HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-04 Nareh 4, 1964 • The Historic Districts Commission met at the time and place specified in the pui~lic notice of the hearing on the application of Raymond F. Boudreau, Txv.stea of the Rayco Realty Trust, for a certificate of approari.ateness for a nary building to ba erected on Lot C on the southeasterly side of lforthan Road, and for a sign to b e erected and displayed in connection xith said buildiug~ which is xlthin the Battle Green District. Present vrera 'Donald R. Grant, Chairman, Phi~,ip B. Yarsona, Secretary, Ruth Bevan and Wilbur E. Jaquith and Associate Commissioner ~Pilliam B. Hoyt. The chairmanaead the notice of hearing. ldr. Lester N. Lachter, Architect, appeared i.n behalf of the application and submitted a set of draxings to the commissions Also present at the hearing xere Charlaa Hs C®la, Hugh Chapin and Paul Boyd of Niles Inc. Questions xere asked amt opinioas expressed by Messrs. Chapin., Cola and Boyd as to the possible re-zoning of a portion of the applicant*s land from R-1 to C-2 and as to the possible effects of such re-zoning on ttse application and the commissionss consideration of the application; Questions xere also asked by the various commission members. The hearing xas adjourned at 9soo P. t6• Upon motion duly made and seconded,. it xas VCTED that further consideration of the application of Raymond F, Boudreau, Trustee of Rayco Realty Trust, for a certificate of appropriateness be deferred to Badnesday, March 25, 19b4. Hearing xas held at 9s00 P, M• on the application of E7.1.en M. Sullivan, doing Tarsiness as Colonial Coffee Houae~ for a certificate of appropriateness of a i~ sign to be erected on the premises at 2g Depot 3quare,which is xithin tho Battle Green Districts T h3 chairman read the notice of hearing and the latter received from tYie applicant. tors. Ellen Y. Sullivan appeared in her oxn behalf and presented the commission with additional draxings of the proposed sign. garious questions xere asked by the commission mesabars, Alao appearing in favor of this application xas ar, James Corrigan. The hearing xas adjourned at 9sls P. M• Upon motion ding made and seconded, it xas YCTED that t he commission defer further consideration of the application of Ellen Id. Sullivan for a certificate of ap propri.atenesa until Na.rch 18, 19641 pending a conference between Mr. Philip B. Parsons and the d eaigner of the sign. The meeting xas ad~ourne_d at,l s00 P. M' II ip B. ~ar ~ ns Seeretaxq •