HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-01-04 . • • January 1957 The Historic Districts Gommissi.on met at the time and place specified in the public notice of tt~ hearing on the application of Monument Realty Trust, John 8. Boeing, Trustee, for an amendment to Certif irate of Appropriateness No. 183 with respect to changes in the i exterior architectural features of the property at 18 Muzzey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Present were Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. B®van, George E. Graves and Max H. Straw and Associate Commissioner George Smery. The chairman read the notice of hearing and the letter of applic ation. Mr. John Hosing appeared in his own behalf and introduced his architect, Richard Morehouse of Morehouse, Ghesley and Thomas. Pdr. Morehouse presented the correnission with drawings showing the proposed changes. Many questions were asked by the commission members. T he hearing was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Upon motion duly wads and seconded, it was unanimously nOTED to is sue an Amendment to Certificate of .Appropriateness to Monument Realty Trust, John E. Boeing, Trustee, with respect to the exterior architectural features of the barn and additions thereon referred to and described in Certificate No. 183 issued by the commission on November 17, 1966. Hearing was held at 7x55 Y.M. on the application of Marilyn Hamilton f or a Certificate of APPropristeness with rasp®ct to the erection of a dwelling at 20115 Massachusetts ,Avenue, which is within the Bat tie Green District. The chairman read. the notice of hearing and the letter of application. Mr. hdilliam H. Hamilton introduced his wife, Marilyn Hamilton and architect Peter B. Carberry, and present d the commission xith scale drawings showing the four elevations and a plot plan. Fie also showed the commission a sample of the shingles and the colors of paint to be used. Mr. ad Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. C~berry answered many questions asked by the commission members. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bayle appeared at the hearing as abettors and asked many questions but stated that they were primarily interested in the drainage problem. In order that the architect would bs able to make more detailed notations on drawings and that Mr. and Mrs Hamilton would decide on colors, it was agreed to adjourn the hearing uatil Wednesday, January 11, 1967, at 7:30 P.h3. The hearing was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Hearing was held at 8:50 P.M. on the application of A. Damon Marshall for a Certificate of Appropriateness w$th respect to the erection and display of a sign at 1736 Massachusetts Avenue, whids is within the Battle Green District. The chaixsnan read the notice of hearing and the letter of application. Mr. Noel G. i'osternak, Atto may, introduced A. Damon Marshall and Mr. Ginsberg. Mr. Ginsberg stated that he is the sign man and submitted scale drawings and a senple of the fabric to be used in the sign. There xas considerable discussion on the appropriateness of the plexiglass in the district, It was agreed by the applicant that the sign shall be constructed of wood ~ d that three copies of the drawings would be sent immediately to the commission. Upon motion lily made and seconded, it was VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropsi.ateness to A. Damon Marshall with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the building at 1736 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith stated that in view of a conflict of interest with regard to the following three hearings, he was withdrawing from the meeting. ('xeorge Emery was designated to serve ~.s a member of the commission. Upon motion duly jade and seem dad, it was VOTED that Max H. Straw be Chairman Pro Tempore for the following three hearings, Hearing was held on the application of ~~iillard Adams Trust, Alan G. Adams et al Trustees, for an amendment to Certificate of APpropriateness No. 169 with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the building being erected at 9 - 11 Mariam Street and for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the exaction and display of three signs at 9 - 1l. Mariam Street, which is vd,thin the Battle Green District„ Hearing was. held on the application of Minute-man Publications, Inc., for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of a sign at •9 - lI :Ideriam Street, which is within the B~ tle Green District. Hearing was held on the application of Lester E. Savage for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of a sign at 9 - 11 Mariam Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The chairman pro tempore read the notice of hearing. Mrs. .Rebecca W. Adams appeared in behalf of the application and stated that Charles H. Cole, Architect, had the information required, Mr. Cole preserrt ed the commission with scale drawings of the proposed changes and shoRed the commission the proposed signs to be used. Many questions were asked by tk~ c~snmission members, and the hearings were adjourned at 10=20 P.iv;. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue an Amendment to Certifi cafe of Appropriateness to Willard Adams Trust, Alan G. Adams et al Trustees, in amendment of Certificate of Appropriateness No. 169 which was issued to Alan G. Adams and Rebecca W. Adams under date of May 26, 1966, with respect to changes i.n the exterior architectural features of the building being erected at 9 - 11 Mariam S treat, which is within the Battle Green District. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VdTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Willard Adams Trust, Alan G. Adams et al T rustees, with respect to the erection and display of three signs at 9 - 11 Mariam Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Upon motion duly made affi seconded, i,t was unanimously YQTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Minuteman Publications, Inc., with respect to the erection and di~lay of a sign at 9 - 11 Mariam Street, which is within the B ~ tle Green District. Upon mo ti.on duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Lester ~y. Savage with respect to the erection std display of a sign ~ 9 - 11 Mariam Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr, Jaquith returned to the meeting ad stated that he had recaived revised scale drawings of the proposed sign to be used by Charles H. Cole and Leslie H. York ~ 1775 Massachusetts Avenue« There was some discussion. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it wa,s unanimously VQTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Charles H. Cole 2nd and Leslie H. York with respect to the erection and display of a directory sign at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The chairman stated that he had requested X975,00 for 1967. The commi_asion unanimously approved the payment of outs'handing bills to Elizabeth Adam and Minuteman Publications. The chairman stated that he had placed as advertisement in tha January 5th issue d: the I~i.nute-man with regard to the application of Lexington Federal Savings and Loan Association for the erection of signs. Hearing will b~e held at 7:30 P.ri, January 19. 'j'k~ meeting was adjourned ~ le:LD`~o~,?~ ~"`''~~~-~-F! Philip B. Parsons Secretary TAie oesrt#.~'ioate is ieasatad pursuant to ~taptar ?att7s trots cf utaaaaa2a~satis, 1956, ae saandad, to gill~r~A Adrer:s Tretat, Alan Qr. Adnms mt als Trust, xi.th raa,~a?ot tm the ersct~ ar~d dsplag off' threat s~:gaa~t ae au?tad be3,a+r, at 9 - 11 t~srS StPaaL, which ie ni.t4si.n ~m .d~ tl.e Green 3)i.striot. ~Scuobar tae shall ba aemprissd at the legend "~Arlana~ Dr~fJ.df.nga to ca©nsiart at' braeaas ~ letters one teat high and approximatel;~ iacsh thick berftng attaahe$ tp the. baildi~ag apt a flne«~nah attest pot le0tar laaated arf ~xa ~iald thr gabled ~dimsnt as shawrn can a ylan tauaring the legend "A~as g#.d~ arui date of ].-x-67 aubmittsd t,a the a+~rsal;.ssic?m at thti h+~aring held crrs Jamcla~ h, 157. Sign 19wmbar az~i 'Phres ahalR be sa~ri~c! qt s t"l.rs~-F7.o distorp ffiign tsa bs iustall~d an tl~e i~Bar'lam ~tr~eeL ~atxe cf~ ~kNR 'bul.ldl~ at tl~t lsx'b 4t 'ttse main e~ntranaa and a setscrnd-tla~nr diraatox~ $i.~tt to be installed at Wee arigta~b aids oY t#ts saairt eniranae. gash sign ~rtas7.l 'be of a+a~.oxtial desi~a, seeds crt wsa«.t hsvirg a caratral aign panes ~i ix3abss aids and 3a inches high bei.x~ tk*ar®ed by' a solding of a pattern number 8471. ~ae~h ai~xz shall ha.vme a saran t;~pe as.:~ elavsm ~nehe~s huh at~ci € bsatt~t ~?callcrp~d penal irschas vrida, ~ha bul2dEng vcst+sa}te shall ba ida~stitied on rapl~saaable ,pateal stripe appraawl,me.tal.~ cnia Inch wi.da paintsd rrhita yri.fk bleak letters 3/4" high and spaced apprcximateely tao inahecs apart ~ar~tiaall~t with rn alla~re at six l.inso cat dira~tarp lega~t cdgn. Y~ entire sign: shall be ~rtaita aasd ai 3. letters ahall ire bleak. ? na~+s eat t he rsplacera~.e par3els xusy ba subetitutad arithtaut f~ax~sar a;~plfaatian tai the aamml.e~itan. $i~?s Txa and ~hrea shal3. be at tkae farm art9 sty~lar arid. laaatead as shcr+ext vn ~e tbs~rs-tertsd p:i.an ",Adze ~ldg.~ .«~~-~7. {9ignect) D~ax Straw Chaim prsa ~'pora l~atm '~anuaag 5, lgb7 Cartitiaata 191 • ~Q ~T~[7~SGAT E3~' ~ii'P'~'3P~3tt 'phis amestida+et~ tia+ i,~afx"'ti.tiaate issued pn~rs+~ to ~tteg~ter tatt7t, Il+bts ai' l~esssahueette~ 19+~6r xs aa~nded, to 1i3.7.7.a~! ,ideaes ~'rust•, Amu f7. a~da~s,~ et a7.s 9"tsLaes~ 9:ss a~ezu~ertt~ rat Cer~kii"iests of dp~rapr3.at+r~r?ss ~€o. 1$9 ~rhiah ass issued. to A7aan ~ eru! Rebsmea 1F. Adams ntxdsr dame oE' ~xy i9&,S, rd.~tt respeai to chat~ss fza L1ia eri~sr arahli em9~~+ra1 tea#,ures at the b~tildirtg being erected: ax rued bel©wi at ~ ~ 11 gar; ~$reet, td?7.ah ie aitttin the BrtLtle 4reert Dixtr~at. at~artges in ezcteriar c~stai7.s ~.rta7aads the Po3.laaing~ 7.. To ahxr~+e Oita 3~.o,,~,c~{at.ri~an of twa xizw•+aazalditiae~ing units art the P~eeriaxc dtreet e7~ezratiot:, seaWWaa'iia4r 1ev{si„ t'rcua the Oxra7.ie1' a}~73~'bYed loaxfsiart to a pasl.tl.am bertee,th tttd crutrax aiada+rs vztder tk~ awed ~sartiso. ~'ith rsrz~esrtas to the rear e~.eTatiaas the xdd3.t3+~ at ~3.ndeas ars exe4t doer 7.oaater! apt t~ rA.ght Yw7.t' et' ttte e7.evatieart. 3. i~tallxt3on nrt the rear elm~rat~.cst xtslg to the 7.ei'ta of tt~ Bret 7,etYa aeaond-ilaar ainc~pr a~' a dares cerirer Y'ar a asntilxtos~ t'an 27. itachxs gn z• sxtd px~~ectirag aCaut 37 inctta~,~ frasza ttsa PaaM a~ the 'bbti7.$ing aetd be~.r9g i~abricated e! ~t aluxttaxte. Tbs eatarior di~rzesiem~,t the ;pza,p~ased 7;ac~aticans at the changes at~dl ate exter~.ar shape aztd deta37. a71 asext ar latz~~ ~ ast a drat~rl.ctg atxt#.taled ""gl.evatic?r?s 7~tiidirtg ~laset A.tt Ghxrles H. Ca7.e I~ /krehiteat~ soaZe 1/~" _ 1' f datrsd Aupczst l~ 19tS6, zaeviaed 7.~v.b'P, ahtah zrss t^ted b for €zaaesdssi.~t xt t~ tzearz~g ~ J*tsry ' 7.pb°~. ~1'£s~1li~ F77:~'i`ftT1~ G~!~~'9~ItfA~ (di~?d) flax g. ~rar ~1ei.e +~sa?us~'~' 1966 Chxtraatb Pre Tarr Ceartiticxte gn. 19C# 7:B'IGAT~ ~ Ac'i':~t~R'&t11`~98 phis aertifiaa~ is i ~suxxst Ghap~r ~tlt9'' Ante of !Y6?asaalquaoetts, 7..956, as aasertdsdr to :Lri~?t~m-mazy ub~,~,tseti oae~, ~ wltlt x*ssat to a er~ea~li.ors and di+rp3.+r~ at a sign •s rafted be7:+~wr~ x'6 9 - 11 1I~Maiz ~txw?eti ahialt !e~ witlzLn tbis tle CFreert ~istriat. x~ eigas sha7.l. t» esaeprissd ai" i;he ].~zgerrul *~i,~z Pttb7~ieataions Tttc.'~ yafnted :s black ~ in a calaatia2 saripC aith 3'ive iztah aa~ri.tal larttez•s and istmh lczarsr ease lett+~ra pa.i~ ed ~n t3te Yxcer baxrd c~~?er t13e i~lx o~ air~a~ee at ~'3srst-•Yloc~r learn. laaals~ed to t1~ right c? tAe sw.irt erttrar?cse +?t geriam 8treat aztd as shst~rrt oax a b the s "Adaas aztd dxte czP ~.-tsa*6T~ ate t' t+a ~Isa a mart at f,im #aryg ~ arT~3 arz Jmtce~ 1+~b7. a~~TG S~xd7:GZ'~ C;3~24t~ D~ pax 17, itarnrr e aanuaaaY 5, 1967 C3hait~ats r ~'etnpcare f3ei~i~'3cate . 19~ '~T T~7 C~t'I."*'ZCA""~ t?l~ AP~'~i i'bie a t tq 4sertif'iatate i® issued purstuaaat ~heptsr ~sti7~r Ae+ts a~ ~tss~+a~tusettsy 195~+s a# anaet;~lsd, ~ Iian t TQOa7.ty S'ruet, ~'ohrr . Boeizs;, 3rrt, Mdth reepe+~is ~ the ericr arashitscstaral Pesturer oat tl~s barn. asxi additions thsrecm referrer! ta? atad dsaetribeQ ~srtiticate sta. 183 issued by the aassaisaia~? ~a r 17, 1966. `~ltas aae t ~ said a®rtit"~.cats cara~eists of t~ tallarrirt~ ehan~es in said sx4sriar architerstural taat4Ya°as as shpt swa nhts 3, ~ and ~ +drawirags tat~i~El.®d "Illta~atians tm the t'rePpart~' of ~ientt~ent Rsa].tT 1`rast l~ 1~rxxfsr~? Le~cin~~a' Dees. ~or+shomsec, ~hesley ~ 'ttaaceaa, Arrthiteets, datoed ~ataber 15, 1$66., ae finally resised either an geoember 15, 1966, ash daaauary ~t lqb~~ eubai~^6ed to tIs ra~~eissi;asa at the hsaririg on January !r, 1$67a 1. ~>atsxgemaat et' bax!a1 rtdditiara are easterly side. Inatallaticnn oatwaoden leasers in the masks of thr north ara3 south slesalsians of the barn. ~1i>eirrativia of xi;? in perk eua south elsvatian oat barsa and east slsvatie+a of barn additit+ra. 1r. ?dditi+aa of wtradaws mn first Hoar level of sQUth and raartfr elesations of barn addition. ~Sliseinatiort ei` all. skylights in barn ronf. b. I><rstalla tiara c+S air aarsditiania~ uas7:t bala+? aeeond Hoar w9~ndcyw cafi n~arth elevation tsavirg sins cents arx! with Wirth side eat utsit rtia~veret~ with ~alapbe~ d painted off«++rhits to aatrsla the aelar of t1e bash, entire unit ax>d rslapbeard siding rant to eacteaart sor°s rhea eight inrahss f rao~ sle+ratiasa call. installatiwn sap air aand~.ti~.r~ au~:t abase bulklntad an east olasatioa to be painted ai9 c~~f-white oala~r tai natah se~laar b~ 'lsaz~n. ~tIl3IG DZ~"i2TL'~'S ~~?'.#f~I"St3~I ~7"f~~d~ ilbur Jagait2a Dato ~anaxr,~ 5, 1967 ~hai;snaa Certiaticate ~o. 1~ ~'Z~CATB 43$ Ak'~'ROt`'~T~'~' ~'t3is oertitLbate ie issued yuz~suant to ~ksapter 2raa7r Acts of 16assaaltsss,~tts~ 1$x,6, as d, to Ghaxlea d. ? end azrd I~sslie t[. York with aces~?set to the sreetian and display oi' a diawatQry sign as nc?ted bsl, at 1335 l~i.srwlchusstte ~,senus, rdaich is within. rtes Bat'dY»+a green gistrict. Yt~s bsians, st3rla~a, layauttf lagsne, tgpss md' l+etteMaatr~ material and cialors o#' the s~,grr aaad lstt+srs all ~+$sar 9a a dr entitlefl +~sval3.mrra ei" ~s+eprsead Sign Joe~pn ~~raarai $aildit~ 1735 ia;rset6a .aams, dated T~reuenber lbr 1966, and resis^d tf ber S'~r ~.$66i riar3xt submitted 1'o tdae aaewiesiaat~ the ad~c~aa'~nrd ~arir~ ern January #S, 1$67. The sign is t4 be lsreatad err tk~s easterly +rlssoti,caa reap asfd buila3ing as ,oaswer an the drtwing ea~td.tled M~eY did+s ~lesatiaart" Gharlss Vials TI ,Lreb~ set, dated Decer~bar Itz, 1g66, and re4issd on t~e~sr 1$, 1966. ~ht? M a3' this aearti~`laate doss treat r:onetituts esidruace a,f acm~pliarrae of the sign icy-lam ar arty crtt~ar b~la~r o~ t1~ ~carms oi' lreadn~an.~+{~~ry~~y+~ p{~pp p~q~~p ~gy~~yq.@@~q~/~ A~ir,M~. V€i:t~ tJ..W fi~/LdV~1~ Wt4~!iWi7yiA~ ltik J6nalaa°y 5t +~i+ ~'d43"titj:raN.t+B ~Ya• l~$ ~~~g} ~?1lbear A[~ Jaquith firraau Q~ ~ 'hie rsartitirrate is issued prat t to ~ha?p~ter ~7a .aots of ssaatauaetts, 1$56s as cied, to Nester :~aeage with respect to trre ererttican anal disp~Y.ay ai' a signs as Hated balaw, at - 11 ~~r#a ~treata rraaS.ob is ait2sin the ~3attle t~resn ~ista*9.ct. "t]~sigrs akral.i bee s rE oP the lageaid k,Lsster . Hera „ ~e~. estate" painted in bleak i~ colr+saial a®r3.pt with fi'~a inch capital letters and iaxals lour tease letters palnt+ed uprrn tree Pataer bCraird Dear rtes ~+air of windows at first-floor 1ave1 located to the let't rrt the wain sntranae at ke ~trest, arac~ as ehmxsa era a plan. 4aeariss~ the wars~e ~Acbxrna hld~." and date e?t' 2-~~i7~ as sa~3ttsd to t4aa a~irsrsiaxr at ~.te mLi held cue Janua~ }r, 1$+~7. {~1;r5'~FiSft C3ZmR"f'RICTS Bate Ja°a u~' y 1967 {sigated) 31huc ~I. 9traar CartiP ioa tie Via. 193 ~'2aa3.swaan ~ro fi er~ore