HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-08 i • March 8, 1967 Ths Historic Districts Commission met at the time and place speci£iad in the public tics of hearing on the application for Certificates of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of signs by Brighamrs, Inc. at 1777 Massachusetts Avenue; Sears, Roebuck and Co. at 2781 Massachusetts Avenue; Anderson's Inc. at 1783 Massad~nsetts Avenue; Lsadngton Ski & Sport Shop, Inc. at 5 Depot Square and S. Jack and Florence Ingalls at 7 Repot Square, which are within the Battle Green District. Present wets ~Pilbur M. Jaquith, Ghairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves and Max H. Stray and Associate Commissioners George Emery and Donald B. White. The chairman read the notice of hearing and the letter of application received from Charles H. (%ole, Architect. Mr. Cole appeared in behalf of the above application and presented tte commission with scale drawings of th3 signs for each store occupant as well as an elevation drawing of the building in question. Also present were Earl Batten of Bat tan Bros. Iric., of 1Paksfield, Rio represented the sign for Sears, Roebuck and Co. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kiedaiach who represented Lexington ski & Sport Shop, Tne. Questions wars asked Mr. %isdaiach, Mr. Batten and Mr. Cole. It was agreed that Mr. Batten and Mr. Cole ~abmit a revised drawing of the Sears sign with smaller letters, and they wars advised that the neat msirting would b® on Tuesday, March 1lt, 19b7, at 7:30 x'.M. The hearing was adjourned at 1Os05 P.M Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a "ertificate of Appropriateness to Brigham's Inc., with respect to the erection and display of try signs for the first floor store of the building at 1777 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Upon s~tion duly made ~ d seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Anderson's Inc., with respect to the erection and displ~ of a sign on the first floor store of the building at 1783 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Groan District, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it xas unani.moss ly VE3Tffi> to issue a Certificate d' Appropriateness to S. Sack and Florence Ingalls with respect to the erection and displ~ of a sign for the first floor store of the building at 5 Depot Square, whic3~ is within the Battle Grssn District. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certi$ cafe of Appropriateness to I~sxington ski & Sport Shop, Inc., with r®spset to the erection and display of tyro signs for the ff.rst floor store of the building at 7 Ifepot Square, which is within the Battle Green District. T1~ chairman stated that he had not heard anything from Ths First Parish lurch. The chairman shaved the comr,~tission a sample of dark brown to be used by Moore Homes, Inc, on Lot G Tavern Lane. The house will have white blinds and window frames. The chairman stated that X975+~ for 1967 Budget has been approved by the APpropriatdons Camtiuittss. Mr. Emery asked if anything could be dens regarding the fence on the Harvard Trust property on iAasaachusetts Avenue. It was ogresd that Mr. Emery contact the Buildings Inspector this regard. The next hearings will be held on March 29, 19band the hearin~g-us~onf Dr. Brehm and Robert Tillinghast will be held on April 5s 1967~~~:-~ /~'ya~,~.~Ad at 11:55 P.~i. Philip B. 'arsons Secretary 4, :tali saaa~ti f#.pa~Lat ~t1 Sss~td, ~~tr to Cba~s~ t~~a'7# Ai~s#~ sit 44s~ ~956a as ssr~aa3~rct„ ter ~ . ~a~a~ sstd l~lax~sar s a~~ is atanast~a~s ~tasd dl. pt a si~aa ,tpa~ t~ t(l atteaw? +et t.1a! Datl.3. auk ! ~ ~a~ ~r rdsiatks a,l.t~itl 1~ ltst~'~ orz l~etar~. ~ is ~ b<:~ l~naea~sd sit t~t~ ~quw~? side olo+sr~tioa ai' ghat ~at3.6 yes stm~waa •aas elofaKtrl.oo druaria~; Cti,.~2os Ct>xs, XZ,~ A,.~.~. ,Aat~h1~»mt:, ds;#.+ad 11prola $i ~9'~7, sttlaot~t~d cce tas oa~slssio:; ui; t: bra taxs~aria~I sash ~a~i 'ba~sr tats 2$gmtdt Sphooi su.~oa r~2.ia~a ant Stastlaiasaa^yr ~gwidaeat; ~";~r dose 1, r~als ex~ a9.ae~ at l~tSt~r~o~ a~~' 9~.~n e?~Sr ~a dr+a~ri,a~ by l~~prrloa Vii. dolor IZi A,~.A.i «.artahl~+~ty sr~baittss! to toss im+~oea r?t tips tN.+a:-l.aa~ +azc ss~id dnta. TAS 1st?~ors at sib asrp t:o b~ Ott' 3J16* 'b3~c p~.ss~.s or laac,l.t~e a~ saro to b~ fxst:~d to tt,u frlo~s pl' ttatt baal.3,.~l,aa~ ss athtsrts ,gin +~id laa~ n~desed al.~as any bw illualrs~,tad blr 1lgtat+,e x~oatossaesi alas t#e aptio tst+~e trllsxrr ctr psis 01' si°agis tlasre+er~t: a,rabtnb at• alum 1#.~lat~ lesPesassit~. l1y ( Sf mod) ~'..i~eq,af.tb T?re~tae tiro ~ r lam? QE«3raa~ab Csxt~it`ics?ts tip. ~t)fa ~ta~? a•rLi~3c~s~ee ias lsa:s~ ,;~arsuas~zz~ to Cbst~st' ~'?;s ~oLa a~ aaws~a~tsu~a?L~atr l •a sass3e~tr 'ta ~ad.~a;~t.an :~~i b'Qisr tri$~ks ~r,~ tea 't~sa az~t#.l,;oa seed rl4.s ox ~vra atl;~ass t:s' t~ t1z^s1s 1~.#pr +tl4are a£' ~ha t~ssfl~la~ as a~tod ~~+"r a~ 7 Drat ;~4+~rro. a,~h is trl.Lbl.aa t~t~r ~at't~e ~is#rr#.c#. l'~ tlrs~ +et,~s is 'gip bu laceatsa! pas ~ba ey t'ark-,33s s dc3s e9.a~rs~d.~s apt t,~s bull ets shwas aas ~ptat ds'ae's~.affi br G.«1a~s d. Golp,~ A,I,~t.~ ~t~e?hi0oes~r dat+~ Mi~srcb 19t67r sn~aitstsd 'eo ~p sl.~ a1± tbs las~,rl,as~ an ess,id ctu^~a sis~ is tp baaoaar bats lmgarasd ~Lsa~tQ n ~ tcl. & ~pcsz~ ~t~y". ll~r ls.~oxstr stq~,,a anst az~ cat ~ ~tsa of ~t~ar dam •ywea~ as a +lxrs by ~~rl.ers C~wr ZIs A.l.~.d dxrsbl.tsot:r t'~d do:a~isa~s s4 Ltts pa mNrltd d+~6a. l'!~r 7Ms~ia of ~e si,aas ,rays ~ be t~ ~l:ax9`gls~s salt s t;~cs tss ~'srerd tap ttxlt lkipallr ttss~ b~tl1 ss pn e~aid 3sat» a~aabs~isasod are. char >l„~u nser.~ bs 11].us~.rarxtvd blr lists r~taRS*d lta ttss oow? a~pvs l~rl.sae+s caossistriat~ c?r sirr~s t~aw~raarnt tubl.ea~ of 7.l.btr l,rat~aiiy. Tyr sacausst sl,~rs i~ ap b~ 3:oeast~3 arrt the .l+dl.a '~ayr acrw~r +r~. o! ter bafl~ict~ ss slaarasa aas tkpt. a~ffia"~r~id pisxu,~.i<~ rl~ bl? ~~es ~olss ~E.Y.~.r Aa~cr,~a#.taptr aecl ~ burr ~1r lp ~1Mraeiaa~ r{ girl 5yoa~4 ~tim". 1C?so d+e~st.le tl~ sib ? sus ~ trs r as lUs s1~rr r aaa ~ teY~e'~ t,~as?t t"Yaa at~:a ~ "bw a~sra t1 sl:x l~aata~rs laer~ ttssea s lgit a r azts. ~bs la r<~ esl' his ts,sa!~. i`1oa ~a e3ose aartiL aaa:ss'~i!C~~6r ~v~doacrp eat aaa~~l.io~ r~ti 'b't~t e~.~a bpr«ns+~ px~ sm~ p~ta~ br°•3ew al? bPs ~ of Lat.~ira~. C.S` Astea 1 ~ A9~7' r«~ii~ipstAl Tb3,s if~.oe'!~ is i ~.u"?t t~ st' tsts'~a ~ opts of aiaarr~~t#~ttfi, y~ s~ ~ ra ~s.~ ~tl~ ~ss~ram~ t~ tt~a ~s~ diaµ`~~ at fro ~ri? t'mr the tit'at ~c~pr store at ~ha build'iu~ •r tamed ~s3.aa, ~t 3~ #~s ~'ttrs ~h3.wh tbis~ t~ ~ati~a Maur! l~,strict. `the t#rst d~,"h b ~ 3aa~taal ~?sautabaa~t'~ ~~a~ ant i~8ti.oa~ ~ th~? bofl;~l.~g ae ~ an dra?,rir~g bar ~h~r~.ers 'fie ~a~3rt ZZ: ~.~.A.a ~rah~,~®~, t~s Irish ~ 3~6i~ t~ ohm ismead.is~ rt t~ h~re~ ~n 4~3 d~?4~, aia~ ~a ~s r t~ ~ su9t T#se? d~a~.~n? lpisatt~;~ a't~3e + e~,aa of l~tterr~.a~ asC tho aiZS a;~tar caai s~la~ dra~ari~ slat 9iv. ~ isf ~ ~a•k inn ''~Sis.r ~aetcat~ l~tsa.,~ d~'ted Att 39l~5, aun4 •u~a4.tta~ tis i,he ~ at ~si~3 lrie~. ~ ~ of ttsn w i ars b ~ oi" 6~tuxig3ma, a~+;~ra~ae~-~t+?3,Y 1/~'" thlis~~ aar~i: tr,tr ~ ~P Co,3o~,a1 ~iaase 23'3 tts~tsi + tbs aosias3.an a~ ~a~, axcss~tte?r oa~m ~t~el. ~t date tthicb iu Lip ts® ~ia~t aus~tor aw.tisblss~ as osaa°3~r as ,~se3b3a tYs ~i:~ a~se~3as +~s~miista~il to 1t1ze isaisei. at t~sn hsur#~. t' t era eo ~Sa 1Cai?tiix~Q w Srr~sa+r .off' tta+, 1~9.3d1,r~. as e+~n 1~t~r s~'iax~aisai~ dra,ri~ sit 2. uhf mi~;tt k+a i37.~is'sat.~rd ts~ 3i6'ts ra~saurA is tt~s iaav+e abowt 6!a? trti?ipas iks~rust of auto f'3oroautauxi~ ~ wre 13~h! iss'6~stsft,~. '~tss sa~o+s~d aka is trs be 3is~u?d ~tho .rear ala~ata~r the ba.#3dia,~ as st?o~ tbn a~'i,raa+sist adisvat~iam drarr!ist~ s~~a ~o3s Z3: A.3.A.~ 3rs~l~9.tsa~r as~d ~ ~ mar ter "83L~~S3~A1t+~"~ iMiti~~sa~ ~:+tr •~ey3a said aimA aP 3attra~ia~~ o! the a~;get apt,~sar axi s awsui3o ~ ~ ato. 3 iKP ~Q D~ 8aafc sign p~"s~ twlc.~ `'ease, ~aa«.a data r 9a 196~rs asap t to cs~assi~ at essid t~mwxri. ~hi* 3ertrf 3xss si;~s~ sra to bw a~ ~ s a~~sm~st att~~,y 2/~N 34aiak ~st~chin~ ~a3~xts3 ~laes e~~.or apt ttss tl.a'tt • i~ eras ti't b~ l~at 'tbe ~'9A7ta1r of ~s bui,3dt~ ar ~ ats the afmrwsalci art 3.. ~~d3 ~'ilb~. J'aQ~S th €~airsaiess I?axi? k~~l~ 1~, 37 Cos~61i"i+e ~o. `his itoa~tilP~.ts 1.d issue ~ h~;it~,r 1u7~ ~.ots u~' ~tasaaes~~s~ta, l~$bA as , t~ rasp's w3tt? s+e~sisR to the e~~tl,r ~ d1s,~ nt' a a~rn on too "iarat Y,lx~ r* s,t' tba b~9.3 ss ba3a bb 17~i.~ ~fiassaist,ua~tts erraa,~,as, x~sis3a ~.a ~~t;3slss, two t~rmwzo a"Iistricsl~. ~bs s3g~n 3s ~ bay ~.a~atad ire t~,ha ~a8ilacl~a~rtte ~Yaistss i"riwx~ arlst?ati+m at t~ bxt4.2~l1s~ as the slery?tioie itrt ~ Chur3as ~`cale A.~.~.i #srasla~.tsists, defied ~rtsh lib?s 'td tsa tta aad~~x mt ~tt~ ba~rit~ z said s~w;te d !a t>'~ar tt 'Pl~e d+ra~n, l sty3aa as~d s~lss oS lvttmx~iis~r of t~ std r cis ~ dl~s'i. by Cha~.3ss C~a3re# ZIP ~ex.~.~ ,~e~t~itea*~ ~tsd to the ~ iisir at sa~.:~ tsssr~,t~. "T:~''`~3~ttirra ~ axe sib sra ~ b ~ 04' 1-~ f~« tl'sick hi~2~.sae t,al ~o3o~d b3aislc s~ a t+~ bn ~astassa~d to the i'rii.asa+a ~ tF~a b~i3,dn~ ~s eh ~i.si; Ltst t,~d dGrss3.s~. 'The y !aa u~9.zosted iibts sesw+~d tree save? aba fr1.a tsons#s°49.rs~ of e~i:~~Is f].az~sssnt b3.s~ vt r~iimt~ 3i~h1~ ~nt~ra~~°. qq{{~~yy~~rae yy pp//s~ ry* y~g p+ q ~ ~p S7,iu.*Y1fiS4 O.iA1.3 i:I V~ .4a~a7~V6~1 ~hwairo its l~ s 147 Gsrti~iaata~ tats. ar~~~~i~aT-~ o~ A.~~~~P;a~;r:TE~.ss Tk33.s c:ertificato is issued ,pursuant to Chapt~,r I~.t~.7, dote of ffiassachu$?tts, 1956] as aII;sndgd, t~~ Sears, Bcaebuck and t%o. with respect to the erection and display of twa uihxna .for the first floor store of tks building as noted belcw, at 1781 9iasaachasctts Cvenue, which is Within the Battle Green Distr•?.ct. The firs ~ si,-_n is to b e locat~sd on the ~dassachusx tts Avenue front ele,ation of th® building as shoes. ~n dra~rin~-, b;l Gha_°lee H. Co3e IT, A.I.A. Architec, dated ?&lrch !3„ 1987, suh~v-tied to +.!^.m c~:~^:i_ssion dt t'.:e hra.ring an ssi.d date, and is t•~ bear the Zegend "Ssl:~'_5". "tN.e design, lAyout, style anal sia~ of lsttiring of the sign appear ort the lax<~r ha.7.f of .~ealo drawing; b~ F~atton Lime., inc., Wakefield, ~saa., dated 3/l~~~i7, s'•i~ittaci tc~ the c~armaiseion on ~Aareh ltx, 1957. The letters of the sign are to be cut out plyerood, ~aainted blaeki and fastened to the whit® frieze of the buildizs~; as s1~un on said scale dr•arsS.ng. The sign rosy be illuminated br ligh'Gs oess~d in t',xs comae atrc9ve th® friozo consisting of sing2® flareacent tubing of modiu~s li¢hts intensity. 'f he second sign is to b~+ located nn t'rsz~ ~;disan I~ay rear eievwtion, of the t+utldir~ as shaven on the aforesaid eTovaticand raving by Charles H. Cola Il k..I.A., Architect, and is to bear the 1®gen3 +~SEA~tS~. T1'~ design, l~yaut, style and'sizv of lettering wf the sign appear an the upper half of the aforesaid scale drawing b~- Batten Bros. 7`he Jzstters o° tho sign are to be cut o~:zt plyrropd, painted black, and fastened •tv the Rhits frieze of the building as ahoren an said scale drawingr. fibs lectors may be installecY in a position allowing the C+uteicie surface of tho letters to extend outward from the frieze of the. buildtup up to The i~sual~ce of this certiy'icate dose not constitute avid®nce of coz~pliance tnith the sign by-lax or any other by-law of the Ttrors~ of Lexington. ~ISTG~.IG DISTiRICT9 C~aSS ~(uignod} Wilbur Jagzith Chairman Bate.'~zrch 13, 1957 Certf.fieate ~(o. 2tJ9 G~~."PI~`IGAT~ bF AYpFtQPr2IATEAa`ES,S 'phis certificate is i~sraued pursuant to Chapter t~l~.7~ Acts of kdasaackassettas 1956, as amended, to wore Tiomes~ Cnc., With respect to the erection of a single fagsily drRallix~; xith two-ear aara~e as noted'b:~low, on Lot ~ Brigham Road, which is within the I~ancoek-i;lPrke Dgstrict. The gener2l style,. leya-st, dimensions and certaizs of the dartailas of the design of the dwrr~7.13ng era gar~.g+s a~+pear on or may be scaled fry dheete Nos. 1, 2, ~ and. 6 cf a set of 3Z soale draxings entitled "Hatter Hnznee far All America Plan N©, 350$-5 ~,ett4r ~ton~s ~ Gardena" by Herbert T. Johnson, Jr. axed James E. 3taper, Sohn Rcrmile, a17.e~ Associate submitted to the ~+~mmission at the adjourned hearing ox, Nardn 1~ 19b7, ass amended by the applicant at said hearing.. ThaD locsatian of the bindings on tn® 1st is shown in plot plan by Albert A. Ddiller arad ~il3iam C. Iryland®r~ Lexington, dated Jan. 211 1967, submitted tp the Convaissian at said adjourned hearing. The ehimss4y is to be acnstructed of common red xater-struck brick anc3 is *.,o have a brick cap. All rd.ndows cn t ~s front and side elevations of the dnmlling aa~i game are to hags regular wood muntins. The front msatranmsea steps and xs3.k are to be sapped wits bluestonma and ties drla'eway is to be blaektopped. The asphalt ehi.nglaa of the: roafas are to be black. Ado more of the foundationw atlas are to bs mxpo~d tPnan 18 ehoAn cox said drenrings, ~rsd tine walls arm to ~ left in their natural coneretm state. All woodwrork ir~luding doers anti windows and et 1 doxn- aopouts are to be painted xhitm~ except the blindm, which are to be paititmd a gray~- greea color matvhing thm phmaaar3t" a .feather colas sample asubmitted to the consmi.asasion at said hearing. The wrought iron railing far the front mntrancm is to be paintmd black. Lights for the front entrance and garagm may be installed provided that the style and type of fixtt~rmd aria appr€remd by the Gc~mieaian prior to 4neta~.lat scan. ~SfiOHIG BTHTRIGTS (J~4I6TS52~I ~(~3lgned) Wilbur Jaquith Chairman mate 9larch 11.i, 1967 Certificate No. 208