HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-08-07 f M f ~ r ~~~rs~ 1 'T~ Ls~e3a~arr ~~sMma~o I~3.et~rets ~o~risaan hold a ea+rMi>Ag va +~od•• nsodag, Au~ts~ i96~1, is 1~hs dolse Ram, 1'~ t9t"t#s~ hvtil+diaxg. re ~se+raaM sere ~ saio~nsrs 411ibu~ dagsal.th, t~haix~aan, AuMh ~vara, t~sor~,a . t~ravos and dtrr+s area Asaesiai~+s Corratssiot~a~ t3as~1 ~M. xz~ ehs a~rsons• at ~srsttaig ~atlip A. Parsatru, utpe~t rtr,?MioYa dEuly >eads ~ sssaeado4~ tt sae itsatadl~ '~tk'1 MhrM Gamrnissit~eao>r c3sor~r . ~ravss sortrs ae ssta.x~ Pa®~ ~Xoaris~ trar hold a~t ?s30 P.T~t. oaa ~ a~pllaatieaca at Yo 01ds ~argaixa Sara, Ina. tar a Crt~tifi®a1:a +xf Appa~dpriatona~rs ~rti~h ~wsspMO~ ~o r~s sre~s- Miara and. dieglar of a s t~ the stare ate 17dt ltaasaohnsoMte Rvanw, sisiah is v~ithiaa ~ Bad ~e fk Dts~trio~. 11~?• ~ia~It ll~ratirL~r' roprasonfi.~rd rho ap~,lioaaat. G1~io esals dx~atr~g of sign sae p~?ssaatod. tso tssre to aosplste rho sot w3~11 ba as~d ate phoMograp~as shaxing ~rapas+rd loeatiaea of rho a~ siil bo tor+razd~l td rho Ca~iesi+ara. Ap~ltaatian i'or a sacEmd aigp trll,l bo wads at a lalsr dato. raatlon duly toads and srocxradsd, iM rroa an~a~Sarausl~'irtt'~ to lsr~,as a GorMitiaa?~ to !ha ap- liaant. ~o att»r gam haraad a~oarsd, hatrixtg tree olassd ale Ad jQUrnid hear#,>ag tree Asl~l at B:~A T'.'~. a<a the a~splioatic~ o! Rows Ch®vrd~.at, Ina. sith rss~osM ha the arooticrn aa@ tlispia~? of a trso stars- dtng eigs for flea bsat3,d.issg~ aM ~odteu~! st~reol, sh~ta~h le slthin the 'tattle ~raera ~ietriaic. ~tf~"~ . ~+p~, Sr. wad M~1`. £ieorge j$. ~OSi, wTIC'. Barra prerexst. 3aale drasira~s at tL+s sign +rars aorutldorstl Mho Gc~aaats- sicn. ~'rot~oa*d 7a~ 11 Ms +rill Lw tatEOn lrsta oanri4sratit~ a1~ Mha tasoting cns Stu M 1. tteMOtion t!u?iy >~dri ! saeandsd, it ras ~s+wnirtousl~ V RO iswo rt C'atitiaabs at ~ppxiess Ise rho appli- OaAZ. ' ~0 Daher Tls~oa~ 'ha4t>ad ~sarsd ad~o+asraral hoariag tai aloasd at 9:Q0 P.e6. fir. Rotrrr ixt aMaordorrstr situ a pAAa~l?iati#,1nit itaalvadsd in Csrti• tits'to ~m~. 6~! C~25 ~r+rase?rai~eM! 1l~atirzg tiartaa~s T'or tl~s oas~eSdrrratian a!' the GoomraRiseiara. Tbo tixtxsros t>reart sp~ravod* ~t this tirro t atertiaa d~1~? goads asd seerao~d it tree tutrs~si~noasly v to :ks~. rc ~a~.itioatn ~s dmpriatrstaese eo ffi~.'~o~ s. o. ~rXrant N1Mh reapsat ~ thM areottcsa arad atr~t~.nMosaartas at a mho tasaas at 19~~ l[a~r+~:ahusetMe Ar?osarao, trhieh is ~rittaisx tlss Babt]~ts a~owea D4stria6. ~?owsal haari~ ~ ~$1I? e~?y?liaatl~ sae haldt Ors ~st1~ 1Q, ~q68. Tts! C~oaatrirs- ataezs s~.shsd to aionr t~ e3Es again tretaffi'e i.eet a Cortitioato. In teetu~iayd a G•rtitiea4a aM the orssM3ssg ~ Aggvstc T1~h ~~`inl~Mo aa~d#.Miaui sif~h ro~rd to otrer ee~sw?eai~ at ishe~ nes trarre itssiudad. Ad~~srzrad bssr°ix~g sae l,~3R! at 9~~fl n'1Mh t~spaet to rho appliaa~ t1Etn of Rabwrit Milli eM tca~ ~ rrota~?t1oh, Seri al'tsraLioar a! the ~y looatsd aM 75 ~aseashusotts A+?,n1, t~taioh iAi sithirs the '~aet iilila~r gietrtot4 ~ht'i.~i. 1bs• va b1~ al~att+~n was ~3d tin ~tareeh 24. 1'!6$: 1~, 'ti?~li?srM F~ar~n +raalo 8ss:~r~s of a grv~~ased rags Mso taeei2~' dwslliaag an y~rapsrMy. t~ooraisaic?rs trill 6a~r aatiars en th~te aM a 1sMer ~stisag. 'Twas ad~assr~d tasutt*ing tray sx3 jcaurns8 at • . ~.i~a~as~ o! ?ttr~ ~~d oa ~1u~utt fir 3, Aa ~rc.~?tsd ~ ~ ~ of ~ute~ ~sld ~t1E 196 • ~ Csr~it~oMi~a ~ lis~ti~ ~C• ~ wr~o~u fit. ~'ot~?smr ~rsrs ~r ~t~ A~~r di~a~s##i+a~?~ . Liao Auld end ~ i~ +~nua a2* ~ Ike a toy t~r~?o3tbtc~r R~1 t~ s~l~o~uait ~t x~spw~at ~a Lb~u !'x~ttt pos~i of t' sxisti~g rsta#1 +w~a~biti s~rnl~e~r 4~at~ie~t tnai~ sue, s~tlai~d ara~~o•? b#.Ls ~esx~iw? ~4~~t~ la~r9+bir?~r as t~ a3a~ra at 3ry 'crud ~~eet wtaiah is w~~ t ~att2~ ~ Da~to0. ~ ~~ae~t d a®oo, iit ras iat4t~rr1T ~o a~?pro~r Csr~t!"to~t~s of Apps sl.tsss t s aw~t •ii~n a~apMret t~ t~ ~r~i?~i+a~ of ~ecr ee+Cwtl c?umoa~s?~rfl# srr~ri~c? ion tn~f~lfnE ~m4 Carla !'ta3111~ic?• a~ t at $q ~sdta~4! et~~rrs1~. A Isla ~r?adn~ o! ~r p err p~? iala~ bwt b~rA~ try' ry^+~tt" Ail ~ ~o t~ f~+arnrEisaio~,, i1€ t?s xr~as~hd ~ t3ert4;t'i~st~ 11 ~ iad. 'f'la?1t ~a~ OP '6b~ ~t~ltsa~ia~ slc a G~as~itt~ac~ta? o! iatscasr wii~b x~spaa~ ~a ~aLi~a dl?ap~ cr! slgpe i~alndta~ ~ ~ s~? an !st<s ~ar• ;14 oardt ~i~?~ sil'1 ~ aet~ ~tw ~etix~g as ~vy~alc it9~ 19~. €lhal ~rocurm a b311 ia~ t3s• ~ .10 t'x~t~ C2+~c ~iisaba~b ~ ea~i~ awls acrd , s c~3ry 9 ~o a~raa~w pa~ ~ t?i3.1~, Tlrs ~z~ msc?4i~ a! is a ~ Aug~?st 2~~ in tt?s Sala~?t~aa ~ M rys? ~!`f'i~~r ~xildl~ t~o A~+ ap~~3~ a• i~lerm of 1~?3af~, Ise. wit~t roapao~ i~o a sb im 1?9~i !z• ta~+ra t~ tie paramisaae a~ ~3 ~9.t+o~+d ~~~aro~ w~ cri'~? s~e~pialt ~o tits ar~~ia~ ate!! d3~s~lary e# a a~~t car Mrs ba~l~limg 3.!' 81:rast and with ~w,rpia0 ~d lttwr +rs~aetl.~ ar;d dio~3,ary of ? a~ t`~ lea ir•• •t 39 tuc+d wt~t~ xa r~.t~iiu ~ ~l3~ Di~r~at. ~r tw~r~~t~ was ~ ~ t+t ~ Awa~r~a • C~1~ws+s~? Due to the inability of Commissioner Philip B. Parsons to act on the petition of Ye Olde Bargain Barn, Inc. °See below the chair designates Associate Carl E. Bryant to serve in this action. °Ellen H. G. Bryant Frederic K. and Marjorie S. Johnson (Permit for Demolition ar Removal) Frederic K. and Marjorie S. Johnson Rowe Chevrolet, Inc. ' `dVilbur M. Jaquith Chairman August 7, 196$ Date i'.:~' ~r TC?VVN OF LEXINGTON ~,Nry Maaaclr~iset~.r m 02173 ~ € r, HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This tenificace is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ..................................Rowe Chevrole t r..Inc , . with respect to the erection aid display of a free standing sign as set forth below far the building at 33 Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The sign is to be suspended by 'brackets on the wester y side of the existing 6" die. steel post located adjacent to the s~dew~lk an the .easterly side of Bedford Street as shown on Plan entitled t'Ex3sting Sign Past & Sign Panel With New Lettering for Rowe Chevrolet, Inc., • Hedfard St., Lexington, 142assachusotts", dated June 21,,1968, by C. Barry I•ariekson, Architect submitted to the Commission. The design, layout, size and style of the sign and lettering appear, ,y on or may be scaled from said drawing. The sign is to be construct8d 'of wood, painted white and fastened to the steel post by metal brac~ kets and the post is to be painted white. The following legend is to appear on bath faces of the sign: "Rowe Chevrolet" and the word "Ziower' . is to consist of raised black plastic letters fastened flush to the, sign. The word "Chevrolet" shall consist of gold leaf lettering out- lined with a thin black line on a white Chevrolet symbol autlinad in. black, said outline not to exceed 1/2" in width. ' The issuance of this Certificate does not constitute evidence of compliance with the Building By-Law or any other By-Law of tho Town' of Lexington. ''j , a t ¢ G o .ye$ 3 t `F` r HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by } r f Date August, 8.'..'468 . 68 C-l~ Wilbur I~. Jaquith Ce Cate No . CHAIRMAN 8 f HP•/ODtl4 Ff r . i TQWN 4 L XING ~N . 'N ' F E ~ T Masrcuh~r'ettt~ ~ 2 i y 0217) } ~ aTo HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - - CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This ~cercificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Ellen. H.. ~ .Bry,~n.t............................... . with respect to the erection and maiX~tenance of a chain link fence as set forth below at 391}8 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Bat~~.e~ `Green District. The fence encloses the rear yard of the premises and the nearest for- tion of the Pence to a public way is that part of the9fence ad~aces;i; to the rear of the dwelling which part is approximately l25 feet fx°Ji~a 'the southeasterly side line of R4assachusetts Avenue. The fence is c+~' a 'uniform height of 1} feet . '.This Certificate is issued subject to the following conditions tirhzch -shall be 91binding upon the applicant, the owner of the property ara his successors in title" within the meaning of Section 9 of Chapter 1~!}7 of the Acts of 1956, as amended; 1. All portions of the fence visible from Massachusett. Avenue ar Harrington Road at any season of tho year sha11 be screened by evergreen plantings of a height at time of installation of not less than the height of the fencing to be screenod and such plasi.tings shall be permanently maintained. - 2. The Commission reserves the right at any time within two-years from the issuance of this Certificate to require additional screening of the fencing if the Commission detexsnines that the initial or any sub- r. sequent plantings are insufficierYt for appropriate screening. - HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION „ b ~ y ~ ~ Diate August. 8,..1968 ~ . 68 C-25 Wilbur M. Jaquith p Certificate NO. CHAIRMAN; _ MRtOYM U , ~ ~ ' TOWN OF LEXIN TON ~ ,n,NN Mavachr~cettr ~ s 6S o~.L 02173 $ wan. iq..~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Ye Ole ~Barg~?in Harxi„ I~Is........................... with respect to the ere~ctio~a anQ display o!` • sign Pos Abe a~ox'e as sst t'Ql`i:~i ~!e~,Cg1 at 1'~Q~. ~Iassa4h~tsst~• Avs~aue, ti~t~i0h i~r wi~hxad the Ha~1~le 1~aen Dictrl.el~. Ths sign is to bs locafisd ea i~he r+ao~l facia sh'cr+rs Abe wiAdcn~rs aad d4a7~ of Lhe fx~cn?t ele'rai~i®~ e! ttte buildi~. ?yie sign' is ~e eonsist~ off' cut~tt loured Pace xoede~? tethers tasteaed fS.ush to I~he t'aeia and is ha bsar h2~ 1eg+~t "Ye Q1d+e des~gain Bit Quality 1~ea+s Apparsl" 9Pkte lechers of thaA parts of the Iris "'fe Alde Bayrgatn " are to bs eowred sith geld 1+eat and the lsthers cif ttu~t park e! the sign sQ~tiit~ ~h lpp~l~ are. 1~o Ls ~rintsd 1~1~Y. design:,, la7out, st'le ~ iss cef the let~t?x?s appeax on or Bey be scaled !`rcun a sca3.e , ~R~rs~g snhihled "Xa el~o8a~g~ 7,~i~%68 su~aitted o thatE~c~ma~tTssian daotc d Si Coaatpaa~?, at hsar,~ Thy sib stty illm~i~aahad als~le tcube tleawPe~eeat lamps et ned~.nn light te~sih~r eeraeeale+i im eepinffi at ~ Iceyr of facia.. '!!'k++e iesws~o et dais 6ertilies~ does not eomut~titute s~rf8eaae of ems- li~ue rrtA hhe SigY ~•Lar e! anyr et'hes? ~,r at 1tYr ~ows~ et III$TORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date A~tst. ~~..~96A b~ ~?il~s ~..Tagtuith Certificate No CxAIRMAN HP48B64 _ s ~ : ~ ~ , ~k: ` Ti~WN OE LEXINGTON o~5,~~-hapQ c; Ma.~rachuretts 4' < ~ ow p 02173 ; x ek ,~~a. . 1 .>a,~~'.. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION . ` . ' ' CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS ~ This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended,. to .:.5 9 ~ , .,,,,rrederic. K.,.and lt7ar~orie,,S.,Johnson................... with respect co the erection of anew retail automobile service station "-building and related facilities and fences as set forty? below at . 39 Bedford Street, which is tivithin the Battle Green District. The service station building is to be located as shown on scale drawing No. ER-B-boa entitled t1Gulf Oi7,.Corporation" +~°Lexington Mass... 39 Bedford Street'1, dated Nlay 31, 19b~ as revised July 12, 196, sub- muted to the Commission at the heari44g on July 31, 1968. The related facilities, excluding signs, consist of a single pump island, air tower, pave area, metal Daps for underground tanks, and four poles with lights fgr illumination of driveways and paved area, and are to ~.'be located as shown on said drawing TQo. ER-B-603. There is to be a :....guard rail fence separating the building and facilities from ,the .ad-, ,joining property on the southerly side and a screening fence at the rear of the premises, the location, of said fences to be as shown on ' said drawing No. ER-B-603. The general style, layout and details of the design, anal thedimen- sions of the service station building appear on ox~_may be scaled fro~n_ _ the aforesaid drawin~ '1Vo: ER-B-603 and scale drawings No. ER-1}3Q and No. ER-!}31 entitled Gulf Oil Corporation1°, °tBrick Colonial Building~° ' and respectively "Plans - Elevations & Sections" and ".Foundation: - Roof Framing a Details", dated respectively i~tarch 21~, 1961. and finally revised 7/3 167 and T.iarch 26, 1961} and finally revised 8/167: sub- mitted to the Commission at said hearing. All face brick including the chimney and chimney cap are, to match as nearly as possible'n a y .color and texture the red brick of the building on the a.d3oining pre- xt~isea on th® south sideat Bedford Street. The shing7~es may b8 of a ` type. matching the white ,asphalt shingle submitted to the Oommissan j at said hearing or ,a gray or black color. „ The windows and door of the sales office at the northwest earner':of the building are to be of wood and are to have permanent wood muntins.. All exberior woodwork of the building, the steel security windoca frames on the south elevation and all doors other than the service door on the southerly elevation are to be finished white. The southerly -.elevation service door is to be finished a shade of red to ,match: the {j~ ~ T y~ y. y (~~y {J~~1M~ ~ I d~+g` . HP.16904 . _ ~r ~ ~ a~~ , "TOWN OF LEXIN~Ol'~T" .1Vlas'.rachu.~etts oa~~3 ~ ~a , . , HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION ' Certificate of Appropriateness-Frederic K. and T~?arjorie,S. Johnson.-~~°.z~e 2 color of the brickwork. The other building materials are to be as noted on~the aforesaid drawings. ..;The purpp island is to have three sets of two pumps each, an oil. cabinet-and. three light fixtures. The general style, lagbut acid'" details of the design of the pumps and cabinet appear ott a print o' the- pump island submitted to the Commission at th® hes.ring and' -~?.c~ dirnensioris of the .pumps rznd cabinet ac~pear on or nay be scaled fro_,. .the aforesaid drawing No. ER-B-603. w .:,~11 land area o#' the lot not covered bit the building,+~the pump i.al~r~~~, caps for under,round t8nks, and plantg areas if ang, are to be. psvod with a concrete pad or. black bi ominous asphalt' as :shorn, a'~n A' ss,id drs.win~ Dto,. ER-~-b03. `.The guard rails fence on the south side of the premises .is to be ~.pm proximatelg 2+ high s.nd consist of wood posts and wood rails 2'4 x_ `v°? or 2";x 8t° painted white. The screening fence at the rear of the r premises is_to be of cedar and not more than 6+ high and ~ne.y'be stained a brown color. ~ ~ There 'are to be four single lantern type light fixtures for th© vrags and paved area end three l~.ntern type light fixtures for the `pump island. All light fixtures are to be of the~Goloni~l ~,mer%c4n style design and dimensions described in a brochure submitted tc+ the Commission at the hearing. The vertical distance between the taattran~ ~r • ~ of the' light fixtures and the ground is to be not more- thin. 11~+ -for the .driveway and paved area lights and 10+ for the two outsdo'plu:ip island 1i,ghts and 8+ for, the center inside pump island lights. ~i~he ~ i'ixtures far the four driveway and paved area lights are to be an:~u~;,;;ud on brackets,'having scralla at bottom, attached to square tapered poles ..not more th8.n. 16+ in height with the Brackets extending outward. irk ` <fro~ the poles to the center of the light fixtures, Ths outside fix-.` tures for-the pump isle..rxd lights are to be mounted on 3bt0 brackets, ,having scrolls at bottom., attached to supporting polee,nat more:thbxx k~ ~ in height. Ths center fixture for the pump island light is to=U,o. ~o+xrated a£`a supporting. 'bar extending between the two light poles aw ;shawn,on said print of the pump island. The style, design and dzrr~en-~ signs cif the brackets and poles are to be as shown in the afor®• entionsd brochure and pump island print, except that there are to be no ornamental scrolls attached to the poles above the light fixture` .'brackets. The fixture lenses are to be of white translucent, acrylic , , ~1a', ~ ,.r-, ' A ..a*~ Y 4• :T # , IY t i ' ~ ~ ,Y ~ i ~ ~ ~ wi", Pt r' , '~'.(~WN OF LEXIQN p ~ ~VIEirsacb~rettr _ i. 02173 ~ ~ ~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION K' Certificate of A.ppropriatene~ss-Frederic K. and Marjorie S. Johnson-':?~,e j plastic.",.~11 light fixtures excluding the lenses and all bracket., j scrolls and poles are to be painted black. The lanterns are to ~~.v~: -white mercury vapor lamps of not more. than 1000 watts intensity eec°.,. T'he type and dimensions of the wall light between the lavatory"dac~rs :are to be submitted. to the Commission for approval prior to inst<~~~.~- :r ,tion. ~The.frant elevation of the building may be lighted byesingle tii~ao .p fluorescent lighting recessed in the c.cS~ping of the roof save as - , shown in dr€zwing No. 'FR-721 entitled Gulf Oil Corporati.ontP, t'Proposcrl Lighting ~'i tore for Overhang of Typical Colonial Type Building", t ' dated ~./~5/~5 and finally revised 1/31/67, submitted to the Camr~i:~y~.oni ~~t the hearing, said lighting to be of medium light intensity., :SThe,iasuance of this Certificate does not conatitue evidence of^ °campliance with the Building By-I,aw or any other By-Law of the ~owrf mr °of Z,exington. ~ - ~ . s; . x ky -0'.. ~N. ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ HISTORIC AISTRICTS COMTuISSIOP, T k' . $y 5 ~ D,. ~ .:4 r V'V~ilbur M. Jaquith ~ Chairman s . }~a.te August 8, .1968 Certificate No. 68-.--.. - Fp . R, Y < f~~ _ , 1 o. ` ' 1 yt f ~x M,~1y . ) T pp I: ~ ~ e F ~q ~ ~ 4 C t f . _ r... a P * - , ' .:y laiAf.. ad~3}y r: rt ! " k r.~__.~.....s..re«+~.r-~-awptwav.t+..~+sn+s+se.~'MYmm..e?-,nm'.s. x ryr'»vt'.- CN'.BS. ~ . .v _ . _ ~ w_,;: ~ ' TOWN OF LEXIN~TON ` ~n f ' ~ Ma.~rachr~cetts ~ . 02173 } ' ~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION y ~ ' . n. ~ - ~ ~ } PEf?PIIT :FOR DEI:40LITION OR RL;P~OVAL 4 f ~ This Permit is issued pursuant to Chapter l~~7 of the Acts of. 1956," as amended, to r'rederie K. and Ir'i~trjorie 5. Johnson for the demolition or removal of that portion of the building at 3g Bedford'' ` Street outlined in red on scale drawing No. ~R-B-603 entitled "Gulf Oil Corporation" "Lexington, Mass. 39 Bedford Street", dated May 31, 196$ aas revised July 12, 1968, submitted to the Commission at the' hearing on July 31, 1968 and the retail automobile service station facilities on said premises including gds pumps and lighting facili- " ' . .ties, which is within the Battle Greer~a~Diatrict. This Permit is issued subject to the following conditions which shall apply if~,the Permit is acted upon; ' 1. That the new retail automobile service station building and related facilities for which Certifi- cats of Appropriateness DTo. 68 C-27 is being. issued by the Commission concurrently with the issuanc© of this Permit shall be. completed within one year „ of the demolition or removal or wit'nin such additional time ss the Commission shall approve in vrriting. 2. That the westerly wall of the existing building which `a„.~. will be exposed by the demolition shall be faced with brick of a color and type to match the brickwork of the aforesaid new retail automobile service station.`" 2 + ' ' -.t HIST08IC DISTRIC'P~ COnIfiISSION Fy i~Vilbur M. JacYuith ` Chairman Permit Ido. 68 P-6 Date Puxust 8, 19h8 r' x p r. r~