HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-12-14 ' ~ December 14, 1966
The Historic Districts Commission met at the time and place specified in the
• public notice of the hearing on the application of Charles H. pole and Leslie H.
York for a Certificate of A ppropriateness with respect to the erection and display
of a sign on the building at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within t he Battle Green
Present ware'9~ilbur Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, George E.
Graves, Ruth G. Bevan and Max H. Straw and Associate Commissioner George Emery.
The chairman read the notice ofhearing and the letter of application, Mr.
Charles H, Cole. and Mr. Leslie H. York appeared in behalf of the application and
presented the commission with scale drawings of the proposed sign and its location
on the building. Many questions were asked by t2~ commission manbers, and it was
agreed that the hearing be adjourned until J an~~ary 196, at which time Mr. Cole
would have made changes in the sign. The hearing was adjourc~ed at 8:35 i'.M•
Hearing was held on the application of Lexington Federal Savings and Loan
Association for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection of a
new building at 1832 - 1838 Massachusetts Avenue and for changes in the exterior
architectural features of t~ building at 18Lt0 Massach~ etts Avenue, which is within
the Battle Green District.
The chairman read the notice of hearing and the letter of appl ~ a n on. The
chairman indicated that it would be necessary for the applicant to have another hearing
on January 18, 1967, regarding t he signs for the proposed building. Mr. Gardner
Ferguson appeared i.n behalf of the bank and submitted scale drawings of the proposed
building. 6baestions were asked Mr. Ferguson, and the hearing was adjourned at 4:10 P•T~~•
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTID to issue a Certif icate
of Appropriateness to Lexington rederal Savings and Loan Association with r expect to
the erection of a new building at 1832 - 1838 Massachusetts Avenue and alterations to
the building at 18110 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District.
The chairman stated that the chairman of the Building Committee of the First
Par ash Church had written a letter extending the tame the commissi on ryas to act on
the application to February 1~, 1967.
The chairman showed the commissilon the scale drawings of the proposed sign
to be used by J. Quinton Rush on the building at 11G~taltham Street. Much discuss. on
followed regarding the a~;propriatenessof the sign to the district.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate
of Approrriatenessin J. Quinton Rush with respect to the erection and display of tw
signs across the front of thepremises at 14 Waltham Str et, rd: ich is within the
Bat t]e Green District.
'The chairman r cad a letter from Mrs. Flynn, Clerk of the T awn Meeting Member3
Association pertaining to a list of persons interested in Historic uistricts Commission
~ rk. It was decided that the board would like to have such a list and the chairman
was directed to so inform Mrs. Flynn.
It was agreed to set Friday as the deadline for receiving applications for
• Cectifi.cates of Appropriateness, which are to be advertised the following ~,veek. It
was agreed to approve for payments bills from Minute Man Publications for ~55.5o,
Mrs. Adam for X122.00 aryl Hancock Press for ~1b.85.
Ths chairman rend a letter from Blair L. Perry, attorney fca~ Trustees of
Battle (}reen lpartmenta Trust in regard to alleged non-compliance by Stop & Shop,
Inc., with certificates of appropriateness issued for the property at 32 Bedford
Street, and other alleged violations of the Historic Districts Act. The chairman
was directed by the commission to contact an official of Stop and Shop with regard
to the a~:leged violations and was to cmfirm the alleged violations in ,rriting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.Pd. ~ r
Phil~.p B. raisons
CBRTI~IC.ATg Op A.PP}~~tIAT~t~3&w
'ibis cser~itiaate is isffiued ~nzrsuasst to tihapter 171 Acts at l~taasao~setts, 1~~61 a•
ameragp to J. t~uintetsa Ruch, xitb respetst to the ersvtia~i and:. displap at tra signor
R'or the first f1:et?r store cra the front elevatiass at the pro~aies~e as noted bslenrl
a?t ~ R'althaea ~tra®t1 ~icb 38 w~i.thin the Rattle (iraeaa district,.
The 8esign, lay~mat and style of lettering of the i'iz'st sign appear on a draarisag
by ,~rlingtan Sign «serri.ce, Jaaeph A. paucoea/ Proprietor, subnl.tted to the Cro~issian .
at° the adgoued hearisag held an ber 2.li, 196b. Ti?e sign. is to be appraximatelp
2p 3/~" high by 12~ long and is to be laoated about at~or~e t2as first fl.oar
wincianrs. The sign is to bear the le~genci "J. Q;aintan R'uehs is ncaod letters
~ proxfmatelp 1G~" in height end 3/4" thick. T~ letters ors to be Bald leafed and
fastened to a backboard ~ th molding bardar. The backboard and the malBing ors tea
be painted x alzade at off-+~fiite c~],vr tc stab as n~sarlp sa possible t2~ color aS
tbs woadrrork of ~e building.
The design, layerut sand style of 7esttering at the aegda?d sign appear an a pha~rapb
suts•~;ed "Pachitbit A'~ subai,tted to the Coiseion at tl~ haaxdng held an gr~vember 301
196b. The sign is to be located beneath t~xe abase-~entio»isd First sign at t~
top of the first iZcx?r ~rinckr~ arsi is to have a length of agproximatelp the same
dia~nsions as tlae first sign. 1`hs aeaond a~gn is to bear the legeaxl "Reel gstate"
painted osa:~ backbo+s"d in gold ealor letters s~atuhing as nearly as passible the
gaid aaltir of t}~e first signs above. ~'he backboard S.s to be pas.nted the same aff~tr3t e
color as the f irat at
The issuancse of this certifYcate dc?ee not constitute evidence of casaplianae ivi.th
the sign by lax or asap other by^-~ mf th® 7°~en of Zs~ing~Lon.
{di~d'~ Wilbur Y. Saquith
17ats der 1~1 15166
Gertifieate Ra. I$~
7~hie eertiticate is issued pursuant t~cr Ghapt~r }313T, data vi t+Fsssaehusrtte,
196, as emended, to Lexington ~edsral Sav3rr~,s seat Lean A see ciatian with ~aapeot
to ttrr ersetion of a nrw builditt~ at 1632 4 1835 ldaraachuestts .~Temzs sad alterations
to the building at 18t3Q t~aesaehusrtta ~v®nus as rtotsd bslow, whictl la ~d thin the Battas
careen It3.atrict.
'i`ts lccati~on of aat:d nrw building and alteration appear nn a first floor plan dra~d. ng
entitled *Proposed Altsraticros & Additions to Bang Building f~ the Lexington
Frderal Smvn~s and Loan Association Iwsington, ttaaa.~ bg $utehlna & ~`rsnah
irtshi.tectai! sale ~ 1~, dated t3atabsr ~ti, 1966, as revised ~terber 26, 1g66,
which was !submi.ttrd by the applicant at the hearing on T9r r 1.13, 1966.
Thy design, layout, atgls, dimensions and terra of building ~trriala and the
details thereof all appear on three draxings, a frost elsvat3.os, a aids elevation
aexl a rear elevation entitled "propoesd ILlteratScns and Additions tb Baatc Building
for the Iesxingttrn ~aderal Savir~s & Loan Aamotsiatiun Trexin~on, ~asa.* bg tlutchina
French, Architects, scale = l+, ell. slated or revised on Qotober 2~,, 1966, and
autua9.ttrd by Ctrs application :t said hearing.
Ali new brick is to bs of a red color to Batch as nearly as pctaeible the brick
of the building at 18~tQ Ltaeaachusetta Avssue. ?L1 new xr odwork i~ ire bs painted en
off~rhi.ts valor to ras,toh the woodwork of said exiatitag buildis3g. There is ~ tee in
front of the bui2diag a aarnertt curbing lorsted appraatrly two feet frown the front
elevation, ex~srpt t'or that portion o-f the rlrvatiau `ccnaprisiag the entrance aa*ea,
and a blusstons and tssmsnt paved area szteadir?g outsard airparo~atslg ten; fret from
the fro~tt slev~tirat?. .
itf3£t7t3,ZC D1SfRTGT;3 G~~{BTSSItiN
(Sighed} lfilbur B, Jaquith
Char as
hate r15, 1966
certificate Bcr. 187