HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-06-09 d:tsaa 9, 19~ The historic I?istricta Commission met at the time and place specified in the public :Mice of the hearing on the application of Bark Moore dr., for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the erection of a new dwelling at 11.2 hancock Street and with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features on the dwelling at L?0 Hancock Street, which is within the ~ cock- Clarke District. Present were Donald R. Grant, Chairman Philip B. Persona, Secretary, Muth Hevaa~ George H. Graves and lfilbur Jaquith. The chairman read the letter of application. Mr. Mark Moore dr., appeared sacs hie own behalf and presented the commission with scale drawing of the proposed building at ~2 Hancock Street. He also showed too commission the plat plan which indicated the proposed road on which he plans to have additional twuse lets. Siace Yr. Moore indicated that he would like to make further changes is this p~ipoaed building,. further conaideratian of the applicationwas deferred until Dionday, duns 15, 1961x. Cdr. ldoore presented the commission with a brochure show~.ng the proposed windows he intends to use at 110 Hancock Street. Ptirther discussion will be held on this application on Juz:e 15, 1964. Dir. Deafer N. I.eehter, Architect, for Minute Mau Park Nealty Trust, appeared at tYes meeting to make an informal presentation on a proposed bu.il~ing bo erected at 1839 Maaaachus®tts Avenue follawing the demolition of the Cet~ral Block. Before discussion of the prop®aed plans, the chairman 1[r. Grant, xithdrow from the meeting and Wilbur li. dagAi.th was appointed ~hairman Pro Tamp®re. lir. Leehter presented plena shmring proposed elevations and rra®f designs. The commission felt that the plans as presented were insufficient to make a satisfactory presentation of how the proposed building world leek upon completion and requested Mr. Lechter to prepare a perspective design and present them at a auhaequent informal meeting with the coiasion. Mr. i]rant stated that he had received a call from ~athsrine harringtvn, 18811 ltassachu~tta Avenue, with regard to various windoi~s in the egi.sting house. In rise of the fad's that sho'waa ma3ataining these windsws 1,n the same condition, a certificateof appropriatexbsss was not required. The chairman read a letter received from the historic Districts Commission in Ipsnf.ch regarding their desire to meet frith members of the I,exingt®n Historic Districts Cea~n3.ssion. St was agreed that Mr. Grant wmnld contact them and if possible arrange a meeting between hi~+self and a member of their ccumr?iasion in Boston. The meeting was a d3ourned at 11: P ~ P ip B. ~'areons Secretary