HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-11-25 ~ Ne~ber 25, 1967 The Historic Districts Commission met at the time specified for the hearing adjourned from November 15, 1967 to N®vember 21, 1967 in the Comp- troller's Office, Town Office Building., Lexington on the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Hawley K. Rising with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features •f the dwelling at 1430 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Members present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, Max H. Straw and George E. Graves. The Chairman read the letter of application and the public notice at this time and explained the re-aeon for the adjournment from November 15, 1967 to November 21, 1967 viz: inclement weather. Mr. Rising appeared in his own behalf and presented photographs of the dwelling and a brochure showing the proposed aluminum window and screen installations. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED is issue a Certificate to the applicant. N• other persons having appeared, the adjourned hearing was closed at 7:45 P.M. Adjourned hearing was held at 7:50 P.M. on the application •f John A. Fio- rentin• for the erection and display •f a sign. on the second floor front ele - vation on the premises at ~ Vdaltham Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing. Mr. Fiorentin• and his Associate Roger E. Borell• appeared and pre- sented scale drawings •f the proposed sign and a photograph of the building. The Commission discussed the sign and its location and felt that changes in design should be made before a Certificate could be issued. The Chairman was authorized t• advise Pdr. Fiorentin• of the Commission's decision. No other persons having appeared, the adjourned hearing was closed at 8:35 P.M. Adjourned hearing was held at 8:45 P.M. •n the application of John H. Bellinger for a Permit for Demolition of the remaining portion of the two-car garage and for a Certificate •f Appropriateness with respect to the erection of a two-car garage at 922 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. The Chairman read the letter sf application and the notice of hearing. Mr. Bellinger appeared in his own behalf and presented scale. drawings of the proposed garage together with Plot Plans and a photograph. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOT.~,D t• issue a Per- mit for Demolition to the applicant. The Commission requested a change in drawings for the roof of the proposed new garage and the Chairman will advise the applicant that upon receipt of revised drawings, a Certificate moved, seconded and unanimously VOTED on November 21, 1967 will be issued. No other persons having appeared the adjourned hearing was closed at 9:00 P.M. Adjourned hearing was held at 9:05 P.M. on the application of The Clothes- Out, Inc. with respect to the erection and display sf a sign for the store at 1725 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Leis Wolfe, the President, appeared and presented scale drawings of the pro- posed sign and a phut©graph of the store. Prio?to Mr. Wolfe's presentation the Chairman had read the latter of application and the notice of hearing and stated that this hearing originally scheduled for November 1, 1967 was ad- journed t• November 15, 1967 :and then to 9:00 P.M., November 21, 1967• Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to issue a Certificate to tha applicant. The f®llowing VOTE was recorded: Messrs. Jaquith, Straw, Graves and Parsons in the affirmative, P,4rs. Bevan in the negative. Mrs. Berger appeared with Mr."Wolfe. The adjourned hearing was closed at 9:45 P.M. The Chairman discussed the Budget for 1967-1968. He projected that a°~ ~ _2 Niinutea of hearings adjourned from November 15, 1967 t• November 21, 1967 increase in Appropriation would be needed. I3e is at present studying probable expenditures for the coming year. The Chairman presented a bill .from Minute yfan Publications in the amount •r X9.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VpTED t• approve payment of the bill. The next meeting night is scheduled for ~tednesday, November 29, 1967, t• consider the applications of Casee Realty and Moore Homes, Inc. The Chair- man advised the Commission tYiat also at this meeting George E. Rowe, Jr. will be present t• informally present preliminary plans for the proposed erecti®n of a building on premises svmed by Rowe Chevrolet. The meeting was adjourned at 120 M. Philip B. Parsons Secretary • 1 1 TOWN OF LEXINGTON Matr~chu.~etts 02173 . HISTORIG DISTRICTS COMMISSION PERMIT FOR DFrioLITION Thia Permit is issued pursuant to Chspter l}1~7 of the Acts ®f 1956, as amended, to John II. Bellinger for the dem©litien of the remaining portion of the tw®-car ggra~=e at 922 ~iassaehuaetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COL"uJ1IS:,ION By Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman DATE: N©vember 22, 1967 ' ~ i _ TOWN OF LEXINGTON Marr~churettr ~~~3 a •MI ~ ' HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ...........................7.'11o..C7.o~~}Q.~-Qut.~ . ~m~........................................ with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store as noted below, at .........,1725.Massachusetts Avenue Battle Green which is within the District The sign is to be 1©cated on the front of the building in the area immediately above the windows and doorway of the first floor store. The sign is to consist of the following legend painted in black letters on a backboard painted an off-white color: " SKIRTS SUITS the CLOTHES-OtJT S`JVEATERS DRESSES " The design, layout, style and dimensions of the lettering and back- b®ard are to be as shown on a scale drawing by Astro Signs submitted to the Commission at the adjourned hearing on November 21, 1967 subject ' to the following modifications: I} the spaces between the words "SKIRTS" and St'JEATERS" and the words "SUITS" and "DRESSESt~ respectively are to be reduced from that shown on said drawing to not more than 3" in height. These 3" spaces between the respective words are to be centered vertically. 2) there shall be added to the backboard a border m©lding of not less than 1" in width, which molding shall be painted an off-white color to match the color of the backboard. HISTORIC DIST&ICTS COMMISSION by November 22, 1967 Dace Wilbur 142. Jaquith Certificate No......??'~:?......... CIiAIRMAN NhIL.N wt., a " j I ~ TQWN 4F LEXINGTON " Ma.~r~cclsu.rettr ~'~'NN~~ggg~~__~'' ~ E~~y D J ~..w~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION t„ CERT'IFICAT'E OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Hawley_K.. Rising.. . withrespeccto changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling as noted below, at ...........~'3a, Massachusetts Avenue ~ which is within the Mt]1'Il^~e .Tavern District The architectural features involved consist of the replacement of wo®den framed storm windows and screens by white enamel aluminum ~ framed stcarm windovrs and screens for all windows on the first floor of said dwelling,. except the bathroom windows on the westerly eleva- • ti©n of the dwelling and the garage windows. a ~ - HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by N®vember 22, 1967 • Wilbur P,~ . Jaquith Certificate No.... ~~3...... CHAIRMAN NI-tfN]' y • 1 . TOWl~I' OF LEXINGTON o,4.MO4ry,~;Qe a go-` ~7 Ma.rr~rch~ucettr 9 ' s a~ . ' ..PIt 19^ , ' , ~ ~xrttyt " HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to John,.H.,,Bellinger.......................................... with respect to the erection of a two-ear garage 922 A4assachusetts Avenue as nored below, at which is v~ithin the ,Eas t V i 11 ale Distritt The ~arage is to be erected in the location designated "2 car 'vJ'd Gar.' on the Plot Plan entitled "Ntortga;e Plot Plan" by Robert H. Dunning dated A~Iay 12, 1962 submitted to the Commission at the ad- journed hearing on November 21, 1967. The general style, layout, dimensions and details of the design of the garage appear on or may be scaled from the dra~~ving by George T. Sullivan submitted to the Commission on November 27, 1967. All woodwork and downspouts, if any, of the building are to be painted white. The asphalt shingles of the roof are to be of a green color matching, as nearly as pos- sible, the green asphalt shingles on the roof of the dwelling on said premises. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by November 27, 1967 Date Zvilbur P.I. Jaquith Certificate.No.... 2~~ CHAIRMAN •r•oau