HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-07-16 July 16, 196!} The Historic Districts Commission met at 7130 P. M. on Thursday, July 16, 196lt, in the Selectmen's Roam, Town Office Building. Present were ~Pilbur Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth Bevan and George T. Graves. The chairman Donald R. (}rant being absent from the meeting, Wilbur M. Jaquith was t~sn;mously elected Chairman Pro Tempore, The purpose of the meeting was an informal meeting with Lester N. Lechter, who presented exterior views for the proposed building to be erected on the parcel of land known as the Central Block on Massachusetts Avenue. Hearing was held at 8:15 P. J~. on the application of First Pariah Church (Unitarian) for a Certificate of Appropriateness for changing the location of an existing building, for the eroction of fencing and for the construction of certain parking and other bituminous concrete areas in the rear of the premises at Nos. 1 and 7 Barrington Road, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Donald R. Grant, Chairman, was present for the remainder of the meeting and read the left®r of application rec®ived f rom:Mr. Carl Blak®, Chairman of the Parish Cos~miittee. Yr. Blake submitted a number of phorogra~hs for study by the commission as well as plot plans. VSP ions questions were asked Mr. Blake by members of the commission. Also present at the hearing was fir. John Sampson,8 Bedford Streset, who d ascribed the white picket fenc® proposed at the rear of hi.s property and t}ae church prop®rty. The hearing was adjourned at 8:~5 P. M. also present at the meeting were the following m®mbers of the Public Facilities is the $attle Green Committee: Mrs. Ruth Morey, Leslie York a nd C. Barry Erickson, Architect. Mr• Erickson showed a scaled drawing of the proposed building to be erected n®ar Buckman Tav®rn and a plot plan of the area. It was stated that an application Yrould be submitted at a later date, Mr. I• Douglas, Trustee,. of Le~d.ngton Plaza Treat, also appe~ed before the commission and presented the commission with a drawing of the proposed buildings to be erected on Bedford Street at ~forthen Road. Mr. Douglas stated that he planned to submit an application in the near future. T~ seating was adjourned stet ll~al5 P~~i• ip B. arsons S 86retaYy c~raFxc~~e of ~p~~~ Thin certificate is issued purauazrE to Chapter ~3t7, Aa~ta a~ Resolves of gasaschuaettse 19~Fi, as amended to 'Tt1a First Parish Church (1JnitariaA) with reapeast to the following iteata to be coiaatrueted on the premises owned by the church anal irontiztg on Barriz}gton a?,oad artd Bedford gtreet, wl?ich is within thr Battlr (3rean I3iatriet. 1. For the replaaeeaitit of ttte wire mesh fencing alora~g the Bedford Street boundary of the paraQnage property of approximately the eam® style as is presentlq located slang said frantagey the assts to lee between four and Five feet in height. 2. For the ereetioa of a White picket f®nce betnaeen tour and five feat in height running in a general westerly direction from Bedford Street along the rear boundary of the parsonage property ark then turning and runninS northweaterlq along the rear boumiary lima of t2te Basapson property and siong the rear boundary lines of such othajr abutters whose properties tees on Ir3edfeard street as the church may desire. For the ereastion of new iencea in the locations shown in blue on the a ketch aul~aitted to the commission with the applications such fe~cea to be of the semi style as that described in paragraph (1} shoos. For the replacse~e~ of the aai.ating tasacea in the iatatioa?a ahGrrrxt in red appearing os the aforemerrtioe'ted sketch along the aldeline bouxxlariaa of the parcel on which the church building itself is located, such fences to be of the as style described in paragraph fl} hereof. l~ctr tt+e installation of a lalack top surface on the area arose hatched in broosm onthe aforeamntioned sketch aasd an the driveRay to be eonatructefl in to the idilaa property. Traffic directional markers say be painted in white or green on said black top a,~rfacaa, but no other lines are to be painted thereon. Rhia oertitic~ata is isaural upon the expressed condition that the applicant a_ui its auceesaora in interest shall install and maintain along the canon bvux:aary line b~txeen the property of tl~ applicant and the old Burying E3rouxxi a planting strap approximately four feet in width which wi11 at all ti~a bas planted With evergreens of a heighb at least equal that of the aforementioned fences. 1~IdTARTG nZST~TGT~ C. SlO~I by (9i~d} 3}anald d. Grant 4hairman Bate duly 2~, 1963# Certiflasate go. 133 The applicannt is also given psrmilaafon to reacrve the ehildrenaa playhouse now located in the rear of the church building to the approximate locs~ed marked "Playhauae" on the afore- seantioflsd aketeh. Zia the area iu which the applicant wishes to a+aver with black top in#ne vicinity of the lacation marked np~bouae~ on the aforementioned sketch is not visible from array public street or ways flea commission takes: no Action with r~aapect to that feature of the application for the reason that no approval is required by the commission.