HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-05-04 r7 'y • r' May 1966 The Historic Districts Co-'~mission met at the time .and place specified in the public notice of the hearing on the application of Lexington Historical Society for a Certificate of Appropriateness for tho erection of a gate at its property on Hancock Street, opposite the Hancock-Clarke House, v~ich is withir_ the Hancock-Clarke District. Present were ~+ilbur Jaquith, Philip B. 'arsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves and Associate Commissioners Carl E. Bryant, Donald B. ~'~hite and PLax H. Straw. The chairman being absent from the meeting, motion was duly -Wade and seconded that ~rFilbur Jaquith be Chairman Pro Z'empore for the meeting. Mr. Carl E. Bryant was designated by the chairman to act on the following applications. The chai:~snan pro tempore read the latter of application and the notice of hearing. Dir. S. Lawrence Whipple stated that he represented the °istorical Society and gave a brief description of the gate and fence at the above address. Bdr. 1~hipple showed the commission two photograp~:s of the gate and fence as it exists. There was discussion on the color of paint to be used, either brown or Waite. Bar. '~Silliam Spencer, 32 Bancock Street, stated that he would pry~fer brown as it is more subdued. Questions were asked fir. ~F?hipple by the commission and the h.~aring was adjourned at 8: ~ P. <c. I~Sr. iM1lhipple further stated that there are now two signs erected at the above property. There was some question as to whether they were informational signs and if a public hearing was required. It ivas agreed that the historical Society would write a letter ir. this regard. ~ Upon motion duly ~ de and seconded, it was VOTED to issue a certificate of appropriateness to Lexington Historical Society with respect to the erection of a gate on its premises on the westerly side of Hancock Street opposite the Hancock-Clarke House, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District, Discussion as to the color of the gate showed that three members of the commission were in favor of white and two were in Favor of a brown color similar to the 'Iancocl{ Clarke House. The certificate did state that the entire gate structure is to be painted write. Hearing was held at 8:20 P.i~, on the application of Alan G. Adams and Rebecca W. Adams for a certificate of appropriateness with respect to the demolition of the structure at 9 - 11 Meriam Street, which is within the B~ tle Green District. Hearing was held at 8:22 Y.~, on the application of Alan G. Adams and Rebecca 96'. Adams for a certificates of appropriateness with respect to the erection of a new building at - 11 ~ieriam Strest, which is within the Eattle Green District. Mr. Jaquith stated that he represented fir. and .drs. Adams in their legal matters, and that he would withdraw from the two hearings. ABotion was d~Lly made and seconded that Ruth Bevan be Chairman Pro Tempore for these tr4o hearings. hrs. Bevan designated that Donald B. ''+~hite serve nn the commission in place of Mr. Jaquith. The chairman pro tempore read the notices of hearing and the letters o'' application. Mr. Alan G. Adams was present in behalf of the application and stated that Charles H. Cole was the architect. bir. Cole showed the commission scale drawings and a rendering ~of the proposed building. ~:~any questions were asked NLr', Cole by the commission members. A letter received from Liberty Realty Trust was read regarding the erection of the building and stated that they were in favor of the application. The commission agreed that the plans did not have complete specifications available, and therefore the hearing was adjourned at x:15 P.i':-T. until the next meeting of the commission on Eday 2~, 1966. ` May 4,1`i6b r Hearing was held at 9:15 r.i~&. on the application of Robert A. Cataldo~ Gold Ribbon Farms, for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the amendment to Certificate of Xpprcpriateness No. ;8 previously issued with respect to tre sign • at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Pdunroe Tavern District. The chairman pro tempore, 1'r"ilbur P:?'. Jaa~~ith, read the notice of hearing and the letter of application received from Robert ~ataldo. Mr. Cataldo appeared in his own behalf and agswered many questions asked by the coirunission. The hearing was adjourned at 1 O: 00 Y .::R. Upon motion duly :jade and seconded, it was unanimously DOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Robert A. Cataldo, d~b~a Gold Ribbon Farms, with respect to modification of the existing standing sign used in connection with the business conducted on the premise s at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the 1~,'.unroe Tavern District. `Phe chairman pro tempare read a letter received from Ffesley'Pt. and E. F. %~a.nsir requesting a change of color on the exterior of their dwelling at 16 Tavern lane. Ps. Mansir was present at the meeting and stated that the color to be used was a hunter green, a sample of which was submitted with the letter, Several questions were asked by the membsrs of the commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to ~P. 'uY. and E. r'. ~~ansir with respect to changes in t:~e exterior color features of the dwelling at 16 Tavern Lane, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. Dr. Donald H. Osterberg was also present at the meeting and submitted a letter to the commission requesting a change in color of his dwelling at 5 Eliot xoad, ~rhich is within the irfi~nroe Tavern District. Dr. Osterberg stated that he planned to paa.nt the entire house and trim tobacco brown except the front door which would be barn red. He showed the commission a sample of these colors. ~2uestions were asked by the commission. Upon motion duly made aryl seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Donald H. Osterberg with respect to changes in color of the dwelling at 5 Eliot hoed, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. A letter received from Earle Street, manager of Felix Realty Trust, was read to the co~amission. There was discussion as to whether or not the changes to be made at 1806 - 1812 Massachusetts Avenue wazld require a hearing. The chairman pro tempore stated that he will look into this matter further and notify Mr. Street accordingly. The hearing was adjourned at 12:30 --sue! Phi ip n. Barsons Secrets. ry • ',~'~t~2~ E~ :Ai'~'~~l 'his esea¦~~Y.etat~ feFarerbd t Ghao~'Cea~ ,Aaris ! slns etrtisr ~,q~iy as ~ to A. Gateldoa ,~a ~ ~asair 'eJt,#~A ar~wlptet ~ eae&7.we? tit tyre eziet,~.a~ suet ie? w Frith ~t 6usirarss etant a~tt tt~r yx~e~w~arrs' as r~tate~d d~lvea st 2~i~ r`arerttra ,iYres~ue ehiah ~ ~t the ~tat?a+ee ~avea~ ]~3istrte't. eati~lhg sign is l+~ta eaw to bj? t~ x ~Al1 at tha iet+rxe~tiaa~ of ~taeRrMac~hraaear~ite ,i~an~re arch t~ a~ht of ' laautirsh te? flat t~ic?esd ~+taree of a~pl~awxt. ~ s:~ es~ tl~e ~~e aetbe~iaa~ by s~arf.esiaar tuad ~ertiftesa~a vt ~~r~~re~~+rio~terrYess Via. ~ateei Jae ~5r I~~. ~tid CerdirioaLs X10. i11 hsrab~ asoAit~.erd a?a farll~ta 4~ p~rsawnt poets irY'er tc? hs with fmsar ieabt tut?ulss' st~3. poerte ew+b i>1 +~oQirets. presamt tiec~dli~~aits ins~d et leare~. ars to bo re;~lsees~ with orn~hser~l hsaotasf~a he?vd ~n?o Q~xsar6s x~ts c+a ea?o~? to sz~ab ba~.+ieets ~ ext+s~t ora~reurd amt s~oxs taa ~t ~r~x ea+~k1 [ir?~1 e#t tt~a aim. ,~~1 re2'~ri~ wit'9~g tEr a?sr~?it~r tape vrarrhewe! lis~~~ is to Da es, erd~ wl.th~ ~ yoa4s ~wr ~htsol~1 ~ tbs ext~arior thou xilt2~ ~r lead-~ wix~as tea ise vuadea~d. 'bar Geri, a! tlse sib is i~r bs s~?t asore t~seres ~.aaclr~s arbesre tie ~ •'G #hw sytx~Eicsa7. asr~tsr lisss ~s~ thai ad.~,+re. st~aerl posts. t~s 2sa+~ Dratckart~s amid otha~ ~sx nawte?riaLra ral].1 ba pAiato~ white' t?~ ead.ertitt~ efgrs is to bs rer-~?ai.a~tsd ss e4t pawew~tt. ~xwapt as hsaolsh+ri'o~r aopecifieda the aria ass aavditieat! is to be is~ saeoer~a~~e tt,#;Ltt tDs s~i~ah ~ ~"i~s Zaac.r dAts~ dpri2 i9l~6, atacl aubaritted iE+ the aw~~.ASiae et taw her... Tie isar gat taier aurx~t3.tioeRte dma?s t>~st oar~stit~te~ ariderses oa' criasss with b~-law ag the of I~sata~gtrynr shave it aonstiterte • 11 yr g»a~ait !'~cra the i"mnesti os isxir~hr to ~r;tsi~x~ sand ei~a ~ erect lss~ arxeiad bar t~s rar irr wlaioh thr tvsn iaea sxsy x~fghtrr by v~ay eRP s?t erslew. Bar ~gd~ 3hus Y. +~squith Q9~la~mae?aa Pro T x'+s Otte ~ 5r 19~ €erti~icsats 1~7 iae~artitd`oaei+r ~ 4~a1~d to ~hay6ar 1~7r ~1La a~u1 ResolwMr mt dWt ,~st~oa, ~#+~dr eenex~sdy bo >~ad~aa ?filer ~r~ +~rl.t~ ~ ~ ~bs srr+a~ian of a Batt an its y~ramirrra ease t~+a ~s~~rl~r of do 4dfi~sat op.. eai°F~r +t~o dr«~~d~ ?ea, as rim ~.+~r xf~d.ods 3.s trite t~ fi~C3~urlrrr ~rrlt~.at~. d~~ ~x~r i,t ~a oo~rist5 a ~tiats of a~ te~;i~ a f t'/re~+ d~ ~ a~ tyre svut~tr~,j? a e~!' tz mt ~drr er+d a nanrabl,a trre~i~rs e~' #~r eroar~? typra of e.~aeaaria~ot>lon ~ adrrrv?1~ lest in Sam I~drei aro~art bond Pal.~od ~ Mwro~tt~a. ~~t4t~It 'lpt tez die 3~?0,obni •+t t~s g rr~ a S~ drs3~d~L tert~oa d~a ~o be s M!'~r 9,ottdrro trcur fps ~ •n~4 irf te1 looer~~ud +~"Fri'?xi~:afir 'duo t4rert an+ri e~` a~xd pax~l~erl to ~d'br si~nrlb. "~b1r arttd,rs a'lie+ etat~+rt~a? is b~ ~sie~ai Rbfftllr 3'~Ew ~a 14~6b dtS81'~.t~C t3S~diSC"~ C~~~t€)d~ itioa6+r lio« 2i6ts Cdu?irrrra~ ~ x~ ibis emrrr~3.!'ioats is ~ tdbr?pter l~i7, lk~r errs d~ndlres at f~.?~s.tt•, 19~r arrerr~ddadr '#a . x. rsl~.r wi+l~b ra~~+rroi oa in aaer oa2ar tre~area of ~ ed~a~.i.la~ a~ no~r~ be+lemr, a+~ 7~b ~awrer w~hiab As ~r~n ~ar~a 1>ia~ario'd. tk~is eeartd.t~lar?t~a is ~ ~ ~t ~ dwv~sr ir~clndtag g~~4t~rrr and doa~raeport~ul bual~ar grams air 10 ,oa~sdz +rs arl,~ as ~oassblA ~dro tad +riLb ~ba appliaa~f.aa. au b2dxxla~= +rnxL®rr s.x?, w#~dwa~ aa~ daora ~ be F~`tn ~hii~s axea,~ls t~d9a8 for lb~~ eltrorrr ars to ber paf~d ~a awls bo~teur r~o3.mr ae 1~M bons aid eritb fibs ~ r~aar tai~wd d~~'I`G IdSZC'YB ctta~ abrrireara ? ? ss+rr~3~{.aart~r !ae ir?a~rwd i~r drk7, Ae$s e~,erd S~rae?lywi? a~' diaseraodur~~isr ~r a #o dd~~ !i. Qat~sr~Sa~ nltb i to t~tt~+rs itt eam~.os eat ibn drnr2li~tg as feud daelaAr~, a~ d~Lle~ ~rd;~iab is ~rilb#Jr t~ Tam ~irrw~c~. lbis orr~ar~t.tiasta is ~xv~tt~ad ~ aturs~te t~ era~lar at t~teo s est tho dwa12la~ freer its enMllr~r ~,w fiar ttrs a desk bran .tur ea[ ~ r~irr dung wdt~b tbs sxnrq~ion tbaL ~dur aolor o!' ~a tree is to b+s a try 1? arlr+e~ tilers tea a rsd omits Dolor s ~o t~ ewes~+ls enrt~ri~6~ s~ fiobs luwax'd.rr~. ~d~Xt,3d~SG TdI~RIG"S!i Side ) Y~illu~ Y.~,~aeitaa t,~six+ra~r ra mrmpor+r veto . ~ t~.~.Qa$A~ der