HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-06-02 Jury 2, 1945 Tle Historic Districts Commission met at thi time and place specified in the public notice of the hearing on the application of the Trustees of Battle Green artments Tx'tstst by their agent Niles Company Inc., for a certificate ~f Appropriateness ~r the erection and display of a sign at 32 - h2•Worthen Road, which is within the Battle Green District. Present were ~'lilbur Jaqu.ith, Philip B. Parsons, Ruth Bevan and George Graves and Associate Comn!issioners Max H. Stiraw and Donald B. ~tlhite. The chairman b eing absent from the meeting, up3n rv~tion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED that Wilbur M. Jaquith be elected Chairman Pro Tempore for the meeting. The chairman read the letter of application and the notice of hearing.. Present in behalf of Niles Company, Inc., were F. William Smith and Paul Boyd. Mr. Smith presented the commission w ith a scale drawing of the proposed sign prepared by Charles Cole, Architect. Many questions were asked Mr. Smith and Adr. Boyd by the commission members, and the hearing was adjourned at 6:30 P. Upon motion duly made ar~3 seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a certificate of appropriateness to Battle Green Apartments Trust with respect to the .erection and display of a permanent sign by the applicant in the central grassed area in front of the apartment dwelling units located at Nos. 32 - 42 Worthen Road, which is within the Eattle Green District, Hearing was held at 8:30 P, M. on the application of Norman S. Rabb, Trustee, of Athens Realty Trust for an amendment of an existing certificate of appropriateness and for the issuance of an additional certificate with respect to proposed new structures on Bedford Street and Worthen R.¢>ad, which is within the Battle Green District. The chairman r ead the letter of application and the notice of hearing. Present in behalf of Athens Realty 'Prust were Messrs. John Silver, Manager of Planning & Engineerir~ Department, who present the commission with a set of scaled drawings of the proposed building and changes. Also present in behalf of Stop and Shop Inc. were Mr, Crowley, Mr. Melrose, an Attorney, and other representatives. Mr. Silver described the plans to the commission members and answered many questions asked by tha members. Als® present were representatives of future occupants of the other stores pr;~posed by Stop & Shop, including Mr. Bernard Healey who plans to operate a dry-cleaning business, and Mr. T®wne re~~resentinb David Buttrick Company, both of whom answered questions asked by the commission, The chairman asked if there was any opposition to the application. Mr. Paul B®yd stated that he represented the ownership of Battle Green Apartments and that his company had held previous meetings with representatives of Stop and Shoo Inc, He furt?~er stated that he did object to the present plans as presented. No one else wishing to be heard, the hearing was adjourned at 11:05 P, M. Upon motion duly made atr3. seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Athens Realty Trust with respect to the amendment and m©dification of Certificate ofAppropriater~ ss No. 137 issued ti the applicant on February l~, 1965, for the erection of a supermarket building and certain signs for the premises which face on both Bedford Street arri ,~orthen Road, which is within the Battle Green District. ' The meeting was adjourned a t 1:10 ,~`~Dda~%~~ ~~`r Philip B. Parsons Secretar3r J~ue to the :tnnbili.ty of co~issZono~a Donald R. Grant and ,Ruth Bevan tp act on the pp~;ition off' Trug . ,~,,,,,_,y the cizais~ desi~r.!etes ~.:~aaciatps ~.~GK .,.`~.~t3".~..,.~ISS~.~w..~~.ti.G....a............._..~.v..~...... .,,...~.~..~.....<.e tQ~Ex'V,^a lra, th.:~s acticra. ff ~ r i .,.._.June 2,_~~_.e...,._..-_..__ v~..,._.~._.. ~ 1?atc Chr~ix'~ar~n Pro Tempore ~y.~ B x', I 't ~ i i a . ~ . ~ t'. fir. r;:. DLBe to the inF:bil3.t~ a~' comniissiorao~s Donala R. ,rant .....~.~_~.,_.........._..w~..._~...~....~.._,.....d_.._._._.. to sct on the peti i a.nn o:t' .~„s~?e ,rp ~Aeartments T~,g,~,,,..,,,^; '~h~ C`taiT dos~~l'SAt~s ?uSOCia~~s _.v.~,........~..~,....~Y...~a...a~ g~ ..,~.e...........,..._...~~.~..~. ~.~.........?~_..~.s 'i, U 5 G 1' V ~ '~Y:~.S SCtioi'1. T)~~,te ~h~1~'~~~ `Pro empore 3s ~ ~ 7y .~o~a ~erarw~ar ~t' tee ~ a~ ~ ~3 '~m~Not arit~ ~ ~a asx~ ~1~ at ti+~ of . 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