HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-12-01 December 1, 1965 The Historic Districts Commission met at the time and place specified in the public notice of the hearing on the application of the Lexington Jaycees for a certificate of appropriateness for the erection or installation and display of a plaque to be located on the Battle Green, which is within the Battle Green District. Present were Philip B~ Parsons, Secretary, V9'ilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Ruth Bevan and Associate Commissioner Max H. Straw. T~ chairman being absent from the meeting, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED that Wilbur M. Jaquith be elected Chairman Pro Tempore. The chairman pro tempore read the notice of hearing. Present in behalf of the Lexington Jaycees was Mr. Richard A. Michelson, Chairman of the 2!} Hour Flag Flying Committee, and he presented to the a commission a scale drawing of the proposed plaque and a sketch showing the location of the plaque. Many questions '~nbre asked by the commission members, and the hearing was adjourned at 8s30 P.P~. tir. Michelson statedi~iatin addition to the proposed plaque, the Lexington Jaycees also wanted to display a sign on the flagpole.. Mr. Michelson showed the commission this signs and it was agreed that another hearing would be held in this regard. Upon. motion duly made ar~d second®d, it was VOTED to issue a certificate of appropriateness to the Lexington Junior Chamber of Commerce with respect to the installation and display of a plaque on the Battle Green, which is within the Battle Green District. Also present at the meeting was Mr. Charles H. Cole, Architect, representing the Trustees of the 1775 Realty Trust, in connection with their adjourned hearing oa November 17, 1 965. Mr. Cole stated that the Trustees have made changes in the original drawings that the commission viewed on November 17c Mr. Cole showed the members photographs of the Massachusetts Avenue and Emery `park elevations aid explained the changes involved. It was agreed tka3t Mr. Frederick ''onroy, Attorney, would wYtte a letter to the commission granting an a xtension of time in which the commission would act on the application. The meeting was adjourned at 1015 P/. ~..1~-.~-t~ Philip B. Parsons Secretary ~a +r~z^ii er S, r ~ ~ Ckure~'~~ 7i Me9~a a~i ~aacrx.+~ea c+!` ~roant~uastta~ 1~5~, ens + s s ae ~ et a ~a * axa~ez~t~. ~~1wRrwa o~ t ~s l~.br a~ ~ a ats~ues:rana as mad F at I~73t ~isaa+txshwratta :~vea~a~ ~3~ le id tk Lba t~,a ~s IIf.aB~a~. ~!a? u et~ocx~ et dt~° tt~t te~t#.ate oP a ~ a~zd a lakes erf' t~ ~'~7' +~d„1+aiia ~a k + lraaea ~a quad a ao~thm~r71.~ area~arl;~ s~ sat ~izt 11br~s and. a l as~$ ~"onca ~~i.a~ aaet.~ar7.~r tea ed~s asF aSld +qa1 +t~aries ~1treMrt ' ~raa~m~~' aida t' ~~,n actt~s~re. 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