HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-05-03 d ~~~~a The Historic Dis~icts Coisaimn mot at the~ime and place specified in the public notice of hearix?g on the application f®r a Certificate of Appr®priateness by Frederick Z. Wells, with respect to the erection oP fencing en the premises at 5 Hancock Avenu®, which is within the Hancock-Clarko District. Members present were Gommisaionera Wilbur Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Paraa;na, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan and George E. Gravsa and Associate Cosimiasi®ner George ~f?. Emery. The Chairman read the nmtioe ®f hearing. Mr. Walla appeared is his own behalf and presented scale drawings ah©wing the design, lagout and dimensions of the fencing and a phut®graph ah©wing the relative p©aition of the fencing is th• dwelling. N® abuttors haviug appeared the hearing was adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Upmx~. motion duly made and seconded, it was unanim©usly VOTED is issue a Certificate of Appropriateness t® Frederick L. Walla, with roa- poct t® the aforesaid fencing. At 8:25 P.M. Mr. Rmbert 0. Tillinghast appeared before the Com- missions with revised plans, with respect t® the erection of a tw© famimy dwelling and c~aanges in aa. existing garage at 859-861 Massaehuasieta Avenue, whish is within the Eaat Village Di~trist. Ths re4iaisna had been suggested t® Mr. Tillinghast bT the Comntissimaa at a hoaring held ®na April 5, 19b7. Mr.;Tillinghaat appeared in his awn behalf and proaentsd scale drawings spewing the revisions. T1`e applicant mentioned that he was c©n.- sidering a pre-assembled, pressed-beard t'pe ©f siding f®r the dwelling. Chairman Jaquith advised him that at the hearing en April 5, 1967 w©odss clapboards, as siding, had~besn submitted to the Cesnmissie~a. Abutters haying appeared at this hearing, ant change ih siding Prem woode$ clap- boards would nsceasitats another advertised, public heariaig. Mr. Tiilin~- h~st said that h7 had not Fully decided on a ¢haage of siding, a®, would 1st woed~n~~laptr`©arda stand in this ia<terost of having a Certificate issued. Th® hoarin.g adjourned at 9:55 P.~. Upox,mcti®n duly made and secAnded, it was unanim©u:ly VOTED to i.asus a CertiP~ss~td, ®f Appropriateness to Robert 0. Tillinghast, with respect to ths.afer®aA~d er®ctisn ®P a two Family dwelling and changes in the eaistingw-g#.rage, Ths Chairman stated that ax satex~siea ~.ad been ms.de to May 26, 1967 for the F~ir~t Pariah Church. Four extensi®ffia have been mad• and di~cus- sion was bald as to future action. Ths Chairman stated. that he would writs to Mr.'Id®raian day adeiaing him that eniy 60 day e~.tensioas would be eoneider®d IP this is not accepted, a withdrawal eP the Applicatiox would be requested. Since rspresen~tatives of the First Pariah Church did appear at tiro publis hearing, a Certificate of Approp~riatensas could net bs denied, xrsd, a request for the withdrawal of the Application would bs in order. Ths Chaiman road a letter fr®n T~wm Clark, Mary McDonsugh,requeatineg the appoimtmem'~ 03' a repreaentativs ®f the Historic Districts ''Comm~:airiex y Minutes of Hearing, May 3, 19b7 - Paga 2 • to the fiewrt Beautifieati®n Cenunittes approved by tihe March 1967 Tcawn Meeting under Warrant Articsle #75• Upon ~etienr;duly mad• and socendod, it was unanimsualy VOTE t• •ls¢t As~sociats C.issiaaer Georg. VY. Emery is r~proasnt the Ce~maission. Mr. Jaquitis presented tws bills and up®n m0ti®n duly made anB sseondad, it was unanimsusly VOTED that the Commission process these bills fsr pagmsnt. Mr. Emery questionnsd the delay isi the eresti®n eP aluminum raiding at 1775 Maasachusetta Avenue at J®asph Trani~s property. Also, the un- sightly Psne• asparatiag th7~ Trani pr®psrty fr®m. the Lsaingtcea F®ed Market was discussed. Beth matters will b® chocked. The Chairasan notified the Commission that there gill be a Herring os Mai 24.,,1967 at 7:30 P.M. f®r Mark Moore, Jr., with respect t® Let C on Tavern Lane, which is within. the Munroe Tavern District. The meeting ac].jeurned at 12;20 A.M. P/hilip B. Parsons Secretary TOWN OF LEXINGTON ~ . Ma.~.rachurettr : ~:'p •.aa n^~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION ' CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 'T'his certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Frederick L. Wells with respect to the erection of fencing as noted. below, ac ............>r. ,Hari000k AVenue . . . . which is within the ..........Hancock-Clarke District The fencing is to be located between the easterly side elevation of the dwelling and the easterly side line~of the Lot approximately forty (1~.0) feet northerly from the sidewalk abutting the premises. The height of the fence between the level of the ground and the top of the upper railing is to be thirty-six (36) inches. The fencing is to consist of two sections, one approximately ' three (3) feet in length located between the house and the drive- ~tay, and the other approximately twenty-two (22) feet in length located between the driveway and said Lot line. The design, style and dimensions oP the fence appear on a set of three drawings submitted to the Commission at the hearing on May 3, 1967. The fence is to be constructed of wood and is to be painted white. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Dace ...M$y..~s..1~67.. Wilbur M. JaI}uith Certificate No......?1?......... CHAIRMAN .n~usa r - , r • TOWN OF LEXINGTON ;~;N~ Marsuthucettr 8s 1~I !~q~y. 1I, ~ 4'=, 4 a~l .y~ I~~ A~ ~,.~.~v-A HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION IN CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Robert 0. Tillinghast with respect to the erection of a two family dwelling snd changes in the existing garage as noted below, ac ...........859-8b1 Massachusetts Avenue which is within the..........East.Village.... District The style, layout, dimensions and details of the design, except as noted below, appear on Sheets lA, 2A, 3A and l}A and Sheet ~ of a ' aet of drawings by George D. Reynolds Associates, 3!~!} Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, Massachusetts. The first four of said drawings being submitted to the Commission on May 3, 19b7, and the fifth being submitted to the Commission at the hearing April 5, 1967. The location of the building on the Lot is shown on Plot Plan by ' Albert Ay Miller & Wilbur C. Nylander, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Lexington, Massachusetts, dated March 1, 1967, submitted to the Commission at said hearing. The clapboards covering the main surface of the dwelling are to be oP good and all windows and window sash are to be of wood and have wood muntins. In addition to the blinds shown on the left side and front elevation on Sheet ~.A, there are to be matching blinds for a 11 windows on the " rear elevation and for the stair landing window of the right side. elevation, said windows being shown on the aforesaid Sheet 5. The ' blinds for the door of the front elevation, shown on Sheet t}A, are to be located so as to expose to view the entire casing of the doorway. The stair landing window on the right side, ahowa on 9t~.f~~~~t~x ~c ~ fiR,xS+C xnmue j i I ~ Certificate of Appropriateness - Robert 0. Tillinghast - Page 2 Sheet 5, is to be located to conform to the location of the Rindow as shown on the First Floor Plan Sheet 2A. ' The wood lattice beneath the porch of the left side elevation, shown on Sheet !}A, is to be framed by finish boards located beneath the posts of the porch railing and at the bottom of the lattice work. There are to be wood bracket supports for the shed roof over the door of the left side elevation, shown on Sheet 4A, and a horizontal ceiling for the roof. The shingles for the main roof and the shed roof are to be black asphalt. - ' All conductors and woodwork of the dwelling and garage, except the Rindow sash, doors, door frames, louvers, louver frames and the pediment of the doorway of the front elevation, and-blinds are to be painted a Sturbridge gray of a shade to match as nearly as possible the sample submitted to the Commission at said hearing. All sash, door frames, louvers, louver frames and the pediment above the front door are to be painted white. The blinds are to be painted black and all doors of the dwelling and garage are to be painted a shade of gray darker than the aforesaid Sturbridge gray. The driveway from Curve Street to the garage is to be blacktopped, and the walk from Massachusetts Avenue to the front doorstep is to be cement or blacktop, whichever material matches the sidewalk abutting the premises. No more of the foundation is to be exposed than is shown on the aforesaid drawings, and, the concrete foundation is to be left in its natural color. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMI~tISSIOR by Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman Date May 5, 19b7 _ . Certificate No. 21b