HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-23 n r: _ S ~A ' ~ ~ ' ' ~ ? ~ 11.E ~ s Sy{ 13T31~OiZIC . DtIR~EttL"Td CO>8XA1~., , , . . , r~~as of a r>ii~TS~ H~ oiiz. i9' Then FLi.ater3.c ITii.stricts Cemrtiaaion held a sssti~ on Wsds~esdarys :Deeea*~ - liar 23y 19~s in t~s Bird Roam of. tiaa Cary ]lfiee~rsria3 ~s Laadaegton. Prrs'nt xere. Commasienesa i~i7:bdtr M.- Jaquith,, Ct~airs~anf Phl.lfip B. Paraome~ 3ecrstar9t'Gsorge Graveat i'!eu S. 3trawt Georgia: H.-~~if.ahd A.eow . Diets Cosrdssioner Lrrena~ Iahipple. . hearing uaa held at q~ ~0~ P.M. on thr spplieatien of tip 3+~pleaes Comnoil sf The Ancient-leoaptsd : Soettish Rite of Masss'rr far a Peru: >sit for i~olitien. or i1, of;. ties property at 1162 l~lasaaetsnaetts~. Avs~' nue, which, is s~ithir?, ties roe Tav~erA iiiatriet. IAr.' daelnith read: t„~e , 3.e~a1 ec?tica of this. hearing. aud. the.aetbr.~ragxtestia~ flee ,P~tw , ~ w seat for flee pettiarnar arere. ice, lieahe!rl].i, >Z3ceoat3.r~a 19eeretsry of t~?. , ~ ~ _ k:' dh, iPilliaw. C. $tys. ,af 44, >Kessla~ Awhaa, Atternery, tri.th ti . Jahmaon & of Bostan,~ latgal eounael 4er the. Qs~nd .Ledge, a 'D~asmes. Alao ,present ire J+ha~ 'W. u~ Wileea Frey- of 1133 i~~aahuaetta? .~!i, G. Rstrland Willias~s' of Bolles Rmady, ai+d >~obsrt tl,. 2111.hast.: of Hauer . Road. Mr. Sags stated that the bnil.d7.ng is be~b1een 100 utd a00 'fe~?t, back , , . fraa 1~iaaaaehusetts. A~reznee. The,regIISat for duiwl,itlaa a~eMS ant sf the inability of the CounoS.l; to ash, aeroseaaio pee of the residence, it .'was, - the Cousail'"s . intentien xhex acquiring the p~rspartjr to uas :tide . dtalling i as a residence. TkEis' regwst for dsau?lition is for a streoture xh3oh is no .longer aouuei a~nd~ ;this. rsgrust ,rt~t Wit, ba fslloeed by s request to -erect - another buil~ns at tier p4v?aemt .tine. ire ~eeadgsurtere bnildit>s ~Af the Csunei2 (the. forrier Carter proloertlr~ sraa parshased" tram. Ruggisre Khe ~ sntadivided the Lnd. into saran hemae lets:aaid, rlaam-the epgwrbmsit,^ir.aroee~ tl~- Couneil pnrohaasd . he Smith .pa'bPar~'. to. pretest tlar expad by tlre• Couneily, g~ar?ting: 1K~t+e. Smith -life i9aa~teo~.- Af'kar a d the..Conneail diseo~t^ered 'the lighting fixtures had Latin removed t"rem . t>!e dMSlling. Share arw alarlaad 1`eOma amd a large atria .in the daelllntE, Thexm $ d,r are no light, fi~ctures, the p2tmbiAg is of ancient vintatSe,~ amp flat. ~roonr'r ~ = irovld all :ban to be rsdon• ~ Tae oeatractora bare looted at. #lte prep~arta? and one eatis~ata for patting: the.. house .in livabls• cindition is $20y.000.~. f At-one timeT'he eunoe~il a ~~~ter a~~ the drelliag to tbe~pa~et" the .lot. pp].ied p~rnit is demolish the ware told by the Euilding Inatpeater a office that tleay would leave to file - sn applications including the trees of the xreclcirg firm.. Before eouts~etigg " , : ' .'I Mr, Jaquith regarding a demolition permit #'rew the Historic llistriets.Cem++ missieny, the rrree~srs had xor3oed in+ride the house remori,ng plumbing fia:~ tureay fireplaoesy etc. ao that only a alaell of the house remains. 1~. Irlsa~rell s~Eatsd that he thought the house xas erected began 1910 and 1920 but other persona at flee hearibg believed the house had been erected-fserw aiderably earlier tban.tdat. Mr. ~faxKell stated that there have been some . j...::: ;cif ~ , '~-3 ~ ; . 13~~STaRTG DI3~ICT9 CAMl~98ION ~ i?aoeaiber ~ftJ, 19p~v ` 'barglaridra ai:nde #.he hones t~ecamti vacant, ltr,, Jaqu#.th,.4rslca~d,. if .ttLero ~?a+ . ' , a~ reasaA other than .tile Assesaor"a~ ~r'~st dst+s`r, :ipp3gr~lsal of ' ,gib real.esIt wassstatbdpurpoo~a* fer< #,~eeLrm~rdlatA damieltiear.ot;.the, b~].d~ iag that the weather .ia c~amagrig. tom- imterier dne to: the removal of soma windows,... Mr. ~s stated- that. #,h, Council ,ia .afraid of ohildron :getting. 'into the hoses .and ma3aog in3are~,l ttrs s• is left. in its present state and, .i~' this happam~~,;,..tlas :Coarma]. xma~3 lee liable. Therefore,-the Council wishes to have the progeny-demolished as aoem as possible. ,taga#~h; tatsd thst,~. if the building ,a removed,, it w;iLt orsate a gap in tho rasidentiai area. and that #.he. hettse ereatea a-•me:lss~+ ing poaitiaa or pesple ooad..ng doxn Maaaachaeetts Awnwe Prem. the East , Y112age. Imo. l~taxvsll stated that, it the hence 3.s xet tors. dext~ it x122 a deteriorate. .a.;; !(r, liaxs+ell stated that the r~gioaal beadgnarters of the 3npreme Goanoil had be4n in the.Statler Bnld3ng in Boston tr over tert~ years and that they had . aognired the .headgnartrar~s - b~eileiit~ iti Lexington a i'ex :;f years ago, The Con~il plans. to baild a idasmnie .Malsget and .Library whioh wnnld bs :open to the pahla ae Droll as to 1~?at~ns.: Their plan is to_ er.ct s very aabatantial b~aildixig on .the knoll. xhere the house 2s aita~ted _and the banding xonld extend bactt from there, It prabably.xi21. be five yrre~ra or .more. before the tuxids are. raised for eraat3n~. t11e: sseerm., lh• Whiff asked where the musoum material . was aarrently homed. and:. 2~1r:. 2lax~ll .laid,:. . fleet aomm is at tLe Coaneil'a headquarters end. that substantial mss bills will Dome from Chicago iF tyre is,a mnasmi ix-which to;houa® #t. , rrr. z~rey stated that. the area.ie $dnsd for single Family homes.and that in order to brtild a maaeam it xea2d ,be neeosaax~? to have apacia3. psr~' mission trop the Board of Appeals. 13e believes that a maseus sash $a , that planned. xould be a tourist attraction and. w®u2d. aVgtlire a lot of ~OSrlcitag and that could be detrimental in tbst leeation.te the. beaatbV et, Laat~toxi as one a roaches. from. the East. Villa Mr J aYth atatrd Pp that traaa ge ~i traffic standpoint alone, it woald bs- a hasaxd it .the t+ailding wer® steer the avenue. Mr. Frey stated that-he feels the chits: hana• is.aro111t?ar turally aaperior to thl brick hauas xhioh is the Council headgaartors and that the general sapsot :ef the houao is a p2eaaant introdnetion tm .I,eoi.n~+~ ton. He feels that perhaps there srs somr alternatiwa ~ee_aa,• resin Berne. or coz?oert it .into a male. Mr. DLxxell ltatsd that flea Qo1. , does not. want to pat arty mote money into the property, Mr. Jaquith asked . ,vs what. the .real estate taxes on the paroperty aateanted .toe axxt l°h'. IRSazwe]1 . stated that the tax®s,on the seven and one~half acres sP land p2ae the 'buildings were ~2y8Q0.OC• ~t xas atatei that the. hsad+~uartera buldi~ , xaa tax sxea~pt and that the property ender diaeusasn xas taxable. s; ~ Y;~ T ' ~ !f HI~~iRtC DI3IRTC~S COS3I017 ~ 3 ~aearber 23~r f9~0" s u 's`; Mr; .laga3.th btated that the coameisai®n wil],•.I9aaes "tm decide ~.f it eah . ~nst9.#'y the remot?al off' tihe, lasuae. lie atatwti that the. Coimission bas faar _ ` a ~iaationay alls~ deiro].,itom, allonr demolition tr3,th oonclitioteay.det~y the PPl for dsmo~.i;ton, ar determiae,.x~Grthe~ it is inappa~opxiifss to demelish the buildS.nga. T9~e Conaeiasien meabers aehednled a, ti~sg for 1©:Dtl A.Ii. on Saturday, D®aeaber nth,. 1'or irsrF~ tie l~l~r~'. hearing r+aa adSatxraed at 9~U0 P.M• ' f . , PPl do ad,~ourned hearing wsa held at 9s 10 P.lt, on the a icatien of Robert Q. Tillinghast, Truats® of flea Real~yr Trnat,r ~.th rsapeat to t~tu erection of a utilii~r building at ~t6~4?5 ~ss~tahusetta Avsnme, tthich is .~~a within the Seat Yillsge Diatriet, and the .el~eelit#.on sr ty~Tal arP a sllsd ae~rent~y* en, aeme premises, Mr. Jagt:ith read tle~ deeia~:on oY, tk~b~. Heard of Appeals is xhfah b! a four to ene:'v~ate it decided, ~ ~erai.t; ~ k the erection o! a txo«?afiery uti3lta banding fee storage;.:xb~sot to toss . aoRdition that the banding aMould not ba_ ~aad as a, d~n.~ling ar tot' anti , use other.. than storage and for aaintenanat .sge4ipwsnt. fir, Js?geiith asked : t.?:a lie. Tillinghast ter as extension to January e nem aaale "draxi~a. of the proposed. ~ 31~ 19?1 a~ alao° !o aabstit~ ' ' ' ~ thre tility bnildi A bil]. for $A5.Oa lre~.Joe gi.traaser for photographs of baildngs axui , signs in the center of headngton was aubeittsd. It iretrred, seaomd~d, - and ar~snimous].y VOID to appteve payment of . this bill, _ "s"; ~kr. Strati moved that the Chairman "bA, avttherssd tm sPp~s!re payaent of sucsh bilia as are. proper,. 9eaorxied and; m~ata3awualy Y0~'1?« t~~ The mesting >Pka ad~anrnsd at lOtQ® PM. ` .a;.: PhiXip H. Parsons o~~ Sder~t+ery ~ Y', • : w,~. • s ,ray N 3` k• ' 1i~: r M1 aw a'. Y ~5 ' ~ ~ a,2 dM~yy~ ~.'Y.d :`t:-' , ~'.2