HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-08-04 August 1967 The Historic Districts Commission met at the time and plaaa specified in the public notice of hearing en tho a pliaatioa~ for a Certificate of ltppropriatenoaa by A. Acl~er drb~ Carolyn Froakad Kith respect to the ~rectien and display of a alga en tho store ~n the promises at 1?~~ t~as~aahusotts Avenue, which is within the Battl• Green District. L~embera proaont zero Cem~nisaienora JVilbur fit. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Persona, ~ecrotary, Ruth G. 9evan and I~ag H. Straw and Asseaiate Cemmiasionsr George Y~. Emery. The Chairman read the letter of applicati®n and the notico •P hosting. iNilliam J. Hunt of the Jll~i AID IT SIGAf CO. appeared in behalf of 146r. Acker. N• •thor persons appeared at the hearing and the hearing was eleaed at 7:55 °•M. After inspection of the sub~ni.tted scale draainga and discussion vrith dlr. Hunt, open meti®n duly mad• and ascended, it was unanimeus2' VOTED to issue a Certificate to Mr. Aaksr. . Fivaring xas held at $t00 P.kS. on the application •f iNilsen Farm, Ina. with rospeat to a Permit far Domelition of tho existing dwelling house sad attached bai'~ oza the premiseffi at 556 ~aaaachuaotts Avenue, xhiah is within the East Pillage District. The Chairman read the letter oP applieatieza and the netiQe •f hearing.. Donald Wilson appoarod and presented Plot Plane of tho property involved and 8iscussod in detail the present Genditien of thr buildings and his plane with reapeat to the demelitiex~. Mrs. A. A4urray R2aAdam ei' 618-620 Maasachusetta Avenue eras proaont at the ]~saring, but did not speak. IIpen motion duly made and seooaded, it xae un;ani~oualy DOTED to issue a Permit for Domelition to ~Yilaen Farnc, Inc. The hearing was closed at $s10 P.)~. Hearing was hold at 8x.15 P.M. en the application of ~fiisom Farm, Ina. with rospeat to the oreatien eP a two-family dwelling e~ tics premises at .,556 Masaachusstts Avonuo~; xhioh is xithin the East Pillage District. The Chairman road the latter of appliaatism and the sotiao wf hearing, De~tald Wilsess appeared with his Architect, Regor A. Pottle. Discussion was hs1d, but, since the scale draxi~ags that xere prosont•d zero incomplete, th• Chairman requested 'that ;dlr. Petri• aemplet• the p3.ans sf the proposed dwelling and return them t'er the aonsidoratien of the Cemmissien. The hearir?g was ad~eux?nod at 9x20 P.Y. ~!t 9z25 P.M. Hervey Nowgsnt of Newgont & Assoalates appeared xith reapeat to his adjourned hearing of July 12, 1967. qtr. liowgent pre- seated ghotopct•aplas eP the premises involved in the application fer a Certificate. Tw• versions sf the proposed si~a mere drawn on the photographs. elr. N'exgont alas presented to the Cemmtssiom a sample at the plastic lettering he planned to use. The Ceamn;issien discussed, at length, with ]left. ~fowgont changes in the length and Oise of lettering and xording of the proposed sign. The adfeurned heari~ajg was ad~eurned at lOtlU P.M. ~inutos of hearings h~d en August 3.967 ~ Page Upset motion made by Commisaienor Ruth C3. Severs and seasended, Mae following was un.anirmeat~3.p VO~IDs TMThat the application for a Certificate of Apprepriatemers for the oroatie~ and dieiplay of a si~,a above the soc•nd Floor windows ixt aceerdancs with the drawing submitted at tlxe 1~eariaag on July 12, 1967 hawing 8 iaseh letters fex~ the natae and 6 mesh .letters below the natao with the sub~titutien of cream colored, cut sut plastic letters and ne backboard for the loiters with backboard appearing en maid drawings is inappropriate for the purposes tf the Ris#iric t31s• trio Act beeaus• of the lang~Gh •f the propo®od sign for the location involved, and that the application be denied Per this teases". Up®n motion duly made by Cemmiasienor fax H. Straw and secmnded, the following motion "that a Certii'icats of Apprepriatonosr bo issued to the applicant t• permit a legend reading as sot forth ors the drawing submitted at the hearing en July 12, 1967, exospt that cs~eaxt? colored, Brut out letters without backboard are to be substituted for the letters and hac~Cboard sh®wn en said drawing with the limitatio$ that the letters shall not exceed 6 inches 1n height and that fhb lesgtri of the sign is not to exceed 8 foot" was deferatod. Two members were reae~rded in favor •f the mots®rt and three wombers were its eppesitiezt. Robert t1. T111ingttast appeared next before the Cemmirrion with rose poet to ehgnges in the erection of a two-family dwelling at 359.861 Massachusetts Avenue Prom a CortiPicato of Apprepriatenesr previously issued for aatd premSser. After Mr. Tillinghast retired' xaombors of the Commission agreed t• view the building iavoleed. The Ghairtstaat stated that if a mefsrity of Commissieta members do net approve the substitution of plastic muzttirts for wpodon muntinr the Chairman will write a letter to the applicant so iAforming hilt with a copy to the wilding %nspaater roquorting ktint to hold up the Cert'ficate of Oacu• panty until windows of the building have boron made to aempiy with the Certificate issued. The Chairman presented a bill free heinut• 9daax Publications for X18.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, payment of the bill was approved. The next tweeting night is reshoduled for ~lodnosday, August 16, 1967a at 7:3a ~.k., t• consider the appliaatiens of ~teere Reiner, Tate., Celpitts Tours Go., Inc.,. Ye K3ldo Bargain. Barn, Inc. ar~d William H. Ryan, Trustee, Contra! Lexington Real 'state Trust. The mooting was ad~ournod at 1x2,5 A.hT. . ~ . ~i/ ~~..-.tee! Fr?i11j7 B? PaX"se~s Socsretax-y Due to the :tna'aility of cosrmissionor,~ _~Ge®r~e E. Grs~vea ~ to act on. the pfltition o~ A. P. Acker d~'b~a Carolyn Fr®cka ~~x~~d ~g~~~$~ ®f Wila©a Farm, Inc. and tine chair desi nat®s associate s g £ Gearge W. Emery ~ to serva~ r~. this ac'~ion. 11,A~ _Aupuat 2, 1967 .~~V _____._~ar. t~ t e Chairmen Wilbur M. Jaquith TOWN OF LEXINGTON ~p h . , Macrachus'ettc < . 02173 ; AYWI p^~ 2 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION PERR4IT FOR DEMOLITION This Permit is issued pursuant to Chapter 4l~7 of the Acts of 1956, as amended, to 4Yilson Farm, Inc, for the demolition of the existing dwelling house and attached barn on the premises at 556 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village Dis- trict. This Permit is issued subject to the condition that that portion of the existing cellar of the house and barn, not included within the area of the proposed new dwelling house, shall be filled to the level of the surrounding ground surface. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION $Y Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman August 3, 1967 ~I ! 1 TOWN OF LEXINGTON Ovs rl.ORry~ o- ~77s °op Massachusetts ~ .~~(r: s~Jm~.a an: a uau q•• `tz<:+o* HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ....................A,. , P,, Acker. a~?~A..Carolyn Frocks with respect co the ereetian and display of a sign on the store at the premises as noted below, at ...7-79~ ,hiassaehusetts Avenue which is within the „Battle Greeri . . . . . . . . . . . District The sign is to be located on the front of the building in the area immediately above the windows and doorway of the first floor store. The sign is to consist of the following legend painted in black letters on a backboard painted cream color: 'tCarolyn FROCKS ladies select apparel" The design, layout, style and dimensions of the lettering and the backboard appear on a scale drawing by JIM DID IT SIGN CO. #3930 submitted to the Commission at the hearing held on August 2, 1967. The sign may be lighted by single tubing flourescent lamps of medium light intensity installed in the hood located above the backboard. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date litig•,USt..31.. ]:967 1111 Wilbur b1. Jaquith Certificate No.....?~'f. CHAIRMAN Mr•I5161 t