HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-01-08 Janna.ry 8, 19filt The Historic Districts Commission met at the tame and place specified in. the public notice of the hearing on the application of Y, it. Douglas, Trastea of Lexington Plaza Trust, for a certificate of appropriateness for per~ai.asion to ~olish a garage building located at 36 Bedford Street and a txo-family house and aged located at }~0 Bedford, Street! xhich is within the Battle Green District, Present were Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth Bevan and. ~'eorge F.(3raves and Associate Commissioner Ralph A. Burnham. The chairman beixg abse~ from the me sting, upon motion duly made and seconded, Wilbur M. Jaquith was unan~ausly elected Chairman Pro Tempore for the meeting. The chairman read the notice of hearing. Mr. Douglas appeared i.n behalf of the application and stated that only the garage building located at 36 Bedford Street xas xithinthe Historic Districts He submitted a photograph of the building in question Various questions were asked by the coaimisaion members. Also pre~YrtatThe hearing was Mr. Timothy Corbett, representing gatherine Corbett and Mildred F. Johnson of 25 Bedford Street, xho spoke infavor of the demolition of the building. The hearing was ad3ournedat SslS P. M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOT&D that the commission issue a permit for demolition or removal purmxant to Chapter 4~t7, Aata sad Resolves of Massachusetts, 195bs as amended, to I. W. Douglas, Trnstea of Lexington Plaza Trust, to demolish or remove the existing garage building located at 36 Bedford Street, which is within t he Battle Green District. Further discnssian xas bald at $s15 P. M. on the application of The Raarganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day 3aiats for a Certificate of Appropriateness for eateries arlthitectural features of the proposed church building to be erected at 1386 Massachusetts Avenue, which is xithi~n the Munroe Tavern District, Pr®semt in behalf of the a~licatioa were M'r. Mugene F. Garters Paster, Lcixard I[, Bridge, Architect, Mr. Victor 1lCitte and members of the Building Catmnittae• Mr.~" Bridge submitted a set of three draxings to the eommi:ssicn for their rewards. Various questions were asked the applicants by the members of the cammtssian. Also present atth3 hearing was Mr. Hrn?ard Johnson arf 1377 ~asaachusetts Avenue: xho was is favor of the application bat had a question with regard to xhether or not the steeple xould b® lighted, And if so, would there be a timing device. jt was agreed that a meeting be held on Tuesday, January 2l, 196l~, in the Selectmen's Roam to further discuss the application. At this time ~e architect would submit to the commissic~ txa other elevations sad the possibility of floodlighting the steeple xculd be discussed. A letter received from Raymond scheublin, President of Lexington Trust Company, dated January 3, 1964, was read, with x+egard to tMir xish to xithdrax their application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the illumination of an ®xisting sign at 1.$22 Massachusetts Avemie,which is within the Battle Green District,. Upon motion duly made and secandsd, it xas Vf)TED that the Commission accept their offer to withdrax the application filed os ?Iovember 19, 1963, such xithdrawal to be xitho'nt prejudice to the fi7.ing of a nex application at ar.~y t ime. The meeting was mourned at _ • Pbi~.ip B. Parsons Secrstaxg ~,L lti~a~a~t ~ ~ ~ 1~tf ~ ~i`~~ ~EbU ~Y1A ~ fir, 1~8, aw bo Z. f ~ of tit 1~3,as~? ?rwr1,, t~¢~o1~s~? ~r r ~t x~~ M; ~s 1~ ~'~1 3~q~' ~ ~.~ii~# ~1la ~