HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-10 Novexbec 1Ci, 2965 The Hiatnric Districts Commission met at the time arxi place ~ecified im tk~i public notice of t3~,e krarireg on thi application of Cary T~tmorial Library for a t3irtif~.cat.e of Apprmpriate~sa with respect to c banger in the axteric+r architectural features of the ~~~brary and the surrounding structures at 187tt liassachus~;tts Avernta, which is withiat tt?e Battle stain l~.atrict. Present were Donald R. {3rant, Chair, Philip B. Parsons, Hicrat~ry, l~ilbar 1[. Jaquith and t3nacsrge t}raves and Associate Commisaiorrr Donald lq`hita. Tar chairman read tYia nartice of hearing and the lmtters of application dated Septembir 2~, 1965, and pctaber 11, 1965. The chairman stated that ®a September 9, 1965,, the aommiasion lied voted to deny a previous application submitted by the library. The pleas prepared by l~[iss Ruth Lii?ay sad aubial.tted with the ®ctober 11 letter ,rare ahorm to the members. 1Er. Karl $yran and lira. ~li~abith Clark re}areaaatecl the library, as ~r®11 eta Rasa Lariby and tl~ cosnazission asked Chow questions. Thi commiaaion agreed that it would be helpful to have a riudering of the proposed pro~ict as will as a picture of the fencing to be used. The hearing was ad3ouraed at 8rtt5 F'. B[. until lla~vember 17, 1965 at 9g!x? P.~. ~ at which time R$aa Leiby wotii].d present this material to the cosmission. xr. Richard bdiahelson, cahairmat2 oY the `a'lt ~av.r j''1ag iplyia~g ~%4m~i.ttsi was j~resent at the meetirsg and stated that ha wanted to shesw the commission the proposed aiga that the La~ington Jaycees wanted to place at the base of the flag pals. Tlr caa~mission view®d the scale drawing of the sign, andt~ae chairman stated the hearing will be hmld ~ December I, 1965. Also present at the meeting wars 1~easra. Levi. Hurried, ~•eslia Mirk, and C. Harry Hriakaoa representing the i'ublic Iracilitiis and lnformatlan Center Canmitteo. Tha committee wishes to erica a sign and have additional lighting oa thm nax building. It was agreed that a hearing ba held an Decemtter 8, 1965. B~cs. t3eorge P. l[oreya Prcaident of the l•exi.ngtpn Historical fociety, was also pr®seat at the meeting and indicated that xork was to soon start fo the e~cav~ti©a of the hancock-G].arki lipase. It was agreed that rte hearir~ was nesseaaary in this regard' but a hearing would bi necessary to erect signs or fancin~;. Discussion was had with regard to the compensation of the clerk of the coamaission. Upon. motion duly made and s®canrhrcl, it was unani;ym~asly ~fC'I'F~A tt+ increase the c4lexic's arr~ee from th® rata flf X1.75 per hour to $2.OQ par hoar iffetativa as of Rc?vbcr 1, 1965. ~ The meeting xaa adjourned at 1t]i3 ~i~/,/. , J/~ P ap H. Parsons 9acretary