HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-03-17 w ~ . Fdlet~~.e ai~t~rcttt G sa3.~rr ~?t ai ~~.aw a ~ls R~1?o$~~1.A~ ~ ~ ~t '~3~e ~e~1sw ~earir~g set e~p3~eal~~s+~ t+~M~' # ~ea~tl~ie~~ s~ Alp t1~~+1a~ii 'b~' X.ax~~,taa~t ~4t°t~.t~, • a~$!s ~r~ t3~e ex~a~ati~ •a~ ~ia~~r~t gut • sib ~.s~a 9 ~~~oi~ 9~~r~w8~, t~h,ieh rri~t i~~ b~3.+a ~i~?~. ass P~es+~tt w+rr~ C ~awsi.erre ~ilbaEa+ 1~• J~~q~#,~~w ~l~xi ~ 1~31ip P~r+r+s~, ~~~w~~ s~. ~srt~t €~~e tf~s sen+~ llpx 1~. ~aF eruct ~eeeumat,~ t~ e~~ fora . '!~s ChaS app l~~t~er mi' a~lo~ti~xi e~ ~tur e~ies~ a!' l~+e~~. ~'ra~~.~1k G ~~?~:rN a~rpw~ +~f thi~pr ~tr?el~ti ~ Rix ~+sz* ~e~iri~e et ~#a~~e~ ~?r~ a~ri r?e arias. ~e ~r~~ , p~+~Lmp~s ~Q ~Etd ever-~i~ +at '6~1 wr,a~ ~xi r~xawu ~atte~Cs&. t''~It;e' d#,eaasiaa t~ e~~e e~` pea?~~v+e e~' e~~r e~ x?~?s~ed a 1~- •ta ~a tattar~ ~e ohs awe eye ~ ~1, ~.~6~ ~rilh eaex~s rl ~oa~?fl dt~rl~s?i3s~dl , ~e •~har psetis a Marge ~ +~rar s t~e~ 8tl4 a~~xi~sa~imq¢? et ~eer~ 1~., Jx~. +dk 1~~t#~~~tili ~s iM G*r~~3`S~+a#~ mf' A 6.~~tlli0 ~f 3~'MipMA$ 'fit +6h~lt ~r~rav~iaad ~e3.~le ~'aadl~ d+reNrllin~ #t$ Mlat~ae~€~~~sre~~s ,AVa~xu~r, ryt c M~1~.~413 1~$~htt! '~"~Yl~3 A~;~I~iT~~• 6'$iNLi 3'11I~d 2+~~1w?s~ ait* a~~.~.o~~~e~t a ~~u11 ~ ~t~ar~ ~ er~~t~ d, Ga~?g~"r E'ae~irtil ~?~,wasad ~c~ ~~~t` + R~p~S.aaaa~a„ o xis ~tr~o ~~raaant ~t~s ~er1. ~e~~e ~~e~ir~~e 4a!` C ~ ~t~arll a ~la~to wt 1~tw a?'~y wsxw~ ~x~pauar~$au~ it ~ t~3.#aaE ~ ~e a~i ~ki+~t~a~! ~'o1e~'a ~:ssi~aea~ ex+d ` ~!e 1~1M~,tlCtgr 1~~31e~1 e~3a~- esi~s ~r~s 3~r?1~ a r~i~+r ~e~~i m~! +~~i+a 11l 7~~ ~a4s a~ iGe r+a'~~r~3aae lr+~ ab~te~~~ pia K. w11~, e~ gx~i~rM? w~~h s a13e~~sa ~r rx~preair a~#~~? ~~tt~+l~'s# ~?1~? i~ i~~ee to #be a~~l~a~i~. aen~~ t~ia eltes~~r ra t~~r op~eei~it ~twr aarash~~e~? d+~r?3~ at e~?a ~aral~.l. ~ ea~~tep#a~r1~M ~ a+a~a~a?ar~a iat ~o~ e~+s a?ar~q}~~at?3,e~ ? bawl 1~?1~i a~alola i~t ~eaa~a Date, ie~ had ~asexa ~e~ a art' ~Dp+~?aL~ r~ 8 tbs ~ ~+a a1e~f e~a+, ~£e al~.~aa1~ fs~.1t ~u+a# t!w tl~erl + t+d~ 1t4t aa~ th+a1~ "b ~e~r~c ~ s~rset awe i~ss ~'"~11. ~ ~ Aax~a~+~ ax ~ ?~ari~~t 'State .R • a ~tt~~ ~ s ~ fiilsa,441lit~+i1?~lu1 ~vaacta~ ~ar~k LP a ~?1 '~~'area! ~6 ~atss+rw~taCla~ R'aeetw ~'sraa~ ~+a21rr~ ~~b ~aae~w~ew+alCCa lt~r a'ga ~ aid E3atr°e~.ir~e . 3~aslsr ~l+a~statt eot@ ~aeDiat~olsM 5 1 JEx,v?s ~'~trrrx~ soaaalo~ i~o~x9t e t ~ TOWN OF LEXING~N R~ s ;r„ -tia, . Marrachuretts ~ ~-'3 ;~~~V A .ua p.* °x HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Moore IIomes, Inc . with respect to the erection of a single family dwelling with two-car garage as noted below, at .......LOt ~7, Erigham Road which is within the H211C OCk_-,C larke . . . . . . . . . . , _ , . , , , District The general style, layout, dimensions and details of the design of the dwelling-and garage appear on or may be scaled from Sheets Nos. 1 to 6, inclusive, of,a set of 6 drawings entitled "N:oore Homes, Lexington, N:ass.n by Roger A. Petrie, dated 3/7/6$ submitted to the Commission at the hearing on March 7, 19b8, as amended by the appli- cant at said hearing and with the following changes not set forth on the drawing: lj There are to be no blinds on the windovrs of .the first floor front elevation underneath the garrison overhang and there are to be no blinds for all win- dows on the first floor of the rear elevation - 2j The .lavatory windaw on the first floor of the front elevation under the garrison overhang is to be centered under the middle window of the garrison por- tion of the second floor of the front elevation The location~of the building on the lot is to be as shown an a Plot Plan by Albert A. Miller & Wilbur C. Nylander, Civil Engineers & Surveyors, Lexington, Pfass., dated March 6, 1968, submitted to the Gommission at the hearing. - The brick end portion of the left elevation of the dwelling and the . Bi~sxoas~[D~xsxaas~I~~r cxxxxxxxxxxxxx '~c~x~x ~ N.-qN1