HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-12-11 1 f ' r December 11, 1967 The Historic Districts C®mmission met at the time and place specified in the public notice ®f hearing ®n the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Casco Real Estate, Inc., with respect to the erection and display of three signs ®n the premises at 15 Waltham Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Members present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. ParsAns, Secretary, Max H. Straw and. George E. Graves and Associat® C®mmissioners George W. Emery and Donald B. White. The Chairman read the letter mf application and the notice of hearing. Mr. Robert R. Howard of Casco Real Estate was represented by Charles H. Gole II, Architect, who presented scale drawings ®f the three signs and photographs sh®wing the 1®cation mf said signs. Up®n motion duly made and sec®nded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate t® the applicant. N® other persons having appeared, the hearing was cl®sed at 8:00 P.M. Hearing was held at 8:05 P.M. on the application ®f bi®®re Homes, Inc. for a Certificate of Appropriateness, with. respect to the erection of a single family dwelling with tw®-car garage ®n L®t #6, Brigham Road, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. The Chairman read the letter mf application and the notice ®f hearing. Mark Mo®re, Jr. appeared in his ®wn behalf and presented scale drawings of the pr®posed dwelling with Plot Plans and a color sample ®f paint. Upon m®tion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the apppli- cant. No ether persons having appeared, the hearing was closed at 8;45 P.bI. At 8:50 P.M. the Commission met informally with Ge©rge E. Rowe, Sr., George E. Rowe, Jr. and H. Erickson, Architect, to discuss in detail pre- liminary plans and scale drawings f©r a pr®posed building ®n the premises ®wned by Rowe Chevrolet on Bedford Street. After study of the drawings the Chairman suggested t® Mr. Erickson that he return tm the meeting scheduled f®r December 20, 1967 with c®mplets, detailed scale drawings, Plot Plans, photographs showing the four elevations and scale drawings of proposed signs. Upon receipt of a formal letter gf application, a hearing will be scheduled for January l7, 1968. Mr. Rowe stated that he also will appear before the Board of Appeals and after letting ®ut bids h®pes to begin cmnstructi®n by June 1, 1968. The informal meeting ended at 9:5o P.M. Prtr. Jaquith advised the Commission of a letter ®f application from Cseorge T. and Ellen G. Bryant, with respect to a col®r change from gray t® off-white on the siding and a c®lor change fr®m green to black on the blinds of the dwelling at 1948 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The applicant als® mentioned the installation of combination aluminum windows and d®ors. After discussion, it was decided that a Certificate was not required for the color change of the siding, but, that a Certificate would be necessary far the color change in the blinds and that the Certificate c®uld be issued without a Public iVotice. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue the following t® the applicant: NThis Certificate is issued pursuant t® Chapter 447, Acts ®f Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to George T. and ft4inutes of meeting held ®n November 29, 1967-----------Page 2 Ellen G. Bryant with respect to a Chan a in the exterior color features of the dwelling, as noted below, at 194 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. This Certificate is granted to change the color •f the blinds from green to black.n On the request of the Lexingt®n Federal Savings & L®an Associative for the erection and display of a temp®rary sign, after discussion, it was unanimously VOTED as follows: "----That the erection and display of a temporary sign by the Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Association vn the protective fencing abutting the sidewalk en the premises at 1832-34 Massa- chusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District, is approved by the Commission. The design, layout and style of lettering and symb®1 ®f the sign to be as shown vn the drawing$ submitted t® the Commission at its meeting vn November 29, 19b7, with the size of the letters for tho words "Lexington Federal Savings" to be not more than Ott in height and the size of all other letters t® be not more than 3't in height. All letters to be painted black on a white mss®nite backboard and the symbol to be painted blue and gold c®lors; pr®vided that this approval is granted subject t® the condition that the sign is rem®ved from said premises n®t later than July 31, 1968." The Chairman dictated t® the Clerk a letter, including the above Vote, to Donald P. Keay, Vice President of the Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Ass®ciation, with a copy of the letter to be forwarded to D®nald K. Irwin, Town Building Inspector. Mr. Jaquith reported that John A. Fiorentino had been advised that his application for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the premises at L~.~Yaltham Street was net approved by the Commissi®n at the adj®urned hearing held ®n November 21, 1967, and th2t he could submit a new design and drawings at the meeting on December 20, 1967. The f®11®wing bills were presented to the Commission: Ingalls Stationery ~ 8.46 Elizabeth Flynn 91.0 X99.51 ITpon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanim®usly VOTED to appr®ve payment of the bills. The next meeting is scheduled for December 20, 1967 to consider the applicati®ns of George T. and Ellen G. Bryant with respect to the instal- lation of aluminum combination windrows and d®ors en the dwelling at 1948 Massachusetts Avenue, and of Nicholas J. Cafarelli, Jr. with respect to the erection and display of a sign ®n the entrance to premises located at 1762 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting was adj®urned at 12:15 A.M. "'%"'"~~~~'r~;,~,~/L~~ ~y Philip B. Parsons Secretary ~ t Duo to the inability off' coremissianeg~3 Ruth G. Bevan to act o~. the petit9.on o3' Casco Real Estate Moore Hemes, Inc~n..~.._......,~.~.w.,~.,.9 t~~3 ce~mi3' de3igr~stes associatsA oGeorge4'N~Emery _e___ _ to serve zx~ this action. L~ November 29, 1967 Wilbur M. Jaquith e._a._._~.m._.~~a~e ..._..,....a...,._._. a..v.~ Chair~~an Jy MORry~^, 'TOWN OF LEXING~N a .,a Masr~clncsetts - a~~y , - 3 ~ a ~~'090t~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OP APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ......Moore Home sr..Inc.• . wichrespectco the erection of a single family duelling with two-car garage as noted below, at .......Lot ##6, Brigham Road which is within the......~~?cOCk-Clarke,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, District The general style, layout, dimensions and details of the design of the dwelling and garage appear on or may be scaled from Sheets Nos. 1 to 6, inclusive, of a Set of 11 drawings entitled "Moore Homes, Inc., Lexing- ton, r+tass.tt by Roger A. Petrie, dated ATOV-67, submitted to the Commis- sion at the hearing on November 29, 1967 as amended by the applicant . at said hearing. The location of the building on the lot is to be as . shown on "Plot Plan" by Albert A. P:4iller & ;~Jilbur C . Plylander, Civil Engineers & Surveyors, dated November 29, 1967, submitted to the Com- mission at the hearing. The chimney is to be constructed of.well-cleaned, used, red, common brick and is to have a brick cap. All windows of the dwelling and garage are to be of wood and have wood muntins. The front entrance and steps are to be capped with Bluestone, and the driveway may be blacktopped. No more of the foundation walls are to be exposed than is shown on said dra•.vings, as amended, at the hearing, and the walls are to be left in their natural concrete state. All clapboards, sheathing, trim, gutters and downspouts are to be painted a cedar bei;e color matching the color sample submitted to the Commission at the hearing. All wrindows, shutters, blinds and doors are to be painted arhite. Lights for the front entrance and Garage may be installed provided that the style, t pe and location of the fixtures are a roved b t'ne Commission y pP Y prior to installation. IIISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date November 30, 1967 C Wilbur ~+I. Jaquith Certificate No...... ~4 C CHAIRMAN .I-usu •TOWN OF LEXIN~N `0„S N44Mrp ~ o-. 8Ti3 op . 111arr~rchurettc - ° m s I~ a 3 ~ r ~~~N HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION . CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ......................George T, and Ellen G...Bryant....,............._,..._.....,,_ with respect to a change in the exterior color features of the dvre 11 ing as nosed below, at .....1948.r"assachusetts Avenue which is within the ,Battle Green . . . . . . . District This Certificate is granted to change the color of the blinds from green to black. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by November 30, 1967 Date Wilbur M 4 Jaquith Certificate No..... z4E7 CHAIRMAN xrn,n, TOWN OF LEXIN~N ~ M ^NfMa C L79 '~p9 Mcxrsachurettr - :.fig . i ~ ~ 3 •rML q^~ + fNGT Y HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetu, 1956, as amended, to Casco Real Estate, Inc. wichrespectto the erection and display of three signs on the building as noted below, at .......lZ Waltham Street which is within the Battle Greeri . , , , , . District The first sign is to be located on the frieze above the southerlyy bay window on the front elevation of the building. The design, lay- out, size and style of the lettering appear on scale drawing ~A-2 en- titled "Near Street Sign For Casco Real Estate", Charles fi. Cole II, Architect, dated November 27, 1967, submitted to the Commission at the hearing. The sign is to bear the legend "CASCO REAL ES`PATE" and is tb .consist of black letters painted on a galvanized sheet steel background painted vvhite. The background is to be of one piece and when erected is to cover the full width and height of the frieze. The second sign is to be located above the easterly first floor window on the southerly elevation of the building-substantially as shown on photograph submitted to the Commission at the hearing. The design, layout, size, style and colors of the sign and lettering appear on or may be scaled from the sign entitled "Sign at Side" on the scale draw- ing ~A-1 entitled "Signs For Casco Real Estate", Charles H. Cole II, Architect, dated Dovember 27, 19b7, submitted to the Commission at the hearing. The sign is to bear the legend "CASCO REAL ESTATE" and a sym- bol in the form of a key. The third sign is to be located on the southerly e d of the rear eleva- tion of the building in the position substantiall~`shown on a photograph submitted to the Commission at the hearing. The design, layout, size, • 3~~X~t~x~~~ts~c 1~ ~atac ~r~tt~b~T67c xx~nssaxsi xr•i eau Certificate of Appropriateness -Casco Real Estate, Inc. - Page 2 style and colors of the sign and lettering appear on or may be scaled from the sign entitled "Sign at Rear" on the aforesaid drawing ~fA-l. The sign is to bear the legend !°CASCO REAL ESTATE" and a symbol in the form, of a key. The issuance of this Certificate does not constitute evidence of com-~ pliance with the Sign By-Law or any other By-Law of the Town of Lexington. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COb4RRISSION By `Nilbur R4. Jaquith Date November 30, 1967 Chairman Certificate No. 2~7