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• Rba ~istax'!o 1~letriats ~tmaalselne? tisb at tbs tits std ~ sgts+sl~tiad iet ~
ytub~,a ttatl~ls tsf the crn the a~ri~tlaatl8n eat ors 'lie, no. ~ tcrr s Caa~tlil.ct~?te oP
A:K~rlatsnetss +vlth x+ss~sat tar the ersoticra ai' s dtrellit~ tc lsaetad ctn fat ~°l~tteee
6bsd~ whlakt is wSttr!!at ooaik ~laeriat.
i5rssasat wens Wilbur ,Taqul~th ~hslcwsspt, tSeo~+s 1~. €Srawsty 4trsn arrd
Asalats ~etl.sslotfs~ Carl, Bxyartt. e~m~star7r iral~ absent frwttrZ thm erasat~~ aaaatlcrer
ras drily ea?c!e aid ssaortr~etd that tfsor~,+s Maras bs ~saratary ~'x+e 7'aa,,;tcrrre+ far tr~a s?eatlesg.
fibs a~.r rasd the r~cttias crP hasri~t atSel th+o letter ctf a~liaatict+n r~ec~aiv+si
t5rtsa ibaxMr ss~ roes. 'fha ahsi.res stated that !t rro3sld bi wary to sd~raasrtrr the
hsari~ dna to the lack of a ~ tl1 1~aa2ttasdayj t?t3tobar lg,, 19~i8~ at Att~J its
the ~alaotsatua~s Rotast. I~ follaraxing lnLsrasta$ parsons aP~'r'!n@' at thie herarit~ wars
au?tlPiad ut this titers 1~r. and ors, aria c7lsssxSi 2Q ~ystsrt ; ltr. Jullan ~nis~pr ~ denaoatc
slt~rret~ sari hsnaode treat. dark mtaCrraa dr. apja~ssrsd in hie vwn beh~alt
and siwrwad tds ao~rieslutxt ssaJ,s d~awitt~Sr of ~a ~ro~tsssd dw~lixt~. 1t xaa sgrasd tlrest
I~ooro wa~tl~d 8rin~ in e:o~~plmtad a~?aoi~lastiatxe at the tJctetbsr 14td~ atin~.
~"irs elha~.rrr,~,et rasd the r?crtioa of taaatler~ oa tlys s~,~a3.lcat.lon ~f ~tcr}r ho~i Istes,~
for s Gc'~lPiaata at' Ai~arw~ialsrreses with x~aspaeat to the ch~rrlitl srP eba baz:ldin~s loastad;
at ~0 i`ord 8tr~r6~ whivh is wlt,~rl~tha 1r~tt3.s '~eera Itiatr3.at. 1'her ohairaan read the
lstr t1fi a;~?ji2iaatirst~.
oha3xtiasn stated ~ttt r ald bs nsaassar~? to sd `o,u~ th hearing cS~ra ~ t2~ leak
cf a gnorws eattl '~stilaasdsar, Cattzrber 19t , at ~:3d ~.et. !n this !eslaestmess' a h.tnm. Tars
ahe<lr~ect state4 tl~rt Aa had told hhr« ~ssssalss! pP ~to~, ~C Cihop tlsst it wousl~~ nat b~ naassssry?
to be isirsasnt at tars hsarlra~ this svaerl~g acrd that it was bs3n~ ad~~~ E'ca}lowitt~
latsat'+ar3tad ~rrsans a~;~esrlt~g at thls hasrl~ veers ezatli''!sd at tttiar ti+~t+e s: try. t~oa~an
Ganaollyf k~Ui .Lwwall ~traat~ tceae, rs~rsssnt~„n~t Sir. and hrs. ~'im.~try ~:saxwbaLt ark!! 1tr. and
11rs. ~altHse° Jernrse>A~ 2b ~iad!`at+d $t:'aaty 1!h•, sacl qtrs. h'lohasl ~r~rr3eane 15 ,4adfvrd Str:aet,
ssr8 Atty. i3lalr L.r`~ rapr~santimg ~sttls ~rsats a rtts, 5Q E~ttsta qtr at, 9ca:stcat~ at~d
ILr. !'aril of ~i,1as
fits ahaixwutn crated Sets t t~s laed s~esivad a latter t'lras hiss ~r+ais Perna with regaa~cl
to Ctrs blinds and doctt~s a!r ly ~atsaerols $tx'~at. 1Pes~thsr d4;aausarl.ott grill tbs bald tm M~. t3uxr;iolf~
Attder3.lesa~ • a~pliaatl~r at pate 19.
fibs ahsis~sn statsd that ha is ssradin~ a Latter to the hoard ct4' E~ale~staae~t rac~uastir~
sdditisezsl s oP thr ltisLata~la 19istarlats selts€r.
Ths ohrri:r sestsd that ha had rs~lead tslapr?e~a seller Prt~r 1tr. , ack~sr }~ir~.la aP
1?irst rarlair Clsurah. Mir. ltirtla would like tc3 rest inParaally with the ctwisetrtn befors ~
su1t,~lttln~ an spyxllostiae~t Pas s asrti.fiasta at a~t~arrovristdrrysss. It Mrss agresd taut the
i'ixet garish Ghtarah wetrRld stsst with tees aca°~salaetsn oa Ctotot~t* 14, at 9=UC3 P..
SFr. dsqulth stated that the taaw titart+ario Distrlat~r .t'titeslon sat has na~t ~sssed chs
`~9.r~ period ~ is ter in sf'Pact. ftr. Jae~ith will wMta the selsatsran etauorelltzgly.
!`?as snratlerd xse a~otu~sd at ~t~f1 t'.~t.
• tlsorss t~rauss
~ao~retat~r t°ra Tet~oz'a