HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-05-08 NtI21UTES OF MEETING HELD OId MAY, 1968 The Lexington Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Wed- nesday, May 8, 1968, in the Selectmen~s Room, Town Office Building.. Mem- bers pro sent were Commissioners Wilbur Ivt. Jaquith, Ch~.irman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves and Naa H. Straw, Hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the application of George E. Rowe, Sr. and Grace F. Rowe for a Certificate of Ap ropriateness with respect to the erection of a single family dwelling at 11+60 Massachusetts ,Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Frederick J. Conroy, Esquire accom- panied the applicants. C. Harry Erickson, Architect presented scale drawings of the proposed dwelling. After discussion and amendments to the drawings were approved by the applicant, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicants. The following persons appeared: Duane A. and Ruth E. Haugen, 11}511. Massachu- setts Avenue, Frank L. and Olga J. Ferraresi, 1!}68 Massachusetts Avenu®, Caroline R. Peeler, 8 Slocum Road, Edward T. Scanlon, 7 Rowland Avenue and Joseph E. P.4all7ay, 111.36 Massachusetts Avenue. The hearing was closed at 8:3o P.M. Informal discussion was held at this time with C. Harry Erickson, Architect, with .respect to the removal of the existing balustrade attached to the roof of Muzzey Junior High School and the erection of a new balus- trade on said building. If completed plans are received by the Clerk in time for publication of a Legal Notice, a formal hearing will be scheduled for June. Adjourned hearing was hold at 9:05 P.M. on the application of Robert 0. Tillinghast with respect to restoration of the existing dwelling at L~65 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. The applicant presented scale drawings of the proposed restoration. C. Harry Erickson, also the Architect for Mr. Tillinghast, appeared. After ques- tions by the Commission, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was un- animously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicant. Upon the request of the Chairman, the applicant granted in writing an extension of time to July 18, 1968 for the Commission's action on property at 475 Massachusetts Avenue. If the Architects drawings are completed, Mr. Tillinghast wrill come in to the May 22nd meeting with the side elevation of the !}6Z Massa- chusetts Avenue dwelling and possibly drawings of the 1.x.75 Massachusetts Avenue building. The adjourned hearing was closed at 9:55 P.M. The Chairman advised the Commission that The Shell Oil Co. at its Board of Appeals hearing had received approval for the demolition of its existing building at 1095 Massachusetts .,Avenue and the erection of a new building on the premises. An application has been received by the Chair- man for a Certificate of Appropriateness and a Permit for Demoltion. A hearing will be scheduled in June. Re the Foley application, which ex- pires on June 1, 2968, the Chairman will dictate to the Clerk a letter to Norman T. May, Esquire advising him that if the Foley family so desires, an appointment may be made for the May 22nd meeting to discuss the application. The Chairman presented a bill in the amount of 81.78 from Clerk Eliza- beth Flynn. Upon motion duly mad® and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to approve payment of the bill. An increase in the hourly wage of the Clerk, upon motion duly made and seconded, was unanimously~a~pproved, subject to adjustment . i.~~-~/ ~j~ The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 P.M.~! Philip B. Parsons MaQ 16, 7.9~t~ Secretary `TOWN OF LEXINGTON o~= M°°~~~~ ~~;y a 9. I M~rss~rchusetts ~ Gs s ~ ;~a^ 3. `a • A.4L 19^~ ' ~ XIVGT Q-0 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION i i CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS i This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to George E., •Rotire~ Sr. , and Grace F...Rowe ~ with respect to the erection of a single family dwelling i 11.160 i~4assachusetts Avenue ~ ` as noted below, at ~ i i ?~unroe Tavern , which is within the District i The general style, layout, dimensions and details of the design of the dwrellina appear on ar zr,ay be scaled from drawing entitled ''Pro- posed Residence for „,.r, ?~~irs. Gear~e Roy^re, Sr., Lexington, Massa-• chusetts", dated iay 8, 1968, C. :~?arry Erickson, Architect, submitted to the Commission at the hearing on T,Iay 8, 1968, as amended by the applicant at said hearing. T'ne location of the building on the lot is to be as shop^m on the "Plot Plan1t set forth on said dra*~ing.. The chimney is to be constructed of nevr red. brick and is to 'nave a red brick cap. All windovrs of the dsvellino are to be of wood and are to have woad muntins. The front entrance and steps are to be capped with flagstone or Bluestone and the steps are to have brick risers. ~I The front t,^ralk is to be of flagstone or 'oluestone and the drivel^ra.y and parking area ;ray be blacktopped, x':11 woodwork, except th.e shut- ~ tens,•and all downspouts are to be painted vrhite and the shutters are to be painted black. T?-,e roof shingles are to be of black asphalt. ~ i3o more than 10" of the foundation walls are to be exposed and these walls are to be left in their natural concrete state. Lights for the front entrance and front 4valk may be installed provided that the style, type and location of the fixtures are approved by the Commis- sion prior to installation. 1 RiXi4'f~ti~SFJ~S's~~`i~b~§~Sf'd~'C S i i F CSC ~C2X 7~~K~~]f~ ~ xvIS<a< _ i ~ ~ Page 2 r Gertificate of Appropriateness--George E. Rove, Sr. and Grace F. Hav°re A split cedar fence having a maximum height from ground level of not more than j' may be erected along t'ne rear boundary line and the tvvo side boundary lines provided that s~.id fence is not extended a.lang the side boundary lines Glaser to ?:tassachusetts Avenue than the rear line of the dv^relling extended to the res- pective side lines. The fence is to 'ae left to weather in its natural state. HiSTORIG DISTRTGTS GGi~:iISSI~~~i3 D ';'v'ilbur :i. Jaquith Ghaix~an Date P$a~ 9, 190 y Certificate ivo. 68 C-lb i I TOWN OF LE~IN~ON o~=~`a~,a~. o¢ op Itlicsrc~charsetts z e~ ~ n _r ~ u.n ~9•• • ``x~r HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to .........................Robert 4 . Tillinghast... , . with respect to restoration of the existing ds^relling as noted helow, at ........~6s Pdassachusetts Avenue which is within the , . , ..Fast Village District i i The architectural features involved in the restoration consist of the replacement of the existing svindosvs and doors of the front and easterly elevations of the dwelling vrith nesv snood muntin double- hun arindosvs 6 over 6 and nesv snood doors containing 6 panels. The general style, dimensions and details of the svindosvs and doors ap- pear on or may be scaled from drasrring entitled "Plan ~ Elevations of~xistinp house, Indicating Proposed Alterations, No. t~65 :,i2.ssa- chusetts Avenue, Lexington, P,2assachusettstY, dated iiay o, 1968, C. Barry Erickson, Architect, submitted to the Carnmission at the adjourned rearing on N:ay 8, 1968. I HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION rrtay 9, 1968 - ~ j, , Date 68 C-17 :~ilbur i+'. Jaquith Certificate NO . . CHAIRMAN xcn satu