HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-10-23 ~ • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 23, 1968 The Lexington Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 1968, in the Selectmen~s Room, Town Office Building. Members present w~rc Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chair- man, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves and Max H. Straw and Associate Commissioners Carl E. Bryant and George W. Emery . Hearing was held at 7:30 P.h4. on the application of Deanna M. Cerasuolo for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erec- tion and display of a sign for the store at 1720 PJtassachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing. Miss Cerasuolo appeared with Mr. Priest of Astro Signs. Scale .drawings of the proposed sign. and photographs of the store were presented to the Commission. Modifica- tions for the sign were suggested by Commission members and the appli- cant having agreed to said modifications, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the appli- cant. No other persons having appeared, the hearing was closed at 7:55 P.M. ~I Hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. on the application of Joseph and Theodora F. E. (Kalem}Grano for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection of a two car shed at 611 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the E~.st Village District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Grano appeared and presented a Plot Plan, a photograph of the dwelling and sketches of the proposed shed, Mr. Grano advised that he will have to petition the Board of .appeals with regard to set back. Discussion on modifications. of the shed was held. Mrs. Elizabeth J. McAdam of 620 ~dassaehusotts Avenue was present. A Certificate will be issued at a later .date. The hearing was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. j Hearing was held at 8:!}5 P.M. on the application of Hanlon's Shoes fbr a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store at 1725 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the letter of ap- plication and the notice of hearing. Mr. Shannon, Manager of the store and. s. principal of the Company, appeared with Mr. Chester M. Sheer, Vice-President of Back Bay Sign Co., Inc. and presented scale drawings of the proposed sign and a photograph of the store. Materials for the sign and its proposed interior illumination were not approved by the Commission members. R4r. Sheer will forward to the Chairman a sample of matte pl~xiglas and drawings of possible hood or cove lighting fixtures. A Certificate was not issued at this time.. No other persons having appeared, the hearing was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. A request to extend the sidewalk at the Visitors Center at the Buclonan Tavern Green was discussed and x pproved by the Commission. An application and a formal hearing will be needed. MINUTES-October 23, 1968---Page 2 The Chairman advised that Mr. Tillinghast had not as yet res- ponded to his letter re: the garage structure at 465-475 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Joseph Trani also has not responded to a letter re: the painting of a dwelling at 1037-1049 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Zimmer- man of the Lexington Cab Company and George E. Rowe, Jr. of Rowe Chevrolet, Inc. called the Chairman with regard to his letter to them advising them that advertising signs on taxi roofs were in violation of the Act. Mr. Zimmerman has sent a letter to the Advertising Com- pany that sponsored the promotion and will forward a copy of the Con- tract to Mr. Jaquith. A letter has also been sent to Village Artisans with respect to an advertising flag that they have displayed and a sign attached t o the building. .Neither is permitted in the Certificate of Appropriate- ness previously issued to them. Following are pending extensions: Robert 0. Tillinghast November 15, 1968 Shill (standing sign) November 15, 1968 ~~y Johnson (operator°s~..name) November 15, 1968 Yom, First Parish Church January 15, 1969 An adjourned meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 30, 1968, in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building to reconsider applica- tions not acted upon at this meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. • --~.-V' Philip B. Parsons Secretary , TOWN OF LEXIN~ON 4, ~s"-Na . ~ :ao Q ~ x_,s Ma.~racdncrettr 2173 €N°? ~wu wM , `~~«~T HISTORIC DYSTRICTS COMMISSION. CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS _ - This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Atts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, tt; Deanna iYI. Cerasuolo with respect to the erection end display of a si~,n, as sat forth below, ~oY' the stare at 1720 P.4assachusetts Avenue, which is within the Hattl~ Green District. The sign is to be loc~~ted on the front elevation of the building`oii the brick area between the top of the window and doorway of the.'~tores and the lighting hood affixed to the brickwork. The sign is ,to.c,on-' list of the following legend painted in black letters on a wood~zx...''. backboard painted white, _ w 'T the house of De ansle ~.s.irstylists 't , The design, layout and style of the lettering and backboard are to ba as shown on the scale drawing by ~.stro Signs subm.5.tted to the Goluur~Iis- lion at the hearing on October 2;3, 1968 with the following mad~.fiea~-~ ~r Lions: 1. The lovrer case letters of the word nDeannet~ are to have a uniform height and alignment 2. The word t~tha house of't are to be moved in a left ` direction approximately 3't and the word "Ha.3rstylist°1. is to be moved in aright direction approximately 31° ' The dimensions of the .lettering may be acaled from the aforasaf.d drawing. The sign may be lighted by single tube flourescent lights of mediumt. light intensity installed in the existing hood above the sign... y. a HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Dace Oetober.2.!}~. 1968 Certificate No. , . 6 8 , C -3l.J., , , , , , "~~Ji lb CHAI~RMAN~~~ th y H0.t6Y6b ''ngg4 r._.._~-_~ _ - __gnY w