HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-10-05 r 1 r . a~tabar ~M 1967 Ala FIiatarlar Distt'tats ~ issiarm amt ~t'C tkxa aNa asQ plara?s spaa~ttia~! i~ the ~ubl9~ar welcia~la Ilt' lrasxtS,x,~ !11 a~plasartiarw faor a Cis*tit'oats r~~p!"ap~is.Sa~arss b~ ~akarad ifararx~ ~lattirtsixa, wiEh a~aspaa=i Lira aralcation arar3 +fis~ler~ at' • sigtr art tkra k'arx~isla ~a~tar st 71~ '~asaashusstts Avaa+ss, wlllch is sittria 1~'ha SssL V3,lls~e ~istaria3t. ~asa~ars pa~~a?san't wawa ~assia~ea~s Wilbur dsquS.tir, ~bsixsuair„ '~utb 'd+r~ssa are@ ~t~sw a?red ~isasoiRt# Ca>r~issia~ss~rs tlsa~~+er iraaa~ry axed Try ttaa sbaralaara et ~ix2ip ~5. Farsaa~sr ~saa~ratsa'y~ er~?araaet tarartia~ alul~ m~ta~a sxrai aaearruxed, 1t +rae w~nirn~+urig ~~TI~'p hhat Rui~h a~. ~+svarar sarrora :s ~araara• tart' Fra °t'as7apa?7r~a. ''tae Chsian r~aara9, 13ha? lattarr of a4~pi~ar+rtiee aefl ~Glaa rretiare at haarri,.r:~. 1'. ~aYa3°e aS ~'~b11 1~'Pe~liall LaC1~ar• Clrpv+rrlttia ;~r'arpx'arararaatard iSa~?+rr~rrses auNtS>cr a~ai», Parstalr arf tins ~era~a.'t SSasrt GhurarBa. Saar stsC~aa'! that ha hes ftlaai fsr • ~arari>ag With tha ~,esrd aai` eY~arals acrd is wal~i i"oa? ax a'lsta fas~ h~ariasg 'fie ba sit. i~wwarre p~llalar2ltalEa"~ sa?ala t'lx~ara~rit~s $har pral~salsard ari~ze to ttra Gaaswissae. tY~a~; xnartiaax airily! Garda sr~ saa:~dsa~a was >aars~risEauel~ to xsalw s t~arrti~°toate far tha erp~+lissrrt. tta e~b~alr ~rsa?aas batvi~xg appaararQ, dba Yaalsrir~~ wars alarsaRa! tt ~t aatrin~ were taa18 alt dA1G S'.. a~ itha arp~liaa:flea a~' t~sar~aa Stabass„ inrre wiL~- x~aspaaat is s ~armit farl* ~ar>ararlitLan it ttta •asisting buildlz~ ear Lot ~9~ ~iri~tssss Aasaiy whimb is arithitr S€s>~oa~erit-~larr~tar ~.ietri>$t« Thrs Chs9~arznar, 3rsad Char lattaar +rP appliostiars seed: Char reetia~e of Peear9:~~. #lari+'~ sears, dr, •~a~asr+ed, is hts enter e?airalt. C ssiartr a~vfsaral thst sr:. •fPer h•d beam ma?d>f? far meva tizs bnile~r~ t+r saat'l~sa l+ratatio~a iao i~he T+?we. ~aarra afsatard tl~a?ta tee wsse:ld await • ata?>w'imttaR aranita~satlC bafaxror ha ds• aaa~.ishad flee bwildie~: eaaa atartLen du2y° wards sad sa?toarardedi it was uxiasri» v mfusly Ya)tl tar iawsaaar a S~as>~nrit Farr t~a?alitiareh? •r t~asea?~ral to ttsr sp~3.iasrst. Wis. t3. ~fil3.ara?at arP ~ ~aa~a3aa~ic aitrrab s~r~arstad[* bu#a, stated tlaarte was raeL iar asp~sar3tiarxs ttaar h+rsxi. wss aglasaMa! s~i 8~1~ llasris~ wsa ?la1 a!t ~ldA errs ~l~s ap~lliara~t~ia?aa eS' Jalua . Siavart~ux, wttla rtts~rmt ta? a i~ flea aat~riaa ar+aYilrrrota~s?al ~`aertturas ar3' tea a~walll.~ sic 19l~~ llarsssahea?sartts A~ra?t~tx+sr wl~aiaris is wlttaia ttaai t3attla ~3raarr ~?istri+at. Giza Gherii~s~ reread the la#tarr tt applias.tis~a amt ~irar reetiara •f haarir~. S~rtarsuac ap~aserrad 1n his a?w!! ~?a?~tali" Arid px~sserrtsaa~ piaatua?as of ttae dwal~.i a>EZd ®saur~lar at the gra~?arssd axw~l.xrum siatl~xg. Ugarrx rratiarxt e3uly r~rda saadt saaarndsd, it mars exwarrSesauerlY 'V~'1'LI? to issua~ • :terti>~'ieaarta t~• tt~ ap~rliosrt. `~`17Nr fellawi~g saMxata?xsce wars t'? bar is~I.wa9:aa~ the arax'ti~ioa<tar 1 "'in tira? ara~ar~t tta+r+~ a rearair~tieg rrara~twrrrix arf trba aiwa9.lila,~ is tar ~psixr6ara,, ~t ~elsrrll bar ~?ainta8 s staarr'~s art' whiter tar stsis the tbartra alusei~usa iaastalla- trtanrs"' ~e •tt~tr pa.rsrrss Saarw~lwg a~Pa'++i,? i~tsw t~arx~iu~ wars aiaesad st Ash Y F ira~tl~ee ®f ha+~,~xap~e~ head en epter~ax' 3.X16.'~«.,.w..~....~....w~,~awe l~cl~a~ax~a@ 'he~arn~ wars hel~.c! a~ e~ floe aP~],t~a~?tiexa of ~m~ex~ r.mee ~~ite~raa~3.ena1, irro., wi'Gh x~espes~G to Ilse earecatiaaa dis~rla~ a#' a r3:~rs at 185 ~assaeahxwet~• 4v+mnu4, ahioh ~s :t~~aira tta. ~attls t#reera 3~istriast« '~~se ~enata ~;~e,rt ~apgesre+! grad preeeat~ad e~rawlxa~s eF t~ pre• pas+sd sign t• t3ae ~iss~,a~a. Tha draarn~s warn ina+aarp~,eea and ~ha Gta~rir- n wl.7.1 oant~aet tkas a~p~rl#,~aea~. ~earira~ woes s~,~a~rr;ad et BxS~ 8.. ~di f aux~ae~i keaa~r#.r was t~:ld sas 9 t 40 1',. •n applleaatie~a sF ~r ~1da ixea'~G6~11 ~kf$`K'1* Ila+C~, Mlf.'1rl'S 1~l~11pae1t ~r ex~eeatia~a rlrwd t14e~+1a~' aP fl #i~°a en the easterl~r •lswatfora et the 'b~ildirap ai 169a t~amsaehusetts ~vezaue, wY~oh ie sft'~in Ctae "?~attle xxw?~ra ~"~istr~t. ~ fir. !C•~1er ap~sa~?cl in hestsa2t wP tt~s s~s~+li~aa~~, b~anisl c~, 4~raw2e~r, anE! p~ree?a~~ted saa?~e draari.ra~s st' the ~rapesed e3~a. prn ~stara 8u3y ode esrad ssseraded, it waa w4rirasuur]:~ v~~ to tunua ~irt3t'SaaCe tta ~ha s?p~2ie,~nt. ~e athar persarur laaw~ag appe~arad:, ttsa ad,~~srnad Baaar3.re~ wns elasscl mt 9a~~ Tl~w ~tiair~ers teld Lhs aaia~a tk~r1~ dais rrquast 1'er a eaaas w,f :2~.4tiC fer additioraa2 o~iarwt3.rag ss.arases had t?sext a~p~r+avsd by Che k~s~d eF ~eiaet- n etad hRC! laaa~s t+errrarde~! #ae tho A:~Sa~apriatiane C tt~ee e'er ~t~air deciaiaa. '~`ha t;~aairstesta px~+assr~tad a bill ib ttae amattast ei' ~'=6EI~bt? sut~it~tsd bF ~=1ar~, '~'3?„ l7pera r~rtian alu],y ® snd ser~+defl, ~ ~r+~s tu~ssus], ~f~ Eo mm~rpre+sa ~aarnt eF ~~xe Yal.11. ~i~st &'e~ish ~~ireltta, ~a ~:~ss.ir~tan s~:Led, hata e~ctr~ded th`ir ~eptealser 26Lia •xterleiera to ~~er 15, 196'. 'T`k?e ~hM~raan te~,d •P tie nx~aerd ~~st Cesa~aa7g~• eaariLaoL +ai,th hisa w1Lia lrespfeL is tl» ereea$9. et' a tata~e exa ~he3.r 3'~~''~T r~ekauarttsa ~vfinua. ~tenti®rm e~' a a~aira~lir~lc fe~xoa was aet +xith d~e~~spre~al h7 t'ht ~eisai~an n4smbe~s. ~toex~~ax,~ on Lhis wil1~ ~ sad ter ss~ ~ 196?. Aeeaceitte isie~aerr tafEe ea~Led Lha~t aaae~k3.s~ge ht be ex- pedited ~.t' C irsie~sre ~nera assig~aed izadividua3 a~~eetierxs tae istk1td~ pr~a~ ate a ~satira~« idea war ~nsll ~?seei.rred, ~ Far ~lae ratst z~esLitag milt, ~tebex~ 1&j 1'9~7r Lha Pellww wrrr+s ass~~rdt tr~~ g} p ~p+ iM if ek~S'E~'~~aa~a•.~r.w,ww+w~ws w~MwrwrMS.w+rr~;y~~,~~j~ E3. A?V ~sffiai~i . p/ sslekxex' etai9Y7~+~~w~i+MVM+1~iMwl~a/~wiw~4yf~1~ c7~g ~~0. i! isei Ol3ax" ~,wws~wM~+l~n'MMW+M`~wMas~R ~~i~~ ~ ~ +~~~e'~ 't"he me0tirag r?aa p~d~eurrled at #e?i~* ~earatar~, x~e ~'a~pr~re Dt~o to the inaY~ility off' cammissionors Philip B. Parsons and George E. Graves to act on the pQtition o~ -.~...4... ...~..__._...~.,P.._.....-_m__.,._.....a. ° Sse b~elaw u,~ ~s tha chair desi~;pzates associates Geerge W. Emery and Donald B. White to serve ,~._,_~__._,..,_.._____~.-m this action. ° Sacred Heart Church John D, Devereux M®mre H®mea, Inc. Let 9, Brighan R®ad demolition P®ter Grimes International, Inc.---------adj®urnsd hearing Ye Olde BArgAin Barn, Inc. -------Adj®urnsd hearing ~ September 2tt, 1967 Wilbur M. Jaquith. ...~.....m.~_, Dlat- Chairman TOWN OF LEXIIV~TON . • Mir~'achurettr 02173 ~y HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION PERMIT FOR DEMOLITION OR REPI;OVAIr This Permit is issued pursuant to Chapter !}t}7 of the Acts ®f 1956, as amandad, to Moore Homes, Inc. for the demolition er ramoval of the existing building on Lot #9, Brigham Road, which is within the Hancock-Clarks District. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COhiP.'lISSION By it • Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman II I DATE; September 29, 1967 . TOWN OF LEXINGTON ~°°N~ . M~rfachurettr ~ , . L ...LL»~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CBRTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, es amended, to .John D. Devereux with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling as acted belowl, at .....1965 Massachusetts Avenue which is within the $attle Green District The changes consist of covering with white aluminum clapboard siding, white aluminum cornerbvards, and white aluminum window-sills and frames the present wooden clapboards, cornerboards, and window-sills and frames on all elevations. of the dwelling. The aluminum clap- boarding is to be of a type to conform with the sample submitted to the Commission at the hearing on September 28, 1967. Also, the present wood, 1©uvered shutters are tm be replaced with black, aluminum, louvered shutters. In the event that the remaining woodwork of the dwelling is painted, it shall be painted a shade of white to match the above aluminum installations. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION _ ~ _ Dace ,September 29, 1967 Wilbur M. Jaquith Certificate No... z~5 CHAIRMAN YFIlN! _ ~ TOWN OF LEXINGTON ~ N , , ' ~ Marssachusetts ~ ' _ 0 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts,. 1956, as amended, to .......................Ye Olde Bargain Barn, Inc with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the building as anted below, at ......1690 Massachusetts Avenue which is within the .....Btattle,Green. Di,str~e~ S The sign is to be I©cated on the easterly side elevation ®f the building and is to be ctntcrcd vertically ®n the center line of the chimneys at the peak of said elevation. The sign is to be centered horizontally on the same horizontal plane as is the center line of the sign an the Massachusetts Avenue elevation of said premises approved under Certificate #226 issued by the Commission on August 17, 1967. The design, layout, size and style of the sign and lettering appear on or may be scaled from a.scale sketch by Sheer Sign Co., Ins, ~Jaltham, submitted t© the Commission. All letters arc to be hand-carved, raised wooden letters covered with g©ld loaf. The eagle on the top of the center of the sign is to be hand-carved of wood and is to be covered with gold leaf. All other parts of the sign are t® be painted white. The sign is t® bear the legend; nYe Olde Bargain Barntt + I31STORiC DISTRICSS COMMISSION by mate September 29, 1967 2 6 Plilbur M. Jaquith Certificate No..... 3 CHAIRMAN xr.~un . a 1 ~ ~ . TOWN OF LEXINGTON o,,o~• ~,h.M . , ' Masrgclnr~ettr < E ,xo,o,• HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Sacred, Heart.Church........................................... with respect to the erection and display of st sign for the Parish Center as noted below, at ~1S,fi'i8.99iIChus®f~ts„AVenue ~ which is within thb kaag~i. District The sign is t® be a free standing sign. The sign is t® be located in front of the southeasterly elevation of the building and is t® be centered in the middle of said elevation, and the center of the sign is try b® not more than ®ight inches from the center apex of the f®undation walls. The desi~;;n, layout, size and style of the sign and ~ lettering appear on or may be scaled from the scale drawing by B'etal Letters Corporation, aVakefield, P,~assachusetts submitted to the C©m- mission at the hearing on September 28, 19b7. fihe sign is to b© supported an tw© cedar posts approximately four (1}) inches b four {l~) inches and th® top Qf the sign is to be not more than four feet abeve the surrounding ground level. The sign is to bs eonsi;ruete3d ®f plytivvod and the plywood and pasts are to be painted white, The ft311owing legend is to appear ®n the plywood in black painted letters! " P A R I S H C E N T E R Sacred Heart Church Lexingt®n " Lighting far the sign, in additimn t® the present lighting for the southeasterly elevation ®f the building, is n®t to bee installed with- ®ut further appreval by the Coim*Iissi®n.~ Tha issuance oP this Certificate does not constitute evidence ®f com- pliance with the Sign Dy-Law flr any other By-Law ®f the Town eaY Lexington. IIISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Dace October 10,.19b7 11.. ~Yilbur M. Jaquith Certificate No...?3`~............ CHAIRMAN xr.uu~ J