HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-04-03 ~ ~ - 'Y c` MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON APRIL 3, 196$ ~ 1-. The Lexington Historic Districts Commission met on Wednesday, April 3, 1968, in the Selectmenfs Room, Town Office Building. Members present were Commissi®ners Max H, Straw, Chairman Pro Temp®re, alerted up®n motion duly made, seconded and unanim®usly VOTED, due to the absence of Chairman Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, and George E. Graven and ;Ass©ciate Commissioner George W. Emery. Hearing eras bald at 7:30 P.M, on the application of Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Association for an amended Cartificate of Appr®priateness with respect to the exteri®r architectural features of the new building at 1$32-1838 Massachusetts .Avenue and the existing building at 1840 Massa- chusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the letter of applicati®n and the noticc of hearing. Mr. D®nald Keay appeared in behalf •f the applicant and presented scale drawings of the pr®p©sed floodlights and plantings. The Chairman requcsted Mr. Keay to f®rward manufacturer's sketches of the lamps t® the Commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue an amended Cartificate is the applicant. N® ®ther persons having appeared the hearing was closad at 7:55 P.M. Hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. on the application of Henry J. Trem- blay for a Certificate of Appropriatencss with respect to a change in the cxteri®r architectural featuros ®f the garage I®catad at the rear caf the h®use at No. 1949 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the lctter of applicati®n and the n®tice of hearing. Mr. Tremblay appeared in his own behalf and presented a sketch of the garage and a br©chure she~wing the type ®f doors t® be installed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanim®usly VOTED to issue a Cartificate tp the Applicant. Mr. John Devereux of 196 Massachusetts Avenue appeared and expressed, his approval ®f the proposed changes. The hearing was c1®sed at $:10 P,M. Hearing was hold at $:15 P.M. ®n the application •f the Village li Artisans, Inc. for a Certificate of Appr®priatenoss with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the building at 1632 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice mf hearing. Mrs. Millicent Jick appeared and presented a scale drawing of the proposed sign. A bracket intended to hang the sign. was n®t included in the sketch, als®, the j lettering in the ~rketch was not well placed. The Chairman requested Mrs. Jick to return to the meeting. scheduled for April 10, 1968 with the complete and cmrrectad drawings. The hearing was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. A representative of the Lexington Sister City C®mmittae, scheduled far a hearing adjourned from March 21, 1968, was to appear but did not. li The Clerk will advise the applicant that another.ad~®urned hosting w111 be i scheduled. I At 9:15 P.M. Chairman Jaquith returned to the meeting and reported ~ . I+Rinutes ®f hearings held on April 3, 1968-----------Page 2 to tho Commission that the two sheds on th0 rear ®f tho dwelling at No. 1993 Massachusetts Avenuo had been demolish0d and that Right Reverend George W. Casey had requo'atod permission t® rostoro the exposed areas of the rear elevation of the building pursuant to the conditions of the Per- mit issued by the Commission on March 21, 1968. After diacussio~, up©n motion duly made and seconded, it was' n-----VOTED: That the Commission approves the restora- tion of the rtrar elevation •Y th• dmr011ing at 1993 Massa- chusetts Avenue under Permit 230. 68 P-1 issued 0n March 21, 1968 by installing now woad®n clapboards whore nocos®ary to cover the expos0d arose of the elevation, such installa- tion to match in e~cpoauro the existing clapboards, by ro- stering or replacing the ®xisting door frames and trim, by replacing the existing doors with new doors •f a style t0 be approved by Commissioner Philip B. Parsons and A6saciate Commissioner George W. Emery, and, if the existing woodwork of th0 bulkhead is t• be replaced, the doors of th0 bulkhoad are t0 be constructed of matched boarding similar to the existing bulkhoad doors, and by painting the now clapboards and d®.r frames whits and painting the new deers and all now woodwork •f the bulkhoad a shade •f dark green 0r black color." Frederick J. Conroy, Esquire appeared on behalf •f the application of George. E. Rowe, Jr. and Patricia M. Rowe for a Certificate •f Approp- riateness with respect to the orecti®n of a dwelling at ].L~.60 Massachu- setts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District, and sub- mitted to the Commission a letter withdrawing the application. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it Yras unanimously VOTED thatY°roquost for withdrawal be accepted without prejudice." Chairman Jaquith pr®sontod a bill far X66.96 t• the Commisaisra from Elizabeth M. Flynn. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED t• approve payment 'of the bill. An a djeurnod mooting is scheduled f®r Wednesday, April 10, 1968 is consider the applications sf Village Artisans, Inc. and Lexington Sister City Commi.tteo. Tho next rsguiarl~t scheduled meeting night will b• 0n 1~edno sday, April 2?~., 1968. Tho meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. ~i~~i~if~ Philip B. Parsons ~ Seerotary TOWN OF LEXINGTON M°""INc 9. 479 09 Marrachurettr _ ~ i a E IM °T ~ • ' oMUy^~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS endment to This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to .Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Association with respect to the exterior architectural features of the new building at 1832-1838 Massachusetts Avenue and the existing building at 181}0 Massachusetts Avenue referred to and de- scribed in Certificate No. 187, issued by the Commission on Decamber 15, 19bb, as amended by Certificate No. 202, issued by the Commission on March 6, 19b7 a~x~~ which is within the .....................Ba:ttle..GT.ee11........ , , , , , , , , District Certificate No. 187 is hereby further amended as to the details of the surfacing and finish of the area between the fronts of the existing building, and the new building and the back of the sidewalk which is on the property line by the substitution of planting areas located at either side of a centered entrance walk eight feet-six inch (8~-6") wide and the installation within each of the said planting beds of floodlights and planting of shrubbery all as detailed on the following rcferenced material submitted to the Commission at the hearing held on April 3, 1968: an elevation study of the front of the referenced property showing shrubbery sketched in place and form 2} a description and key of the plantings as furnished by Alexander Irving Heimlich to Hutchins & French in date of March 28, 1968 and 3} a plan entitled "Floodlighting, Alterations & Additions to Bank Building for the Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Association"by Hutchins & French, Architects, dated 2-1-6$. It is understood that the proposed low standing flood lights shall have a reasonable light intensity and shall be shaded against view from tho sidewalk. 1'IISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date April 1968 ~ _ Max H. Straw Certificate No. ...68,,:11.... CHAIRMAN Pro Tempore xrnfaaa ~ , ors µoa ~N TOWN ~ OF LEXIN~ON cp 1773 ~ 1l~lurfachucettr ~y~ a • RING • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Henry J. Tremblay...................... with respect to a change in the exterior architectural features of the garage located at the rear of the house as noted below, at .....1949. Plfassachusetts Avenue which is within the ,Battle Gre eri , , , , , , , , , , District This Certificate shall provide that in place of the three existing garage doors there m2y be substituted and installed in the front elevation of the referenced g~.rage building a sixteen foot by seven foot-six inch (16' x 7'6") overhead type gara~e door and a hung single door thirty-two by eighty-four inch (32 x 84") all as shown on a sketch by Henry J. Tremblay as submitted to the Commission at the hearing held on April 3, 1968. ` HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date .,April 1968 Max H. Straw Certificate No...,fi$.C-12 CHAIRMAN Pro ^lempore NRIS~SS .aY