HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-02-27 Fs~ary 27, 1968 Ths Hist®ric Districts C®mmiaaimn mat at the time and plats specified in the public natic• of hearing en the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Beaten, a Corporation eels, Per a Permit for the Demoliti®n or Removal of the dwelling at 1993 Maasachuaetta Avsnus, which is within the Bnttl• Green District. Members present wars Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Persona, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, Gserge E. Graves and Max H. Straw and Associate Commissioners George W. Emory and D®xiald B. White. The Chairman .read the istter of applieatien and the netiee of hearing. Reverend John P. Fitzpatrick, curate at St. BrigidTS Church, appeared and prs~ented a Plot Plan of the property and phstographs •f the dwelling. The Commission members asked many questions as t• the age of the building, and the Chairman read a report from Mr. Worthen en the passible history sf the dwelling. Ths Commission expressed the wish t• visor the house before making a decision en demolition er removal. An appsintment was made with Father Fitzpatrick, and n• ether persons having appeared, the hearing was ad~eurned at 8:50 P.M. Hearing was held at 8:55 P.M. en the applicatie:t of Robert L. and Delores Lyon for a Certificate of .Appropriateness with respect t• changes in the exterior architectural features of the building at 55 Waltham Strsst, which is within the Battle Green District. Th. Chairman read the letter of applieatien and the nstic• of hearing. Thy applicant was out-•f-town, but had forwarded photographs of the building involved and a brochure showing the type of combination windows and :creenii to b• installed. Upon motion duly made and sac®nded, it was unanimously VOTED t• issue a Certifieat• to the applicant. Ns ether psrasns having appeared, the hearing was elssed at 9:10 P.M. I, Ths Chairman presented the fallowing bills is tho Commission: Elizabeth Adam ~ 5.00 Tngall+s 6.96 ~]J.i..96 Upsn metimn duly made and ascended, it was unanixnsusly VOTED t• apprsv payment of the bills. Ths Chairman advised the Csmmission of applicatiena that have :ast bean acted u on; The First Pariah Church extension will expire en April 1, 1968, the Fsley extension wSll sapirs en February 27, 1968, and The Pst steep and Rsws,*Chovrelet, Inc. extensions bath expire ea Marsh 1, 1868. Mr. Jaquith will contact Mr. Norman May, representing the Fsloy applieatien, and'the Clerk was directed is contact Mr. LaRschs sf the Pot steep and Mr. Rows t• request •xtonaions far their applicatiena to Meg 1, 1968. The next meeting night is scheduled far Thursday, March 7, 1968 to csnaider the applicatiena of Lexington Studio, Inc., Gserge E. Rows, Jr. and Patricia M, Rews and Mark Moore, Jr. of Me ro Hsmes, n Th® meeting ores ad~ournsd at 10:00 P.M. ~ _,z.,,y Philip B. Parsons Secretary