HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-06-04 ,:f June 1~., 2963 The historic Districts Commission met at the time and place specified in the public notice of the hearing on the application of Donald R. Grant for a certificate of appropriateness with respect to the exterior architectural features and colors of the dwelling with attached garage and the fencing on the premises at 23 Somerset Road and for the continued existence and maintenance of the same, which dwelling, garage and fencing are within the Hancock-Clarke district. Present. were Wilbur Aq. Jaquith, Philip Parsons, ~ ecretary, Ruth Bevan, George Graves and A ssociate Commissioner Gilliam B . Hoyt. The Chairman being absent from the meeting as a member of the Commission, upon motion duly made and seconded, Wilbur M. Jaquith was unanimously effected Chairman ~'ro Tempore for the meeting. The Chairman read a portion of the letter of applic~:tion, dated may 2, 1963, received from the applicant. Donald R. Grant appeared in behalf of the application. Also present were g~ancis K. Smith, attorney for Louis Stoico, Inc., the builder and previous owner, anal Mr. and Airs. Milton H. Bretseher of .~3 hancock Street. Mr. Grant summarized the factual situation regarding erection of the dwelling, garage and fence without applying for a certificate of appropriateness and submitted to the Commission the following items; 1. Copy of undated Plan No. 52, Sheets loos. 1, 5 and 6, Louis Stoico Designer, showing the easterly, southerly northerly and westerly elevations respectively. 2. Four photographs showing two views of the easterly and northerly elevations, one view of the southerly and easterly e'~vation and a portion of the fence and one view of the westerly elevation. 3. dopy of Plot Plan for Lot 2, dated Nov. 29, 1962, and certified by &~ilbur C. Nylander. 4• Copy of Plan showing locus and entitled nSubdivision Flan of Land in Lexington Fred A. Joyce, Surveyor," dated July l2, 195. filed with Middlesex South Registry District on Jan. 21, 1857 in Book 572, Page 27 and filed with the 2g 7B . L ffi e on Feb. 2 1 6 as Plan No. 7 and Re istration 0 c 95 g ~ (The applicant requested and was granted permission to withdraw this plan after the hearing). Available at the hearing on loan from the ]3u.ilding Inspector were the .original Application for Permit to Build, dated pctober lb, 1962 and .granted October 1$, 1962, and the plans filed with the application, neither of which showed that part of the buildings were within an historic district. Also available was a copy of the plan of the Hancock-Clarke Historic District prepared by .chard Gayer, Town Engineer, dated March, 1957. It was noted that this • plan did not show the locus as a lot separated from ~o. lyl Hancock gene 4,1963 Street although the subdivision plan showing both ~o. 45 hancock S treat and the locus as separate lots had been filed with the Middlesex.Kegistry District on January 21, 1957. the commission members asked various questions and discussed various aspects of • the application. On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED that the exterior architectural and color features of the existing dwelling, attached garage and the fencing on the premises at 23 Somerset Road are appropriate for the purposes of Chapter /~,t+.7, as amended, and are appropriate for the Hancock-~ larke District, and that a certificate of appropriateness be issued for said architectural anal color features and for the continued existence and maintenance of said dwelling, garage and fencing as now erected. The Commission then discussed the possibility of additional building permits being granted in historic districts without certificates of appropriateness being first obtained. dpon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED that the Commission bring to the attention of the building Inspector the fact that a building permit has been issued for the erection of a dwelling in one of the historic districts without a certificate of appropriateness having first been issued, and that this be done in form of a letter signed by the secretary with copies to the hoard of Selectmen and Manning B oard, and request that steps be taken to prevent a repetition of a similax error in the future. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P~. M Philip B . parsons Secretary 3 tRQ 1n p.y naRk ~w i., ~`r~~r.a?Q~.. fr _ Xq.s. ,`Y. ep3 3 ;-'"~x nut w,s,: r, ',~'a,sa ~IW, ul y;i .ra, .:,t ''3 5:, ~,k nro?,~ t}'~~~:' F, xx ry'3~ ~t µe~~#. ~ l .'a: r~„ew~~,, r as 3 rr' a, ,k` b~lr Lea. 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Y Y .Y {"s ^ r°.z4 a ,t~. ~~^&at "C::,"ae rF a"#~$ i. ~ aN ~,..;x~~'`~a.;'o-~ A dx, a X ~ ( p'.. @':' rn Arv ti 5 4 h; r N'` M`.^. ry` # ri . ~.,.tllr ya ~ eu, ,~..g ~iFn ,r y p ?3 .r °a'd ib ~'¢R .,n d V`Ss F T L. . .f .i ,At , _Y: .~k.u F-'fin h4 ,~.,.b, i TOV~N OF LEXINGTON 1V1'arrczchurettr ~ ~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION 5 Due to the interest of Commissioner vonald R. Grant in the application of Donald R, urant, 23 Somerset Road, for a certificate of appropriateness filed by him an May 3, 1963, the chair designates associate commissioner William B. Hoyt to serve in this action. Y V ~ ~ t hairman Pro G p i June 6, 1963 ill •