HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-19 ~ ~ ~ • Ju~ 19, 1967 The Historic Districts Commission met at the time and place specified in the public notice of hearing on the application for a Csrti- fieate of Appropriateness by Daniel C. Yuill for a Permit for Demolition for the existing barn at the rear of the premises at 20 Muzzey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Members present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves and Associate Commissioner George W. Emery. The Chairman read the notice of hearing. Dr. Yui11 appeared in his own behalf and presented three sets of Plot Plans and photographs relative to the existing barn. He stated that the land will, after demolition, be either black-topped or graveled and, possibly used for parking facilities. No abuttors having appeared, the hearing was adjourned at 7:1~0 P.M. Upon motion duly made and ®econdsd, it was unanimously VOfiBD to issue a Permit for Demolition to the applicant. Hearing was held at 7:1}5 P.M. on the application of Leonard J. Col- well with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store on the premises at 17 Depot Square, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the notice of hearing. i~r. Colwell appeared in his own behalf and presented drawings of the sign and photographs of the building upon which it is to be displayed. Mr. Colwell ®xpresa®d his wish to place a second sign and a panel in an already existing Directory sign. The Chairman advised him that another application must be filed with the Commission. Mr. Colwell will do so and return. No abuttors having appeared, the hearing was adjourned at 8:05 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Mr. Colwell with respect to the erection of the sign applied for at this hearing, Hearing was held at 8:15 P.M. on the application of the Nsw England Telephone and Telegraph Company with respect to the erection and display of a"sign. and symbol for the existing building at 73 Waltham Strest, as changed by the addition thereto in accordance with Certificate of Approp- riateness ~20p, issued previously by the Commission, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the notice of hearing. Mr. W. D. Sommers appeared in behalf of the Telephone Company and presented metal replicas of the sign and symbol, which will be reproduced in bronze. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate for the erection and display on the aforesaid building of the sign and symbol presented to the Commission. Mr. Sommers next submitted to the Commission three ssts.of scale drawings showing a proposed change in the exterior architectural features of the existing New England Telephone and Telegraph building at 73 Waltham Street, which is within the Battle Green District. ~ • A~inutes oP hearing held on June 7, 19b7--------Page 2 The change consists of the erection of an enclosure over the existing outside stairway leading to the basement at the rear of the building. The proposed enclosure is to be framed with aluminum columns on the sides and curved ceiling and is to be paneled in Plexiglas. The green tinted Plexiglas was considered and discussed by the Commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VQTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to th® New England Telephone and Tele- graph Company for the enclosure, with the provision that the color shade of the Plexiglas must be approved by the Commission prior to its installa- tion. Air. Sommers will have a sample sent to the Commission. No abuttors having appeared, the hearing was adjourned at 9:05 P.M. The Chairman expressed his intention of sending a letter to Mrs. Phyllis English of the nTwo WorldsTM gift shop advising her that the sign erected on the premises in Aepot Square did not conform with the drawings submitted to and approved by the Commission at her hearing. The next hearing will be determined upon the receipt of applications. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Philip B. Parsons Secretary