HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-10-16 I MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING FIELD ON OCTOBER 16, 1968 The Lexington Historic Districts Commission held an adjourned meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 1968, in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building. Members present were Commissioners Ruth G. Bevan, Chair- man, Pro Tempore, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary and George E. Graves and Associate Commissioners Carl E. Bryant and George W. Emery. Adjourned hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the application of Win S. Couette and Son, Realtors for a Certificate of Appropriateness with res- pect to the erection and display of a sign and the installation of a radio antenna for the office at la.l~. Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Chairman Bevan advised that a letter of withdrawal for the second sign facing Worthen Road had been received from the applicant. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicant. The adjourned hearing was closed at 8100 P.M. At 8:05 P.NI. Wilbur M. Jaquith assumed Chairmanship of the meeting. At this time, Mr. Daniel E. Power, Chairman of the .Lexington Democratic Town Committee, appeared to request permission to locate a temporary trailer and to erect and display a temporary sign on the premises at !}6 Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Permission was granted subject to the condition that the trailer and signs be removed within three days following the eI~ct3on on ~Jovember 5, 196$. Authoriza- tion without the filing for or issuance of a Certificate of Appropriate- ness is based on a determination by the Commission that such temporary trailer and signs may be excluded from the provisions of Section 5 of the Act without substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of the Act. A request for permission to erect and display a temporary sign on the premises at 39 $adford Street, which is within the Battle Green District, by the Republican Town Committee was granted subject to the above stated conditions. Participating in the decisions on the Democratic and Republican Town Committee request were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary and George E. Graves and Associate Commis- stoners Carl E. Bryant and George W. Emcry. The next meeting night is scheduled for ~lednesday, October 23, 19b8, i~ the Selectmen's Room, Tovm Office Building to consider the applications of Deanna Cerasuolo, Joseph Grano and Fianlon's Shoes. The adjourned meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ~~j'~!/~~' ? jam. ? Philip B. Parsons- Secretary i . ~ TOWN OF LEXINGlTON °N~Na, o. 1Ylarr~cchurettr f yy Y ' 02173 s. ~ ` 'n I HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION ekrn cTO~ CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ..........................Vin ,S. Couette ~.nd Son,..Realtors....................... with respect to the erection and display of a sign and the inst~~llation of a radio antenna for the office, a_s set forth below, at 4~ Bedford Street, which is within the Bs.ttle Green ?istrict. s 1 ~ The sign is to be:~.r the legend: _ " ~iVin S. Couette a ~ZE Realtor " i and is to be located on top of t'ne front of the canopy, ft;.cing Bed- ford Street. The f.ce and top of the sign shall be lined up with the face and top of the tvro adjacent signs. The over-s.ll size, including the molding, is not to exceed thirty inches (30") in height and eleven feet ten inches (11~ 10") in len;;th. The top corners of the sign are ' to be square rather th~.n diagonally cut. The ends of the sign a_re to # be boxed to give t~.n appe~ra.nce of depth similar to the other signs. j The sign is to be constructed of a wooden backboard painted white with. { a molding painted a shade of orky to match as nearly as p0ssible~the { stainless steel borders on the adjacent sign. The wooden cut letters are to be 2ffixed flush to the backboard. The letters of "';Vin S. Couette" ffi.re to be finished with black enamel paint, and those of "Re~.ltor" are to be finished with dsrk m:~roon enamel paint. A gold ]_ea.f circle not to exceed 15" in diameter is to be centered to ~ the left of the lettering and bear a. 6" high number "L{.L}" painted in { black. i The design, layout, style :end size of the letters is to be in accor- da.nce with a photogr:~ph of the si~,n submitted to the Commission at the hearing held on October 2, 1908. i•. A radio antenna may be installed on the flat roof of the building no less th:u~t 15 feet (15~ } from tre ~'dorthen Road side of the building. The maximum heig'nt is not to exceed 20 feet (20'), vrith radials of nine feet (9') at the base of the antenna.. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date „October 17, 1968 Rut'n G. Bevan Certificate No. 68 C-33 CHAIRMAN, Pro Tempore HP-15904