The Historic Districts Commission held an adjourned meeting on Toes-+
day, January 6, 1970, at 7t30 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room of the Town
Office Building, Lexington. Members present were Commissioners Max H.
Straw, Chairman Pro Tem; Philip B. Parsons, Secretary; and Associate Comte
missioners George W. Emery; Franklin C. Hudson; and C. Lawrence Whipple..
Also present were Allan F. Denney of the Beard of Selectmen, Chairman of
the Town Office Building Committee= Albert Gray, Jr., Executive Secretary
of the Board of Selectmen; and Mr. Dean, Architect of Perry, Dean and
Stewart, Architects of Boston.
An informal discussion concerning the change of driveway and curbing,
the extension of the proposed addition back to and over Vine Brook, and
the matching of the brick in the existing building ensued.
Mr. Straw, Chairman Pro Tem, called the meeting to order at 8112 P.M.
and designated C. Lawrence Whipple to serve in place of Georgia H.
Williams who was unable to be present.
Three sets of plot plans and three sets of the architects" plans were
submitted at this time. Mr. genney stated that the architects had, at the
request of the Selectmen, made every attempt to make the plans for the a1W
terations and the proposed addition resemble the existing building as
closely as possible in every respect.
Mr. genney withdrew from the discussion at 8140 P. M. and Mr. Gray and
Mr. Dean withdrew at 8t45 P.M.
After further discussion, it was decided to adjourn the hearing until
Wednesday evening, January 7, 1970, when the Commissioners would vote on
the Certificate of Appropriateness. It was moved, seconded, and so VOTED
to adjourn at 9100 P.M.
Philip B. Parsons