HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-10-24 October 2E~, 1962 . The Historic Districts Commission :set at the time and pla ca specified in the public notice of the hearing os the application of Kenneth M. with for a certificate of appsopriatesass for changes in the exterior architectural_faaturas of the building at 10 Muzsey Street, xhich is within the Battle Crean District. Present ware Donald R« Grant, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secsretary, Cyrus Woody Wilbur Jaquith and Associate Commissioners Charles K. Cole and William B« Hoyt« The chairman read the notice of hearing and the latter received fra~m the applicant« Appearing in his own beh~Mlf was Mr. Kenneth M. Smith. The commission members asked Mr. Smith various questions regarding the application. Qn motion made and duly seconded, it was unanimously VOTRD to grant to Kenneth M. Smith a certificate of appropriateness with regpect to the continued use of changes which have been made in the ezterior architectural features of td:e dwelling at 10 Muzzey Street, which is within the Battle (~raen District, Hearing was held at $:15 P. ~4. on the application of. Raymond F. Boudreaut Trustee of Rayco Realty Trust, for a certificate of a ppropriate~asa for the erection of an office building oa Lot C on the southerly aide of Worthen Road, which is within the Battle Crean District„ The chairman read the latter received from Mr. Lester N. Lechter, Appearing in behalf of the application was Mr« Raymond F. Boudreau. and Imo. Lester N. Lecht~, Arehitect~. Mr, Boudreau and Mr. Lechter presented the commission members with sketches of the proposed building, maps, scaled drawings, plot plans, end samples of shingles and bricks. Various questions were a eked the applicants by the members« Also present were Mrs. John Whelan and Pfr.'Frederick Johnson, both owners of ~ property is the area, whn~indicated their approval of the proposed building„ The hearing was a djoarnedat 9:15 P. M. There was conaiderabla discussion with regard to the applicsation« It was agreed that the eommisaioa neat on October 31, 1962, in the Selectmen~s Room at Sa00 P. M. to further disease the application with Mr. Lechter and Mr. Boudreaa Also present at the meeting was. Miss Lillian Viaao, Agent Felix Realty Trust. The chairman r cad the letter received from Mica Viax~, which requested a change in one of the exterie r colors of the .banding at 5 - 8 Maazey Street. The commission members asked Miss Viano c~estions is this regard. On motiau made and duly s econded, it vas unanimously VOTE to grant to Felix Realty Treat a eertifieate of appropriateness for a change ixt one of the exterior colors of tkse building at 6 - 8 Mn$zay Street, which is within the Battle Crean District. The chairman r cad a latter rec~iv ed.from the Appropriations Committee with regard to the Historic District Go~ission expenditures for 1963« It was agreed that X500.00 be requested for the coming year« The meeting was adjourned.at 10:~?0~~i'+~~ lip B. Parsons Secretary TOWN OF LEXINGTON ,r~s" Mar.~acbusett~ . HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION • Dae to the inability of Coaaeissioner ltidtrin B. Worthen to act on the petitions of Kenneth M. Smith aryl Felix Realty Treat, the chair designates associate commissioners Charles H. Cole amd William B. SoyE to serve in this action. Chairman October 2?a, 19b2