HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-05-27 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMt~Q.9SI010 MINtT~S OF A MEETING HBLD MAY 2'7, 19'1'0 The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, May 27, 19"j0, in the 9eiectmen'a,Room, Town Office Building, Lexington. Members present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairmant Philip B. .Parsons, Secretary; Max H. Straw= and Associate Commissio~rs Georgeld. Emeryi and Franklin C. Hudson.' Tine Chairman appointed b~. Emery to serve for George E. Graves and Mr. Hudson to serve for Georgia H. Williams who were m~able to be present. Mrs. Williams arrived at 8t i5 F.M. but did not participate in the taro hearings. An adjourned hearing was held at 7r40 P.M. an the application of Csar Nicholas and. The Toad. Inc. Yor a Csrti.fioate of Appropriateness with re- apsct to the erection and display of tiro signs for the store at 31 Depot Square, xhioh is within the Battle Green District. Present for the psti~ tioner was Orlando Del Yaile, PreaidentrTreaaurer oP.Csar Nicholas aril The Toad Tnc. Three eats oP scale drawings of the two proposed signs woers snb~ ~ mittACi to the Commission. The hearing was ad~cnrned at 8:17.F.M. It was ~ moved, seconded, and unanimously YO1ED to .issue a Certificate of Appro+ priatenoss to Czar Nicholas and The Toad Inc. with respect to the erection and display of two signs at 31 Depot 3gnare. .Participating in this .deci• lion ware Comsdasionera Wilbur M. Jaquith. Philip B. Persona, Max H. Straw, and Associate Commissioners George W. Smery and P~anklin C. Hudson. A discasaion was held on the application of Joseph 3., Jr'. and Many H. bias for a Certificate of Appropriateness for.an 8` cedar fence and.ths maintenasusa of an existing 3• picket fence. Consideration was given to in~? forme?tion farniahed.at the hearing on May b, 19'70 by Mr. 8c Mrs. Nye regard ing the adverse effect on,the use of their proportY arising Eros c®rtain activities carried on at Hancock Church and statements by Ifr. Shwmalaer, representing Hancook,Charch: It Bras reoogMsed by the Commission that the Nyisa' situation was uniaual and that there was no easy or good solution tae the problem. Cansideratian eras also given. to the restrictive effect of .tho erection of a solid 8' fence on ths_openness of the area and the gnestioli of whether a 6• fence would be adequate. After diacusaion, neon motion duly wade and seconded, it vas unanimously: V07ED that the arahiteat~ral features of an 8• high close fitted split cedar picket fence. are inappro- priate for the purposes of the Historic. Districts Act, Chagtsr 44~, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as aaended, but that, owing to conditions. especially. affecting the premises involved and not affeati.ng the historic district Bed" orally failure to approve the application world imroZve a agbai:antiai hard- ship to the applicant and that the applioati.on may be approved without stitbw stantial. detriment to the public veifare and without substantial derogation . • H1sT~c ~sT~cTS C~ssiox ~ 2 - Ms~r z7, 1970 fron the intent and purposes of the Act provided oast appropriate restric- tiw conditions pertaining to long-term maintenance oY avch fencs.are.im- posed in.aonnection with. such approval=..and that.a.Gert3t'i.cate. of Appro- priateness be issued on the.baaia.cP the Peregoing provisions of:.thia Vote. Participating in .this deoision were Comd.asioners ~iTilhnr H. Jaquith. Philip B. Parsons, Mae H. Straw, and Associate Commiaaioners George iii. Hmery and k'rarakli.xa C. Hudson. The meeting was ad~urned at lOt2$ P.M. Philip B. Parsons Sectstary Due to the inability of Coasrlasioner Georp~ia H= Williams to aot on tl~ petition o! Csar I4lcholaa and Ths Toad Inc the chair designates Associate Franklin C,~ Hvdson to serve in this notion, J~1~ Wilber M. Jaquith Chairman May 27~ 1970 Dee to the inability oY Con®eiaaioner GeorRs S. Graves to sot on the petition oY Csar Nicholas and The Toad IncJ the chair desigmatea Aasoeiste George W. Mmerv to sea~re in this aotion. ~ Wilber M. Jaquith Chairman May 27, 1970 Dne to the usability of Cosstissioner Geornla A. Williams to act on the petition of ~ Jossph 3. srd Mares ~s IV the chair tssig- nates Aasociate Franklin C. Hudson to serve in this action. fiU;~-~ 1M Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman May 27. 1970 Due to the inability of Commissioner George E. Graves to act on the petition of Joasph 3. and Marv Hy lase the chair designates Associate Gsorae W. $merY to serve in this action. ~ ~ _ Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman I i May 27, 19?'G