HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-29 March 29, 1967 r The Historic Districts commission met at the time and place specified in the public notice of hearing on the application for a Certificate of Appropriate- ness with respect to the erection and display of a sign oa the premises at 25 Depot square, which is within the Battle Green District. Present were Max H. Straw, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves, Philip B. Parsons and Associate Commissioners George W. Emery encl. Donald B, Whites The chairman being absent from the meeting, motion Was made and seconded thah Max H. Straw b® Chairman Pro Tempore for the meeting. The chairman read the notice of hearing, Mrs. English appeared in her own b shelf and presented the commission with scale drawings of the proposed sign. Mrs. English stated that the signs were being painted by A. Cormier of 106 High Street, Waltham. Many questions were asked Mrs. Jeingliah by the commission members, and the baring ryas adjourned at 8:00 P.~:. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Two World Enterprises with respect to thZ erection and di splay of two signs at 25 Depot Square,. which is within the Battlt Green Dist~i.ct. Hearing was held at 8a O0 Y.M. on the application of Atherns Realty Trust for a Certiflc~ ® of Approp~i.atenesa for an additional amendment to existing certificate of Appropriateness Ido, 137 previously issued With respect to tle erection of td~e store building at 32 - 3$ Bedford Street, for the is ensues of an additional certificate of appropri ateness with respect to the ®rection of proposed new structures on the lot for said store building, and the for issuance of a certificate of appropriateness for the erection and display of additional signs for said premises, which is Within the Battle Green District. The chairman read the notice of hearing. Present from Stop & Shop Were John Silva, Director of Construction and Engineering; Mr. A . Ur Pasaanissi, Real $atate Department; Bar. Arthur Wallstein, Lawyer; k[r. C~dnt1~ Manager of Lexington Stop & Shop; Mr. L. R. Anderson, ~?rchitect; Yr;~. Garfinkle of Edwards Store; Walter C. Paulding, architect; and other representatives of Stop & Shop. Also present at the' hearing was Mr. Blair Perry, attorney for Niles Company, Agent, Battle Green Apartments. Idr. Silva Aresented the commission with a rendering, scale drawings of the buildings in question and the present and proposed signs and stores. Questions ware asked lHr. Si7.va and other representatives of Stop & Shop by the Commission Members, ISr. Ferry asked the commission members and Stop & Shop mane questions, aid there Waa a general di~ussion on what has been done by Stop & Shop and what their present intentions eras Mr. Perry left a preparod statement prepared by the Trustaesof t Bathe Green Apartments Trust with the commission members for their study.. Thee hearing was ad~ounred at 11:©b PsM. The commission members agreed to postpone action on Stop & Shop+ s application until Plednesday, April 5, 1967. Mr. Y~ilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman was present at 11:15 P.M. and stated the he had received a revised drawing from Mark Moore regarding his application for a Certificate of Appropriatenesson Lot C Tavern Lanes„ There was discussion on the drawing, and. it was agreed that the Chairman contact Mr. Moore regarding the color to be used„ tvlQ~Gh Z~t.1`t6~ r ~ Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unsi.imously VClrED to issue a Certificate of appropriateness to Moore Homes, Inc. with respect to the erection of a single family dwelling with two-ear garage attached on Lot G on the northeasterly side of ,Tavern Lane, which is within the Munroe Tavern District, The meeting was adjourned at 1263(3 P.M. Ph ip B. Parsons Secretary I, ~'i~o to~'4lfies~att ie fad etaautL ~?!>~;itor ~1a7, ~i+ato of ti~waocs3~u~~l~ai 2~95~, as ~ Two ~'4r2d ~attx~t+c~.o ~ri~h rta~~attt ~o 'd'ie orat'Ci~ i?19~ d3 v$ $~a sia~cis ara Eu~'~td i st ~ ntpc~~ ~rhd:eh it ~ furs die Aatst3.e t~l~ ~st.~°~ot. 'tI~ tirot ti~ri io ~o ~ lar~torc9 t~ta ~~ar;aa~ ~q°~~ws h~s~# ~tva~ir~~ #rht t~GOZs at o ~?oi#Aiap atnt~ert$ tyres ttc+~ en~~s~ot ate wib~ tt~p of '~ltt ai~t t!~ flit aarti~?~ aa3d fir. 7C dt,x~, y~ts'~, poi 6~rtiotot at~2t ti~tt of lt#EarL~a~ of ~ ht ti~+ a dr.ar t~xt~i.tLed ~ 6Rtt uao~isol~i 1?~ be~rls~ t ~tos^afs ~i 137. ~rtisl:3 ~e 3~S irt~hae hi~i by 8 ftt$ 1 ,rnd t ~,a ~o~rldr~" owl 4a~at a ~ hai~ktt o! i~7lvo i~ox ax~t t~ rdt "i#~tt~a ~rdt" o~I7t ss~.+a~ letLerir ti>t lnctita • ~ a3~a is u~ trarott~dl nxa tie rstz~ tl~rat.asrt of ~uildin ~,d eared orrar tt~o roar xt~tt 6a ~t+e ot~ro. 9";~ sib t~?21 i~ 1t .~ACihta sxad ~ ,tuwt a+oc! t,~;t itt Are~e 2+r~tara aiia .ftilttast t~9.~h "~Y~'i~ G,~rtt7~~. ~'tst ~eri~ess lt* otir?t~es~:e?Xs~ e?#~pJ,t eeo~ moo aC 1a~1~ri~ ~f the o.1lg» ulp~bi t~~ i/~i ~ V~d ~~V ~1 ~ Wa17 i11#tiityf, iR a~a~ ~2"i ehttY n!'~ E'iC~ i~id 1~aa ~~s stt ~ 5f~ j~B1.3i~.41d 71FY1~• 'slit a tY. !~tl? ~l~.Q~etid elttd aBl'oa`Li1d ~,~r ,t• b:p~t~,or Uf' 3.£?~ B~~k~ ~ienamL~ t~iL L • } tux 9~;row s°rq ~e~~aart ~ 30, 196? Goz~f,i ~"iai~ e~~ ~e~. ~'3,~, .t CdFli'T~ICnTE OIL' AYPF~~E~l1`EN~4 This certifYcata is issued pursuant to Ckaa~iter Wt7s ,acts of 14assaehusstts, 19~s as asaendeds to Moors Homes, Ines with respect to the erection of a single faffiily dwe111ng with two-car g stage attached as noted b?31.o'ra ~a Eat G on t he northeasterly side of Tavern ~+araes ~daich is within the ~,nroe Tavern I3istriet. The greneral styles layouts dimensions and certain of the details of the design ~ppeer on Sheets 2 to bs inclusiv®s of a ~t o£ six drawings Ho. 2913 (R~:V.)AL'f by t#earge B. l~yadlds ~aaoeiatsas 3!i!~ ~assaetaxsetts ~,t~enues ,irllargtons ~se.s sabanitted to the Gomsrission ors Hatch 29, 1967. The location of the building on the lot is shaven oza plat plan by ~.lbert A. I[illsr and Wilbur C. 1lylanders Lsxirag- tons dated ~`ebxvary 21s 1967s submitted to the Cosunission on March 29s 1967. Chitaneys are to be constructed of rcell-cleaned, used red brick and are to have brick caps. The sliding door on ttaa left side slave: fan shown on aforesaid Sheet ~ sad the sliding door of the rear elevation showza on aforesaid Sheet 6 are to be of woad with satntins. In additiaaz to the blinds shooen on tho aforesaid drawings, similar blinds are to bs installed for the two windows on the left aids elevation except that no blirsd wed be installed an the right side of the windtsw next to t he ehfmney. Outside entrance platforms steps and walks are to ba capped with blue atcarae at~d the drivew~ is to be blaektopped. `E'he asphalt shingles of the roofs are to be black. No mots aP teas foura[ailon walls s.re to be exposed than is shown an said drawings ~a'ad the walls ara to be left in thsix' natural concrete state. A11 woodwork and derrnspauts except the doors, blinds and windanr naskas ors tp be painted a bravrn color xnatahing as n®arly as possible the sanrpls of clcsvs brown caior co2i~.~ aubasitted to the Goaseission rn ~dfarch 29s 1967. Ths chars, blinds and window sash ors to b~j painted such color ar colors ag shall be approved by the Cmaamissian prior tv appl~oation fallowing sub- mission to the OosCmission of a sample of the color or calars by the a.plicaet. FiYSTORIC DTS%RT.C'TS CC}T~'~dISSTi~~i By {Signed) Wilbur Jaquith Chairman bats ~ax~ch 3Os 2967 Certificate Mo. 21C