HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-02-03 February 3, 1956 • The xist®ric Districts Corimission met at the time and place specified in the public notice o£ the hearing on the application of David Buttrick Company for a Certificate o£ Appropriateness with respect tci the erection and display of a new sign to be erected on the building at 38 Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Present were Donald R. Grant, Chairman, Philip B, rats®ns, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves and Wil~ur 1~. Jaquith and Associate Commissi®ner Max H, Straw. The chairman read the letter o£ application received from David Buttrick Compat~}~ and showed the commission members the scale drawings of the proposed sign. Mr. Buttrick appeared in behalf of the application and answered many questions asked by the commission members. The hearing was adjourned at 8:15 r.4. Upon motion dul;, made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate i of Appropriateness to David Buttrick Company with respect to the erection of a siDn a t its place of business at 33 Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Hearing was held at 8:15 P.L9, on the application of Samual Knizaick, d/b/a Imperial Cleaners Inc., for a certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection end display o£ a new sign to be erected on the building at the corner of Worthen Road and Bedford Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The chairman read the letter received from Architectural Ass®ciates and a letter from Stop & Shop Inc. regarding their approval of the proposed sign. Present in behalf of the applicant were Mr. Bernard E. Healy of Architectural Associates and Mr. Yeager of Jim Did It Sign Companv. Bdr. Healy showed the commission scale drawings of the pr®posed sign and mar?y questions were asked i$r. Healy and Mr. Yeager. The commission members ~udied this sign and its relative di~^ensions al®ng with the other signs at this location. It was a?reed that Mr. Healy and Mr. Yeager meet with the commission on February 9, 1966, at Bs00 P.':~r:. and at that time firing new drawings of the proposed sign. The hearing was adjourned at 8:55 P•P~?• Also present at the ab®ve hearings was a representative from Stop ~4c Shop Inc., Mr. Passinissi, who stated that Stop & Shop had approved both of the ab®ve signs, Mr. Charles H. Cole II Architect for 1775 Realty Trust met with the commission at 9:00 r.M. and presented the commission revised drawings of the proposed building to be erected at 1777 - 1793 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. a®le also showed the commission samples of the brick and shingles to be used on the building. Much discussion followed ~d many questions were asked Mr. Cole. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Hugo Maienza, James Stevens, Joseph Trani, Trustees of the 1775 Real ty Trust with respect to the erection of a one story building on the lot which is bounded southwesterly by Massachusetts Avenue and northwest>rly by Depot Square, which is within the Battle Green District, Mr. Wilbur M. Jaquith reported to the commission on the present status of the Historic Districts Commission Study Committee, and stated that it was being included • on the Town r'~arrant for consideration at th me~~ The meeting was adjourned at 1030 P...• °hilip B. rarsons Secretary Due to the inahilit~ o~ commissiono~~ ~~.~,b~~r M. ~ ~ t. ~ to act on the petition off' ,~~,~,~7~~;~„g~al±~ m,.,,~t. , the cnai~ designates associates ..,....a.,.,._...._?~~ H to se7tve in th:Ls action. ~.~.k~.Y~..3,_.1~56.,...~..~, ~._.m L~,~te Chairman Y ear~~ is ~ Ste" 1~ at~etix' ~a4t7, Aa'~s amd ~sa1.~ sslrt~ 19'' w as ~r piC 4 Q~' T~x~~ wl~1a re°6 t~? s~aa~ aaAd ~.spls~r c~,' ~a ~x"~f~~" ~tsb t?s milord art arx~ aoad ~ ~ ~ r~ e~,o~r Ptak ~ 'Eha~si wbi~ ~s ~t~ Bg~,t~ ~lstt. ~ s~~s :,ra to ~ ~ ~r3+ t~ nare?c~sriLe~ "f~lreet~a~~.s~r G~. ~aa. de~s~ed r 2'Bb~'" ~ tils ~l~h t~e+~ es~c. T?~t molcer~e s~ ~r1~r,t v`sadt l.1ols~e'~t?t~e! ~d~rras sie~ 3~m t~ha a?s x~d dt~6t t~s ac~ee~#.RSia~s tract ~s~` ~a lw 'fC3rtr t~ it +R~ i7~ C sre '1.o haVa Irn? 7L1'yGk~s""ioti" ill~urc3.axa:tx+adr?. ~s ~~1bs#'~~ C'j{3 Q fs ~ ~ f ~ • Q111q YbYAltt~'~.t~ ~1'~ Y t Cp+e'L ~9:3aii~ ~dfox~! data ~w?r~'I~tst ~et~~. fib. sqd bate ~a+e ds~e 3~ eloc~?i ~anr x~ ~6, ~~?~s wae? ~ss~ tea ? ~atasisn rave +rba*aary X11 ~t~ s~a71 ~ ~si.sb+d ira a aa~ae3.s'~aeaef, ~ritA ldae 9~ste~sed ~K s~,}seea~t `;le~Y~, 71e1A aurtificKt,~ iw+Infd~' aae~3 ees~it''k!+eo Gr~itls+pta~ 13'1 1~ ~0 ~il~' •/tl std ~6iftt+s ~ srtw Cwa m~x~atsct ~ t.~r K,~3~.l4ssnR~. Cs~ti~~a~+a ~GOr. 1 ~l~~.re~t~ °Caae+n ",Cie eta is 3s lasu~ed oun~t ~ ?~tar 2~7. Ac~m ~ss4lxes aP E~?sss~3r~asrett~y 156, ass ~ f}x+ralc ~rt~ead?aac C~eeh +~s3a~'it~ ri$~t s~st 1ama~ ~sr~sc6t~ omd dsLa~ t~#' ~ shs~r is t~ bar leoat~wL qea e t stx~r4s si~d oNt iYaa tfor#d~st ss~r ~s ,~s~actitcrct of r~a~ ~ti~art s~ ~tssaattrasstte 1av;~ sexdl iEadfets~ly sib wl~.at~ ~rslea~afi;Zyr ~?i~r's t ssi~ des 1~ vtithie? td~tes +~n~tla ~it?8a~sb. Y'As ~.a ask3oxe is tea '~?e s~,e~p tel~r Laru~?~ee b~? t+e~att~»Pa+er ixtsbas xi~ea is is lae? ~~1t+~r3~sd a~ s3esair,e ~ d~.sll ~il,~k ttsadsh~ Vie! t~hae 2s~l~erin~ rues'! t~se s~+ee~tiaru~ ~urrcwe s~~ ~ ~~t srs b ~ xwassars8 s~. uss~. ~fQ ~txt~e. ~ae~~aaw~ s~ tea k 2~rtf+s~rs ~:laesss' tso tees ~d.~~a aesi tbs ls~d a; ast ~s sib !.s ~ ~ as ~o2,lanest i~I~)r'~'~f 'Ft~( ~t'~TTt9 ;~'3ti4'~ iI«~1~ ~T ~~pi~ f3se tr F+r~sv~seg 3r t'~r1?it'icst~s . 1~6 CERTZFICAT}~ QF A:-'i~R~~P~tTATR1~33 This certitioate i.s issued pursuant to chapter la~i7? Rots sad Reselres of 1Gsasec3uuaotts, 1956, as aa~inded ~ RuB+ ~aiosaa, ~iaxes dtevoas? daseph traxi, TTUSi?ees et the 2775 Realty Trust wit) respect to #.he arectioa of a sae story building en i~te le! which is bounded soit~sstorly by liassa~ausetta Avom~?s sad aerblxrsaterl.y by Depot squaro, vrhich is witiaia the Battle Grose Distri:at. Tho exteri.sr dinenaions, tho proposed lecatioaa of doorways sad w:tadews, the exterier shape at the buildia~, tho leading platfezas sad tho leading door~rays all appear AT are locates os apl~a entitled "1775 R+altp TTUSt Charles H. Cole TI Architect ~3oa2e s 1'0" dated FebraaTy 3, 1966, sad a+~bmtted to the aesmisaiea ea that date. The design et tho viaz~ieus o2o~ratiaaa, axd et the wiv~lanrs, pTOpoaod door~raya, aAd the loading doerorays sad st all reol'a sad athor exterior features fael?~diag the ohimsey, all appear oa a drawing ontit3.ed "1775 Realty i'~tst Charles H. Gl~ TY ~rehitect Scale I/8p ~ 1w0" dated February 3a ],966, asd eutaxftted to th,s comsdssion ea that date. ,All deora, ~eseh, corafaes sad tTln are tobm of wood sad painted white. The brick to bo used is to be the aasis as the a~'+ple et >!~ow tnglaad Rator Struck Brick which was submitted to the eom~l:saieu oa F'ebTUary 3, 1966. Ths reefs are all to be catered with mo1T black asphalt shingles at the type a sample et which vas submitted to the commission the sam?o dato. HISTORIC DIfiTRZCTS G~`A4~TS4In>~ By Date February 5, 1966 (signed} Dodd ii. bract Gertiticate lUe. 157 Gl~irman CEicTIFICATiI ~~F APPROYRL?Tgt This certificate is issued gursuaat to Chapter itdt7? Aets sad Reselves et Yaasachusotts, 2956, as smeacto8 to IIavid Hv~ttrick Gempa~r with respect to the ereotisa of a sign at its place of busissas as y?ot+ed be~.sw, at 38 Bedterd Street' w?sich is within the .Battle GTeoa District. Theo leoati.eoa, ties design, layout, dixonsi~o of the ei~a, types sad sines of tint letters and the legend of tiw sign all appear ~ a drawing oatitlod RProposed II].uminatad Plexiglas Silts far Butfiriek Ce. Le1Ci.AgtoA Plaza Reels =2tt7" datod Rovember fit, 1965a which was submitted t• tho cemsissien os gebsuary 3, 2966. 'The backgreu,eci st the si(ra ie to be smoeth opaque white plexi.glaa, sad a21 letters are to be csut out et 1/8° at,eck black ploxiglaa. gle stainless stool melding sued skirting appoar os the ateraaeatiesad drawing. All illuaaiaatien is to be doss tram the interiors sad the iateesity sf tAe il2uminattoa is not to excseed that emmployod in the sign of Step be shag Inc., which is 'gsi~appeaT ea the frost st the aaa?e buil,diag. HI~`OR&C DI8'TRIC'P8 C:?id~I&9ION (signed) Dena~d R.. (}rant Ciaairau~a • batslFsbruary 5, 1966 Gortificate >#o. 158