HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-11-07 "'Y . Na4eadber 7, 19b2 • The Histor3a Districts CoaHaission met at $s00 P. M. oa ~oveml~er 7, 1962, is t he Selectmen's Room for farther consideration on the application of Raymond F. Bondreau,_Trnat®a of Rayco Realty Tra.st. Present were Donald 8. Ehant! Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary and Associate Gommiaaionera Charles Cole, WY11iam B. l~oyt! and Carl B. Bryant. Also ~eaent were 1'k'. Raymond E. Boudreau and fir, heater ~fi, Lechter, .Architect. The chairman diacusasd with Boudraan the problems ari.aing out of the death of Mr. Tdood wince the last meeting on October 31, 19b2, and the inability of Mr, dagnith to be present this evening! which Taft the csomnnission with only four mambera and associate members! who originally took the mattex and®x consideration. Hr. Boudreau! after being advised of tk?s rights and the premises agreed to continBe on with further consideration of this matter by four remaining members and associate ?aembers plus Mr, Bryant to sit in as an associate member in order tbgt fi4e members participate in the decision. l~r, Lechtsr aui~itted teas drawing which had been re-drawn for the consideration of the commission. There was considerable discussion sad various questions wars asked I4r. Boudreau and Hr. Lachter„ tea motion made and daly sseoonisd~ it wan unanimously V(nBD to grant to Raymotxi Boudreau, Trnatea of Rayco Realty Trust a certificate of appropriateness with respect to the erection of an office building on I~o~ C on the south®rly side of laic?rthera Road! which is within the Battle Green District. The meeting was ad3ournsd at 8s};0 P. ~4. Ph , _ p H~ Parsons --~.yy i~ Sscretax~ • TOWN OF LEXINGTON ,»s Marrachuretxr a _ ~a HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Due to the inability of Commissioners Bdxin B. ~rthen, Cyrus Wood, and Wilhur Jaquith to act on the petitions of &ayco Realty Trast, the chair designates associate commissioners Charl®a H. Cole, William B. Hoyt and Carl Z$. Bryant. Chairnan November 1962 ~ MlP o!l~aaN~r is t:M~aaad ~ tr~r~', a i w~w? as ?0 16• ';t~art~ ~a~MMr ,l~s3t~r ~ ~ tar tiea ~ M~'i M`s M~ 3~1'i ~i ~ t~ •Maaa~r7~~,4? a 1? fall td.a? tsar ~tt1a ~ ~t+et1?. d~ ~yraale ~x~, M~rola~tl?m~arsl laralD M~' t'1~ #~t3m~ ~r a ~x aa~ r°~~„ at ~ ~ 4.t ~rt~awa ~Macia<ttaat# !daaa. ~t~b A~it, 111C T~lia~ar ~eaMis3aE~tw ~ raa to r~~s oa aat tea ad~n aas~rtla~g ~aaa~ar 7r ~r a!' tDs ~a~ raa 4'Iw b~.oka t~o bs aM~ ~ w~lxs raw to aas~?rra aMr M~tr~r as reib7~? ~ a~ ~a1~y ~ st' bx'~~tlr aa~i~tM~ to ~4 aM rd.tlt • fMaat t ir~arrr ~ bye as its» thtaaa3 l1ar at' t3a~ t~ sp'payr~'ta~ ~a tba~E ,MMm?, sC~ ~s~as M~RI tie x~!` MM!tiM to ~ o~ sash) ~ ar~d? ~ to aaalc ae MMI~#'~? •a' s~~s is M~a Me-MU?~d sh*~ b~lsa<Aa a~' i~rd 1Us~er- al~iytl~w tad ~ tdsat 'awnw to b+r as i~lsmaa er! s . ~t sM• ~ s+p ~sa?xld t~~? s~' sad r at ' ~ Maud t~M?i*Mt ara tm bt sapr ~r~sa t~~s t af" aaa~ ~rlaaa+~i+~ of tea a ars alb ~?a ategrsa~rit~3oaasrd ~r asst tr~ab laarvs a !m Mt>Ei~9Rt a~ data s<s of ~riatcM t~ sl~.~rtlam t~tat bs s~~a aaro ~e ~ Mr! r~ atiMas dqt ssaMdas+s>Mr. tae t~ y t~ ~+a p1S~aa~ax°s~, 1~ar ~ t ~ asd t~ dsa~s asv? baF ~rtata~ Mt~ti« %6G~1t T ~r i7~ ~r"f # 't M ps i4~R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TKO ~,t'~'~i1M1 ~ ~~qr 3~? M~+i~p ~ gl~ '+Mt T ~ ffi ~ • ~s +E~ ? ~t? ~i L. .