HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-10-23 . October 23, 19b7 The Historic Districts Commission met at the time and place specified in the public notice of hearing on the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Duane A. Haugen with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling at 1454 n4assaohusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Tllembers present were Commissioners 'I~ilbur NI, Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, Max H. Straw and George E. Graves and Associate Commissioners George 'uu. Emery and Donald B. uVhite. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing. ~~r. Haugen appeared in his own behalf and presented photographs of the dwelling and a sample of the proposed aluminum siding. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the Applicant. IvIr. Frank Ferraresi of 1468 Massachusetts Avenue appeared in favor of the applicant. The hearing was closed at 8:05 P.M. Hearing was held at 8:10 P.M. on the application of Arlex Shoe Cor- poration d~b~a Bradley's Shoes for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of an electric sign on the rear elevation of the first floor store at 1733 Pvlassachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing. PIIr. Philip "~deinberg, President of Arlex Shoe Corporation, appeared and presented a photostat of the proposed sign. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED to DENY the application. The following VOTE was recorded: "Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unani- mously VOTED that the application of Arlex Shoe Corporation d~b~a Bradley's Shoes for a sign on the rear elevation of the first floor store at 1733 T~?assachusetts Avenue be denied for the reasons that the sign which is to consist of a metal case with plexiglas face and have flourescent lighting would present an apps arance which is inharmoni~aus for this His- toric District area and the purposes of the Historic Districts Act". No other persona having appeared, the hearing was closed at 8:30 P,M. Hearing was held at 8;35 P.M. on the application of Lawrence B. Hunt with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling at 8 Hancock Avenue, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing. The applicant was n©t present but phut®graphs of the dwelling and a bro- chure showing the proposed aluminum combination windows and doors was available for the Commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicant. No other persons having appeared the hearing was closed at 8:45 P,M. Hearing was held at 8:55 P.M. on the application of Peter Grimes International, Inc. for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the first floor store at 1851 Massa- chusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing. t ~ ? ~ . Minutes of hearings held on October 18, 1967------------------Page 2 lYIrs. Peter Grimes appeared and presented drawings by The Paint Pot, Concord of the proposed sign. After discussion, upon motion duly .made and sec©nded it was Unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the Applicant. No other persons having appeared the adjourned hearing was closed ~.t 9:3o P.M. The Chairman read to the C©rranission a letter received from Robert P~7. Gary, President of the Lexington Historical Society relative to the buildings at,,t~b5-67 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED as follows: "That the Chairman acknowledge receipt of letter from Nr. Robert I~. Gary, President of the Lexington Historical Society, a copy of his letter to the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, in regard to the buildings at 165-67 Massachusetts Avenue, and make appr~apriate comments as to the present position of the Commission in the matter with a copy of the letter to be sent to the Loard of Selectmen". The Chairman presented the following bills to the Commission: E . Flynn $$29.81 P,4inute b5an Publics . ) 13.50 13.50 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to approve payment ®f the bills. The Chairman stated that in the future applicants should be advised to present photographs of the store elevation with scale drawings tv the Commission at the time of hearing for a proposed sign. Also, the Chair- man stated that the applicant would be requested to mail a copy of the scale drawing of a proposed sign not later than one week before a hearing t® the Commission memb®r assigned to his application. Assignments f®r the meeting to be held on N®vember 1, 1967 are as fvllmws: Clothes-Out, Inc.------------George Emery Harvard Trust C®mpany--------tiVilbur M. Jaquith Clifford Hunt----------------Philip B. Parsons The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 P.M. Philip B. Parsons Secretary TOWN OF LEXINGTON P MOP , ~~Q 0o- V7! ' Macsacl~urettr ~ .g~}~~ b~- s ~217J ;R#~ ~ f? a D I~PSP41lRYly'-v~l `E~,H~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION NOTICE' OF DETER1~riIlv`ATION Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Historic Districts Commission held on '+Vednesday, October 18, 1967, the Commission voted to deny the application of Arlex Shoe Corpora- tion d/b!a Bradley~s Shoes for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the erection and display of an electric sign on the rear elevation of the first floor store at 1733 Rsassachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District, in accordance with the following excerpt from the minutes of the meeting: "On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously voted that the application of Arlex Shoe Corporation d~b~a Bradley~s Shoes for a sign on the rear elevation of the first floor store at 1733 ;,"assachusetts Avenue be denied for the reasons that the sign which is to consist of a metal case with plexiglas face and have interior fluorescent lighting would present an appearance which is inharmonious for this $isturic District area and the purposes of the Historic Districts Act'F. Participating in this decision were Commissioners 'uYilbur Pd. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, A,4ax H. Straw, _ Ruth G. Bevan and George E. Graves. ' HISTORIC DISTRICTS CO1r'lr."ISSION By _ . _ Wilbur M. Jaqui th Chairman October 19, 1967 - ~ ~ TOW1V' OF LEXINGTON ,~3 ~uq ~N° °a` lT.9 ' ~M~ss~rcl~usettr ~ ° a u s , ~ •ru~ro.+ <~'x~°~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ..........................Duane..A.•..Iiau~gen wichrespeccco changes in the exterior architectural . features of the dwelling 1I~5l~ r'.assachusetts Avenue as noted below, at . which is within the , I+tuI1T, OG .Tavern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District - . ~ }pLUM~KUM t1 The changes consist of covering with white finished^~~--;-'~T iTi yi. ~ clapboard siding, white.finished aluminum cornerY end white finished flat-stock all x~a:~~r wooden clap'ooards ~3~-gar-bI°r-e-~rd~,scaA ,stns soffit of the overhang excluding the front porch overhang; and re- placing with white finished aluminum gutters and downspouts s,4t-L existing ai3 wood gutters and downspouts; and trimming the window and door casings with tivhite finished aluminum "J" channels. The aluminum clapboarding is to be of a type to conform with the sample. submitted to the Commission at the hearing on October 18, 1967. The present wood louvered shutters are to be replaced with black finished aluminum louvered shutters. In the event that the remaining woodwork of the dwelling is painted it shall be painted white to match the above aluminum installations. t HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date ...,October 19, 1967 37 vVilbur M. Jaquith Certificate No... ~ CHAIRMAN °hff•.i O k TOWN OF LEXINGTON opp u 2 0 Mc~sr~rchurettc 9 v [ ~ n a~ ,a a ~ ~ •tRltl9^ `Ex„9~* ~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to L ativr enc e, B .,,Hunt................................................. withrespeccto changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling as noted below, at 8, Iiancock Avenue . which is within the F:aneoek-C larkB , , , , , , , , District The architectural features involved consist of the replacement of wooden storm crindovas, screens and doors with combination anodized white aluminum frame storm windows and doors. The style and type of the aluminum doors to be installed are to conform to the brochure submitted to the Commission at the hearing on October 18, 1967. t I31ST0RIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Dace ,,,October 19, :1967 tiRdilbur PJ1. Jaquith Certificate No.....238.......... CHAIRMAN xr•~9~w a ' I ~ ~ , TOWN OF LEXINGTON ,~,5 ~.°r,M~" M~crrgcl~ucettr " _ ~ ° ' t p w s uuu,~ `ea~KO* HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Peter Grimes International, Inc. with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store on the premises as nosed below, at . ,...1851 A~assachusetts Avenue Battle Green which is within the District The sign is to be located on the front elevation of the store in the area above the store window and doorway at a height above the side- walk not in excess of the height of the sign for tlie~store at 1835 N.kssachusetts Avenue occupied by Ernest A. Giroux. The sign is to consist of a trade-mark, as shown on drawing by T'he Paint Pot, Concord submitted to the Commission ~t the adjourned hearing on October 1$, 19b7, and the legend "Travel Service". The trade-mark and legend are to be painted black on a plywood backboard painted a shade of beige to match the existing trim of the front elevation of the building. The sign shall. have a black painted border three (3} feet ;by ten (10) feet shown on the aforesaid drawing. The design, layout and style of lettering shall be as shown on the aforesaid drawing. The dimensions of the letters of the legend are to be as set forth in the specifications submitted to the Commission at said hearing. The over-all dimensions of the trade-mark shall not be in excess of twenty (20} inches in height and width instead of twenty- five (25) inches a.nd twenty-four (2!}} inches respectively as set forth in the aforesaid specifications.. The sign may be. lighted provided that the number, style and type of lights is submitted to and approved by the Commission prior t® installation. III$TORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date ..October 19;..1967 'Wilbur bi. Jaquith Certificate No..... 2~g CHAIRMAN . Whil.p ~