HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-01 1~d'arch 1, 1967 The Historic Districts Commission met. at the Selectmen's Roomy Tc~wa • Office Buildings Lexington, at 7:30 P.M. The chairman stated that hearings on the four hearings were originally scheduled for Thursday, Februs"y 23, 1967• In view of a snow storm, the following four hearings were postponed until Vdednesday, March l~ 1967. The dia.irman stated tla t he had appeared in the place specified in the public notice of hearing on February 23, 1967, azd had adjourned the hearings, Present were ~Ifilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. rarsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves, and Max H. Straw and Associate Commissioners Carl E. Bryant and George Emery. Hearing was held at 7:30 P.I~, on the application. of .Lexington Federal Savings and Loan Association for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the Amendment to Certificate of Appropriateness No. 197 previously issued with respect to the erection of a raw building at 1832 - 1838 Massachusetts Avenue and for changes in the exterior architectural features fcr t:a building at 1810 Massachusetts Avenue, whihh is within the Battle Green District. T~.e chairman read the notice of hearing and the letter of application. Appearing in behalf of the applicant was Mr. Gardner Ferguson whopresented the commission with a scale drawing of the proposed changes. Many questions were asked Mr. Ferguson by the commission members, and the hearing was adjourned at 755 P.P?. The chairman stated that George emery would serve as Commission for George E. Graves on this application. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTyD to issue an Amendment to Certificate of Appropriateness fi~ Lexington Federal Savings and Loan Association with respect to the exterior architectural features of the newbuilding ~ 1832 - 1838 yfassachusetts Avenue and the existing building at 18l~0 Massarh usetts Avenue referred to azd described in Certificate No« 187 issued by the Commission on December 15, i 1966, which is within the Battle Green District. Hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. on the application of Moore Homes, Inc,~_ with respect to the erection of a single family dwelling on Lot No. 5 at Brigham Road, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. The chairman read the notice of hearing and the letter of application. 94r« Mark Moore ap peareu in nt~ uwn ueniuT oixl preoon.aa the commission with scale drawings of the proposed dwelling. The plot plan showing the location of the proposed dwelling was studied, Mr. Moore described the proposed dwelling and showed color samples. Marp~ questions were asked by the commission members Two abettors were presents one a" whom stated that ~e approved of the proposed color of the dwelling. The hearing was adjourned at 8:35 P. ~'F. After discussion, the commission members agreed to postpone action on t his applic ation until its next meeting on March 8, 1967. In the meantime the members of the commission will view the proposed location of the dwelling. Hearing was held at 8:3$ P.M. on the applic ation of Moore Homes, Inc,., for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection of a single family dwelling on Lot B at Tavern Lane., which is within the Munroe Tavern District. The chairman read the notice of hem ing and the letter of ~ plication• Mr• (dark Moore appeared in his own behalf and presented the commission with scale drawings .and a plot plan. ]4v« Moore described the pr~poseddwelling and showed color samples. The commission asked Mr. Mocre questions, and the hearing was adjourned at 9:20 .M. • MavcH t,19b~' ' Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTID to issue a certificate of Appropriatenessto Moore Homes, Inc, with respect to the erection of a .single family dwelling with two-car garage on'Lot B on the northeasterly side of Tavern Lane, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Hearing was l~ld at x:20 P.P~. on the application of Moore Homes, ~-nc,, for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection of a single family dwelling on Lot C at Tavern Lane, which is within tdle Munroe Tavern District. The chairman read the notice of hearing and the letter of application. Mr. Mark Moore appeared in his own behalf and presented the commission with scale drawings. The above-mentioned plot plan was studied, and the relationship of the two houses with the Munroe Tavern Mere discussed. Mr. Moore answered many questions, and it was agreed that he would supply the commission with a new color sample at its next meeting on March 8. The hearing xss adjourned at 10:30 P.~?. The chairman stated that he had received a letter from Attorney Norman Mir in behalf of the First Parish Church, in ~Irhieh the Church wished to extend the period of time for the commission to act on its application to M~ ch 2~., 1967. The chairman stated that he had received scale drawings of +,he proposed sign to be used by L eeland Realty Co at 27 Depot Square, The drawings ware studied by the commission members, Upon motion dsly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTID to issue a Certificateof Appropriateness to Zeeland Realty Co. with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store on the premises at 27 Depot Bquare, which is within the Battle (}teen District. The chairman stated that he had received three applications. Hearings were scheduled for Yednesday, March 29, 1967, at 7:30 P.M. Tyro World Enterprises; and at 8:00 P. M. Stop & Shop Inc. Hearing was scheduled f or Wednesday, April 5, 1967, at 7:30 P.aR• on the application of Dr. Brehm. ,An info anal meeting with reppesentativas from Stop & Shop will. be held on Tuesday, March 14, 19b7, The ms eting was adjourned at 1100 /,iC~~~ /Jy~ l --~..-t! Philip B. Par 3J ns Secretary Tiua to the inab? 13.t~r os" comnaissicnor~sx G®orge E. Graven _.~.,..~a,~.......~..,.~.._.~..®~~,.,._.~..~.d...,..~.... to act on the pet:~tioo. o~ _~y ,y~,,,, t~:u c).zair designates associates & Loan Association .,_.~~~..s,br.v..~.,....r~earg~._.Fan~tr3~...~..,_._.,._..w..~~_.~. to sesvc~ ~_n this act3.o~.. ~_P a.L' a Chs~n iJ ~e Offirtlf"1.C~L+@ 1i0 ~.ffigtda~ j~tl~'at3Yt1~ Lt8 er~atX' ~i~y +{~Qt+16 ~~~al '4~r~#ap 1Q76~ ~ amBa~dAt1, fi~a ~ ~E11~.' vittax+raa~a~Ct ttf tbat ##"at@"i'i0~ crf a elar 9t~L~1 T.B?S9~Cal.T' ~ ?7rfi'~.45'~ ~i9~,GlM~ ~t ~ bit! ~3?& E' GiLt~~F1X ari+~ O~''~'t'll'1i ~ +iS,CSti Y'~,~ 'AAA ~'Oit '~MYBCkM Gditlsri~. ~ans'aa, $t~'lmA I;ga Q'iAi$9:Rffi~tY374~ 5t2?~ Garx't~a?!.A's t?!' ~f~s dalttil~ ~ t~ dai~i.~rs cu't .'~a~rr~t~ ~A rzad LA at a ~f 9r~n+i.~$ :?g21 U~' t~eor,~ 3~. t~aa~da ~aavri ~ 3~ aasachatiaetts ~xa~~?u~a ix2~t~~ rasa.: aa~itttiad t~ ti+at a na~a st t Aa a mss n~ ch I~ ~~c~a?. ire laa~s?~3c~ ox L!?a ~~.~~~i. c~ J.€st ie ab~n an ~a ~ by ~r~lssrt A..~illsex~ aa~'t llbur x.. t~gla:~der, ~iax9.x~r datm~! ~inrcu~ry P3a~ 17, au'~itt~ad ~ iksn a~~ca~.am~. st ~tat3~3 a~fas'msct t~racrin~. 4 m ~a a~nert,r~actse a~ raa~,2«ai+ead ~ a~ brisk aea~t is ~ taw x Eck aa~. ~ n! wind~ns a~' ther mar d«~ve~aa~ a~s~xn ors ti ~t1k oP aua.3d gs ert t+a aban ~a sab~~3a wit~xt antra ~ oaratt w#.r~dcarr~ +xith r~u~xti~e~, aza~ t.~sa a3.~i:~ aliaiin~ d~s.?t~ on mratd ar.~.+e~:ofi a tas 3~ o dE ~rl.ic~,ra~ ~~rm °witytt ~+arsLl,na. ~ asidit3.aat ~r t~ bl.Aar hhtlt an es~re ti c3t~'i.n~a~t ~?iszilar bli.aa~ass era to bar lnatsal.~ed ' #'~ur +~airsdt am tear ~auw-st~a~r $Atars ea#' t ra~a° arle?tiaar. tit ! x8 arta'tsxaangts~ s t;p~a~~ axtrl wralft a~+a t~ bs ~a?d w~i 1~Au+~? ~ a ~kx~.ary ~a to bar a«w a~tta3.ls anin~.ee of Char rcaoi'k ~ to ba ~lac~. ~o ~ o! t~ ties +aal~.r sate to ba sr~s~aa~d tta, is ~=arsee~ an e~td dait~aa, tta! xalla~ ? tasbs lmtt i.ra t~saiar t~:~ral asnsats a~Cata. iii claa~ls ~d ~r era be paria~terd .s~ s} te~ifr~~ as aa} ys?ss3,b~.a the oa~ailk ~caw1.ar ax~~16"! to #ss~n at aai.s~ asi~ A11 0~~:* reo~lw+~rk ix~laa<#~~;_ ~ ansl b,3.l.rxie~ irr ear ~af.ntad ~t+iAa. 4, Vitas fah ~iy 1~~ ~e~art3,;Pic~atsa S~t?~ i ,,~s~i>*lo~,ti is is at '~o C~tor ~7r ~~i cat` ~Ai9iit3 mti'~a~ 196, a s i~s:xdi, Loilaa°~d td, ~ lii~iS3~'r des Lk~ sriratl,~t arm c'~.s~' ts~' t6i sum :r thi „ai~ro>r 4~et~d fish rxL ~7 t1*~L ri, +aileiaa~ i» m'i~~S.sx ~a I3x~~t~.e I3lsiwr~.c. li ~ ~ loaart+ o>s Ll~ai ~ a~' t~ ntaro In t lat a 9b~r i wia~zfv7e a~ad >sit~ss !:i to ia~>~'la~ o!' tai t`oll~r3. le?~ .ic~'P.ac! dark as~3,d I,i~ters a ~aais ~r'x~,e~ a t~ b~ p,~tad ~r:to: "Liila:~ ~te~.tya. ~ ckai3.(~a i~r s~~*l+a ~ lrrt atril that diasasnsla~s at `G~r ~arsard ae~r a ti~awit~ ~'i' ~atus~ asx~Lead o t3ur a tms3,tin it t; a ~i$~ur:d hip rlrs>w; Told its t~ax~ab l~ 1957. sib r bs 3.1.t~htod ~iy x~~t Sri yhaar~ boa tletli~,Mt~ti i~e~~s9 fram tt~ aarxsie~i eaS' t'ae tazx~,3;?i.ct a~' ~ a~yles x~.saila~r L3 kttaam ~x~srentl~r nsta~lad. ~Z°R'I' X343 3'C ~'~'.~'C: ~ ,":',fir } ~~c rah 6~ 1967 ~{~~.sd3 iilb~r Ja~q:eith ~it'icski ass. 2 q~{{yy~~y~{~y ry~ z~gns .yp py a ~+gy ptr~a i`d~i}I'YA'i 3~t V:~ib ib.'~~~`14a MP~ a}~~iri~a,~i`41~.i.+~1~w~.Fe~'7 ~i1~,lt i~b fir Lw cfisrtA~it~~ ii issas4d ~tt~'1li4i6dr4~ Gt~~er flats at l~ts~ur~attta~ 1955• rs sM ~ t,erad~at4x: ~'o~s*al ~istrla~t aa~ ~ R,~i,~.ian ~i~ rii~ct to b~ e~xta~t~r arc~.LoaL+~xeet fimtux~s +a,~' t3~ ~uildir~; m~ 1~3~ - 1~l.~3 ~ I??iNtslat~i ~:v~ris~te srx4 oxis4.ics~ ~~tf.idair~ st 1 ~ai~ aessesi~attaa .~mnsae ~rvrtirrmc! sxes~ sliiir't Sn ~ax'tif'~attt~ t'~. 7l~'I 3e3susA irk they aoLi:~s.e~ arr , r 15! 19f~i a~leah S,i w3i~M~e t,!'to i~e~stli t~xatrt~ ~3.e~rLot. ';Y~o nt to ssi3 ~e~i.~~'i•taa ~'ce. 1~7 c4s~slas'~i ~,f sli~iatat;,~.x~ teas a~.~o~ ~~rr t;~+ dr~.rm-i;a at.~:tt~leNr art tt~s rear eRiereati~n mgt tt~ bta~.dira~ w~ 183 - 2~~3 ssachas~rtte !v~eaui asd sa~lbi~il'Gi~;i t,~a zve~a~r a r+gvrso ;~r,~~~,e»Ln~ ~;~roxitaly f~~ feet 'six rie:°33~ ~rc~ra i ~ i"a~ a~ ~o T~txi3'altti. Tai l~rtr ~au~3S.: .tar~l.aZ* arrad lacetr tl~o?t r a sa+alo ira~bi.~.x:rd i • e~ ~11~st~at~cuas I~~AL ~asa~s ai.~.d~.ta~ ~ t3ti Lrrcl~t~aez oral a~M~ri>n$s ~ 1G~?st Asidc~iatiari LixSz~g~+~ Ji~s~.° $,~,'~ar18$.~bi i>iiibr ~ts~ie;rt~alj as X11. rs~sis+rsd Meer ~8~ 1s sil~tt~i@ too a ieal,c~ ~6 ~ ~sorSra~ 1~ 1y61. i 'G a3s+a osra a~ieaasat. iii tit retar ateatvrt~l:+~a rtt salt ~tmahR' b:A~.~! a~ amid axi.st~i btt~.ld as et3'scn eea a?a9L:i d~•ir+g a~# anrtif a1~ a aura ire the iZ~ oY' 9aa>~ ~ dog tx'mt aae'' tBas nor brt~l+~1r#~s tbs a,~.ieci~st~i.arr off` first f3.:~dr' wi.adaAr v~ aeai~d aka`>1t~ 'k~a:il~,t:~~ sand '~e? aleaea~^a ~P fih+~ priiarst .r s~er.l~. t~a ~.hae taa Wit' tlxo sxis~fxa~ 1dn~. A.11 a+a~r esa rk a~` bh• rg,i~, dc?i, >~ar 3'ra~rs orb cttt>a~r ~aa~s aaxi ts~ be ~i~~cf am o~`t-w~i~a ~s~:rar to as3~ ~ ?od ce!" o s.at~as ~sg{}}tg~.$g/~~~y{)y+{'~ ggp{{N..~9 }~qq ~~T}yqy~ gM~yyyv~l:M1rf~i i43~L1~ W~mBu~lA~'Si Ci~*,.f"'1.aaRsu ~ t~~3 ~,i~aur . dat~uiita