, requesting pgt for s Certifies-.
.Date of Appropriateness Wiish 'respeot to exterior. sign for the Bank.
Nr'Jaquith's~.atedthat°he had~not...receivrd nee plans from Robert 0.
Tillinghast for ~
the property at 46.475 Massaohusetts.Avenue. A maetirig
was scheduled for 7s S F,.M. on Ja
with,lKr. Tilling ~0~ ~ fisrther discuss this matter
has t. ' : - ,
Mr, Jaquith ~ttatsd that the, app].icatiCrp #'or a Certificate of Appro- , ~
priateness ~th:.'respect tci the installaten of a drivexay for the preaaiaes
at 11 Hanooak Street expiswed on January 23rd attd the Clerk xas rsgasated -
to discuss this xith ~ra. Henry and ask, them to request an extena.oss.
C~ final bill for the year li?70, previously voted, was aubiaitted' - k-:
$35.95 from Barlasra Ci].son for postage and clerical servioos for December
. 1970 .
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ffiS1+ORIC bI3T&ICT3 C(a2~lI38I01i ~ 2 January 7s 1971 '
Mr. Jaquith stated that renovations had..bemn made pn the Mariam
. Street side of the Central ffiook for :'Bo3amgles",,. a nex reoord'~tore. The
black paint: has been realoved .from tl~ large ui~ the. windpw 1~rames have
bsrin pgintt+d, ta?o spotlights have been erseteds. steps installed.
He said that he has disousaed this ?rith thos® students.who x1].1 run. the
store and request,bcl them to file an application For a Gertlficats of Ap~+
praprlateness, They uiah to paint the atepA and it-xas decided that
Mr. Jaquith oeuld deterndine the oelor to be used.
Iqr. Jaquith then raised a gneatioa absttt asking the.: Toxn to provide 'a ~ ' ~
person in the T~ Offiae Bnild#ng to xhom people might be sent during the
day !or anamers regarding proper~jr -that is dthiat a hiatorie district. (i~,,e= '
that obenges rsqure.a oertitoate hot to tiler etc.) and also ask.ths
Torenn if it xould be possible for a parson in the office of the Building.
Iiaspeotor gi "police" ttbe property in the }iiatoric distrists. $e. istated
that the Beardad'Appsals. bas's fall»time ao3~tar~? and that: she, ydght lsln
tina9 to serve as an i~rforsatisnal .pd?raon, Zt xaa .rooted,. seoerrdeda and qnM•
anl~motula? V()R~b that Mir.. Jagnit~ approach the Toren Manager regardl.ng. the r
above taco needs of the Commission..
The primary reasontor this meeting xaa for sxseutive session discus!
aion by the Cemreission a! the Nunn+~+9roith property at 1162 Massaohusatts Aver
nue, tar. Jaquith stated that an 1886 riap of iaxfegton. rohioh he has ehoxs a x; .
building on the land at the interesotioro-of Massachwsetts Avenue a~sl.Narrel~t
1Roerd. Mr. Jaquith stated that. he had received a..n~ oS letters from ;pets
eons oppc?ssd to demolition of this dwlling and barn., ~sntieni>~g.~ specifioal•
ly a letter from Lswre>aeo Whippis:oentsining eoasiderable rasearch.mhioh_
xould p]seeoonatrnotion prababl~r during:t~s early 1850's.and•.ths_letter:
from JohA Mi. and Wil>aa Frry, a .Dopy of which. vacs mailed.. to. each member ~
of the Coriieisson as wll ,as appearing in the Lexington Mi:mte~ian.
Jaquith- stated that in a~otaber so~sone Pros the 3npt+ems ~euarail, of The, An- ^
oient Aoeeptsd ~eettish Rite e8 F'ree_ l~son>~'Y .went to the 8nldi>Ag Iaspe '
tors ofYioe Misr ~'ar psmrelthr~'~ for dsselitioaa~ of for propertyt whAu. a eol7lr
a+.rn imrd be®n located to c~a~lsh the buildings,r, the.. Counoil.return.dl thy.
completed applloatiea to the Buildie~g Inspector`s. office t and . at; . blrat tears
1•arersd that ,ths property ran looatsd i.>e. a .historic district arse! :that a:
hearing before the Cemmassion was xeoessat~?. ilnfortvnatelyf tM xrscloi~rs
had began demolition proceedings inside the house prior to tiis.,
Mr. Jaquith disenssed,the prebleros taaat'arise,xith property in tbs
.historic districts with ~e?spsot to patrehassrs not being pre~rerrly told ' ,
that the ptbperty is within at - histo'ria~ dstrst~ :possibilifar ®f t~avitig
one. or more: articles is 'tl~ ;I»adiagt~o>n Mihnte~Maa discus ~ the week. mf
` tl~e Cona~issio>A and designitilag t!a properties that tall vt8la sash disc
trice was discussed as xas the, pcssibd,~s : nase'l of adviazt~ 1~3?' letter all
Damara of property within the !Dealt' distr#cts.
~.i r.
8I31+DRZC DTS~IC~3 CS$ZON 3 dannary 7, 1971
exs:ot data. that tha Mumr~pith ..property raa built is. uncertain
bxt it prebaDtar.e pre~Ciril.Wir ard,.probatl.~?.xas,, eri~#~d..in .the. add. 18~Q1°s
'wlth the baesk added a't'- a later dots, ~ gaaation xs:a raised ae to whetltisr
fiiw.: housa~ oo~sld bs rmda. ~rioeable it. t~..d~'laFh. xrgoaat s.,d*n3,pd.
Mr. t~ra?ves stated .that_he ,~a~s- in ~`ta~eur of tearing.• tl~..heuae; doaaa
Mrs.,. Williaas stated tAat ~ Ya+rers retain#~ tea horse and.,inoerporating
- it: in the mnsnmt.xlni.oPt the. Gsaeseil hope to erect in a.tar ~?ea~ca. Mrs
Straw stated that he feels the baildir+~ ;i: m~sightty in height. and. fa+vora ,a S'~
bnildiiog set i'~urthsr bask-xhioh aright. be .less... ebtrasiw and :he.iroa2.d-net
dialamr dem4litiax hat xondersel at..parhaps; the. Cam]. ad.ght.bs ee~mnraged
to seh the horse and neeeeesrY? aurroandit~g .land ,and.. devetcp.-t2,a xssaieder ,
ot: tht propertar. Mr. Whipple.. anted that :he teals tM setting -3s
and r~fleats aid-n~steanth oentmryr aro~iaeeiatrr. l+lrs S'~siT stated that ~e ~
fe•la it is .a geiried laadxarke,. particularly in that aettinE: • ':Mt. Parsons
s'ta;tedl that he- doss nat. taut is see the .homs• . detolishsd, Mr. Jaq~tiah . .
s11sNF~sd thRt~ pcsa3bly the Council might sell: the . horse or .that }~osaibly the
Gogdselaa.oed].d.da~.`t~a-.application.and req~riae, #bat the :~roara .bs,maiur~-.
tatit~ed in reseanl~bly geed oendtiem entil smeh ties: ,aa,..tlie 6omasS]..<..bas::.
raised smff'l,oiet~t:.t'amds to dot tha ~?aseim; t1ay, desire to. Zooate. eta the r:
prepert~. . Mr. dagaith e.tated' that the. Goeaeis ion can . a~~rovs; ,demrlttio~
can decide demolition is. inappropriate,,, sam dsaide dsmoliti;ea-_is ~3aspPa'o""
prlata without derogation oY the Aots aan dee~.de to appsw~w:demolltatt om
the gzonida of Dardship, er oan,denY the applieation.. ibr.. 9aarslr- toted .
that - as there xaa . no .:hardship to a psraon er . iaad~~; . he xould near favor
denial,. of the application. Kr. dagnith stated that he. srotild dot .bav!a .app
' proved, t~s applicatien. at' this had come • hefer the Casmdssion prior to. tbs.
illegal iaterier :dsm®ldtios... 1~. Jaquith .stated, that. _l~e ?aeiisves at~r sor ' . ,
tier falser et #lsis time is robably:a sto
P P6aP measare.. 'l~asart,., Par eanr,~
dtraw, ~ sari Whipple xa~at the roar, part o1" the house loft ii?taot.
fir. Sequith stated.' that Mr. Maxwell world aMet~ x~th ,tha Commission on the
third ~'ehraa,rr to confiner otisoussion oY ~e disposition of this
meeting xua at io: iy P.Ii.
Phili~S B, l~arsona _ .
9earalsary ,