HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-14 • - a July 1.L~., 19b7 The Historic Districts Commission met at the time and place specified in the public notice of hearing on the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Leonard J. Colwell with respect t® the erection and display of a second sign on the premises at 17 Depot Squar®, which is within the Battle Green District. Members present wore Commiasionara Wilbur M. Jaquith., Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secr®tary, Ruth G. Bevan and Max H. Straw and Associate Commissioners George W. Emery and Donald B. White. The Chairman read the letter of application sad the notice of hearing. Mr. Colwell did not appear. After discussion and iaapectioa of a submitted scale drawing of the sign, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate t® Mr. Colwell. No abuttora having appoarad, the hearing was closed at 7:!}0 P.M. • Hearing was held at 7:15 P.M. on the application of John F. MacNeil et ai, Trustees for Liberty Realty Trust, with respect to the modifica- tion of the approval of a Directory si under Certificates #6, issued August 20, 195?, for then premises at ly~-19 Depot Square, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the latter of application and the notice esf hearing. Mr. MacNeil did not appear. Thos Chairman expressed his wish to examine the drawings and plans submitted at the August, 195? hearing. IIpon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED t® issue a Certificate to Mr. MacNeil. The Chairman will draft this Certificate. No abuttors having appeared, the hearing was closed at '7:50 P.M. Hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. on the application esf G3lmare H. Trafford with respect to the installation of aluminum aiding. for the dwelling at 1 Oakland Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing. i Mr. Trafford appeared in his own behalf and submitted photsagrapha and a sample of the aiding to the Commission. Mr. Albee Kerber, Cmntractor fer "Beautiful Homes, Tnc." of Brookline, Massachusetts accompanied Mr. Trafford. After discussion with Mr. Trafford and Mr. Kerber, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED unanimously to issu® a Certificate to the applicant. Within the Certificate the Commission included the following paragraph:'"Tn approving the wooden grain design and light green color of the aluminum clapboard siding, the Commission has taken into consideration the fact that such siding had a lready been. installed ern one elevation of the building prior to th® time that it carom to the attention of the applicant that a Certificate of Appropriateness was required for then installation of such siding". No abuttora having appeared, the hearing was closed a#c $:25 P.M. Minutes of hearings held on July 12, 19b7----------Pegs 2 Hearing was held at 8:30 P.M. on the application of Harvey W. Newgent with r®spect t® the erection and display of a sign can the second floor front elevation of the premises at 1762 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the latter of application and the notice oP hearing. Adr. Newgent appeared in hie owe behalf and preesnted:2 seta of scale drawings of the proposed sign and x plastic letter for a passible sign. Discussion was held on the dimensions and materials for lettering aP the sign. An agreement was not possible, at this time, and the Chairman suggested that this hearing be ad~ournsd and that Mr. Newgent would b• advised to return at a later date. The Chairman will contact Board of Appeals. No abuttors having appeared, the hearing was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Hearing was held at 9:20 P.M. on the application of Austin W. Fisher, Jr. with respect to the replacing of wooden shingles with fire- proof simulated shingles for the dwelling at 1303 Masss~chusetts Avenu®, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. The Chairman read the letter of application and the n®tice of hearing. Mr. Fisher 'appeared in his own behalf and submitted photographs of the dwelling and a sample of the proposed shingling. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicant. No abuttors having appeared, the hearing was closed at 9:30 P.M. Mrs. Bevan and Mr. Emery advised the Commission that in the erection of a new two-family dwelling at 1859-1861 Massachusetts Avisnt~s, the re- quirements of a Certificate 4f' Apprepriatsnssa issued t® Robert 0. Tillinghast for this building were not being fulfilled. Ths Chairman will ~ check the use of Mprs-fob" materials and the one over one windows that are withmtt w©sdsn muntixs, and will send a latter t® Intr. Tillinghast. The Chairman presented the following bills to the Commission: Hancock Press ~ 71.70 ~I, Ingalls {stationery) 2}.50 Minute fan Publications (2) 22.50 13.5© Elizabeth Flynn 8 .2 X195.44 Upan motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED t® process those bills for payment.' The Chairman read to the Commission letters from Duncan Swan and Building Inspector Donald K. Irwin in regard to the demolitie~a of a:a old garage and shed in the rear oP the premises at 18-20 Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District. b2r. Swan's letter vn behalf of his Mother requested permission to demolish the structure. Mr. Irwin ire his latter stated that in his opinion the demolition of the building involved came within the Provisions of Section ~6, s$cluding frcam the requirement of a Permit for Demolition from the Commission of a building which the Building Inspector considered to be in an unsafe or Minutes of hearings held on July 12, 1967-----------Pogo 3 dar~ar4u.s condition. Following a discussion the Commission VOTED that the Chairman should send a letter to the Building Inspector atating that the Commission would not require a Permit for Demolition of the building incolced. Members reported that the sign for the "Two Worlds" gift shop seamed to hate boon carrectad to comply with the Certificate of Appropriateness preciously issued t® Mrs. Phyllis English. The next hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, August 2, 1967, at 7:30 P.M., to consider the applications of A. P. Acker d~b~a Carolyn Frocks and D®nald Wilson for Wilson Farm, Tne. Tha meeting was adjourned at 11:50 P.M. Philip B. Parsons Secretary ~I I DuG to Ai,he a.nabilit~ of co~nai.ssion©xs Geora® Ems, Gravea .a.~....a..„~..~~.,~...v__._~.a....~..e~.....~, ~Eo aet on the pri:ition o:~' 0 _q Se® below ~`hV cha.ir r~osi~r~.aies associates Donald B. YYhite to serve ~A.,~...,,..~..a.....~.,.._.._.. - .._.~.~..~.,.._.~.rt.~.~......~..~._.r i n triis action. ° Loonard J. Coles®11 John ~IacN®ii Gilmore H. Trafford Harve9 VY. Newg®nt Austin W. Fi~ahsr, Jr. ~j . , ~o Chra irman TOWN OF LEXINGTON ~f t M~ssachusetts~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ .mow HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OP APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, co ..Leonard J . C olwe 11 . . with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the premises as acted below, at .....1?,Depot Square which is within the ...Battle Green District. The sign is to be centered above the Depot Square doorway of said remises. The sign is to consist of the following legend: Leonard J. Colwell Real Estate" painted in maroon colored letters on a backboard conforming in design, as nearly as possible, to the design of the backboards for the signs above the doorway of the premises at #15 Depot Square and the backboard for the sign on the Depot Place side of the premises at #19 Depot Square. The general design, layout, style and dimensions of the lettering and backboard appear on a scale drawing by Newton-Norman Company, Inc., West Newton, Massachusetts , dated June 3, 1967, submitted to the Commission at the hearing. held on June 7, 1967 in connection with the issuance of Certificate of Appropriateness #218. The issuance of this certificate does not constitute evidence of compliance with the sign By-law or any other By-law of the Town of Lexington. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION ' by Date .,,,July 13, 1967 Wilbur M. Jaquith ' Certificate No. ...221........ CHAIRMAN x~.isas . TOWN OF LEXINGTON ~»s' Marrach~.ret~r ~ ~ $ _ - . HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended ro ...........Austin W. Fisher; Jr. wish respect to a change in the architeeturzt.l features of the dwelling 1 0 Massachusetts ve as noted below, at 3 3 A nue Munroe Tavern which is within the District. Tho change consists of replacing the present wooden shingles on that portion of the roof faein~ Massachusetts Avenue of the main dwelling house with fireproof 'transits" (asbestos and cement) simulated wooden shingles, to be exposed approximately 7 inchos (7 ) to the weather, a sample of which was submitted to the Commission at the' hearing held on July 12, 1967. Tho capping on the ridgepole is to be of wood painted white. I i I ~IISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date ......July.13t..196?.. Wilbur M. Jaquith Certificate No....222 ~ CFIAIRMAN Mr.l j.~. 1 ~ , e ~ huh . TOWN OF LEXINGTON ,nt M~craclnsrett~ ~ tf ~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ............Gilmore H..Trafford with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling as noted below, at , , , , ,1 Oakland Street which is within the .......Batt1C Green District. The changes consist of covering with aluminum clapboard siding, aluminum corncrboards and the aluminum window casings the present wooden clapboarding, corncrboards and window casements on all eleva- tions of the dwellin~. The aluminum elapboarding is to be of a wood grain design (1} exposure) of a light green color identical to the sample submitted to the Commission at the hearing on July l2, 1967. . Aluminum louvered blinds, painted white, are to be installed for all windows on all elevations, where practical, and in the event of any questionirogarding the installation of such blinds the Commission reservesithc right to require the installation of additional blinds within one year of the date of issuance of this Certificate. All downspouts are to be painted a shade of green to match the color of the aluminum siding, with the choice of material of the downspouts optional to the applicant. All cornices, gutters, sash, porch railings, posts and a~.uminum window casings are to be painted white. The lattice work, bulkhead and front door are to be painted a dark green or black color. In approving the wooden grain design and light green color of the aluminum clapboard siding, the Commission has taken into consideration the fact that such siding had already bean installed on one elevation of the building prior to the time it came to the attention of the applicant that a Certificate of Appropriateness was required for the installation of such siding. HISTORIC DI$TRIGTS COMMISSION by Date , July 13, 1967 _ 223 Wilbur M. Jaquith Certificate No . CHAIRMAN .i r xwtta;. .