HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-11-12 r 12a ~la~t Rist~?ria ~istriats ~es~isaia~a ~ at ?x3t? F'.~. is the ttonf~fix~arna,R RaarE, As~sesors Qtti~ll. ~2'eieilt Rera 1~alAa~.d ~r ~1'al'it' ~hairmata~ Ril$ur JaQtli~il't' ~tutl? Rsv~s, tfeox~a ~ravea cad Aaaaciate Gcisaianer Earl BrTant. Tha aacrataz~ being absent Tract aha meati~~ ttpoaa sa4tien duly' made and seapxtdsd, it was 1fQ'7 tbat Oa®sgs dx~avaa be alacted sacretarX Pre TeRpore Tcsr -this meeti~ag. The chtiraan stated that ~ had been inf'oz°~[od tlyat thrra was s discrepanay f.s tha i"rcantags ow the prager4y at 1t2 ~aoc4~ dtrsst, which is td.thia tha woe&-C~.ark~r I>istricls. Tips chal.rmasa yre?esntrd 'k~a summaries aT his ccamrarsatians with irk mare Jr.a wha bm9.ttsd te? h~ capias QP twra plat plans of L!~ prnpe~ty ixt gmsativs. ~1e stated that hs had had cscanversationa with Dazgp}.d Tswi~sy ~uildirygs Inspactor. fir. Jaquit~t stated that ha had had cen?exsatioaa with ~'k ire, ~1r. and Doswld js~win,, Buildings Tnapecter. gh Rat ganexal dis~saic~xs with regard #.c Cartitieate Re. l~ai dated June 1964, to ~ar}c fiber®, Jr. ~ q'~,:tees cT xcax~s Realty '~ruatf with respect to tha araetion 4T a singly ~aTai3y chnal.ling Kith tR©~ar garage attached an t2te pre~i.aes at tt2 ~anccsck ~ttreet. It Rau datsrmined that a meeting wSUld ba set itsT 2neseday,~ t~vembar 2?, a96h, at a:tom 1~.8~. im the Ssaectamn~s Roass. gha mmetia~g Rya sd~aux~ad at 9tl~5 F'.iC. Oaorga R. Graves Rscrefia7cy Pra ~emiperre